Rules For Jumbled Sentence

Jumbled Sentence Rules:

You need to know the Rules for Jumbled Sentences before you jump on to the questions. 

To know how to start and end a sentence, what word precedes or secedes, and how to join two words or sentences, it is important to have a knowledge of the rules that are set forth for you below. Give them a quick read.

rules for jumbled sentences

Some Important Points and Rules for Jumbled Sentence:-

Rule 1: 

Try to find out the topic explained in the paragraph or in the sentence. This can be done by looking for words that are repeated frequently in the sentence.

Rule 2:

If a specific word is repeated in more than one sentence then the sentences can be placed one by one in the paragraph.

Rule 3:

If a sentence starts with a ‘name’ of person, then that sentence will surely be the 1st sentence in the paragraph.

Rule 4:

If a sentence starts with pronouns other than ‘You’ and ‘I’, then definitely that sentence will not be the 1st sentence of the paragraph

Rule 5:

The sentences starting with the words ‘That’, ‘These’, ‘Thus’ and ‘Those’, then also those sentences will not come 1st in the paragraph.


Rule 6:

If an article is present at the starting of a sentence. Then the chances of that sentence to be the 1st in the paragraph is more

Rule 7:

If all the articles are present as the starting words of different sentences then they are arranged as follows

  • The sentence starting with ‘A’ comes first
  • The sentences starting with ‘An’ and ‘The’ will follow the sentence starting with ‘A’.

Rule 8:

If there are 3-sentences starting with ‘But’, ‘So’ and ‘Now’ respectively. Then those 3-sentences will be arranged in the following order

  • Sentence starting with ‘But’
  • Sentence starting with ‘So’
  • Sentence starting with ‘Now’

Rule 9:

If the given set of sentences consists of  a simple, compound and complex sentences they are arranged in the following manner

  • Simple sentence –  A sentence consisting of only one clause, with a single subject and verb.
    • Rohan waited for the cab.
  • Compound sentence – a sentence that consists of 2-independent clauses connected to one another with a conjunction
    • Rohan waited for the cab, but the cab was late.
  • Complex sentence – a sentence that consists of an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses connected to it
    • Rohan realized that the cab was late while he waited at the cab stop. (Or)
    • While he waited at the cab stop, Rohan realized that the cab was late.

Rule 10: 

If a sentence starts with the words HenceFinally or Therefore then that sentence comes last in the paragraph.

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Some Example Questions:

Question 1

A. Till date it has no cure.
B. Ebola outbreak is the most deadly virus in human history.
C. Research is still at large to find the cure.
D. It has taken numerous lives in Africa.

What is the correct order of the sentences?


Answer:Option D (BDCA)
Explanation: Correct Option D, as clearly from that Rules of Jumbled Sentence we can verify the sequence of the paragraph.

    • 1st sentence B – it starts with the name of a disease. (here, the paragraph is about Ebola.)
    • 2nd sentence D – Addresses the effect of Ebola on human beings.
    • 3rd sentence C – Talking about the cure for the same disease.
    • 4th sentence A – Stating the results or report of the research. ( also, the use of ’till date’ shows that it is the final result, hence it will be the lat sentence. As an analysis)

Question 2

A. a fast pace was,
B. however, the first and the second world war
C. The main thing that propelled the
D. development of the aeroplanes at such

What is the sequence of the sentence?



Answer: Option B
Explanation: Correct option is B because it follows the rules of jumbled sentence construction.

    • 1st sentence C – It starts with the phrase, ‘the main thing’, hence it’ll be the first sentence.
    • 2nd sentence D – Following the rule of articles, we see that ‘the’ should be used before a specific noun, hence here ‘the development’ is specified about the aeroplanes.
    • 3rd sentence A – a fast pace is used to show the rate of development, thus will follow sentence D.
    • 4th sentence B – the last sentence starts with However, hence according to Rule 10, analytical words will always come in the end.

Question: 3

Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph:

  1. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the horizon.
  2. The sound of waves crashing against the shore filled the air.
  3. Children played happily in the sand, building sandcastles and collecting seashells.
  4. Families gathered on the beach, enjoying picnics and playing games.
  5. Seagulls soared overhead, searching for scraps of food.

A) a, c, d, b, e

B) c, a, d, e, b

C) b, e, d, c, a

D) d, c, a, b,e

Correct option: D 


We will start with sentence D.  This sentence sets the scene by introducing the families on the beach and their activities, establishing the context for the rest of the paragraph. Then, Sentence C elaborates on the activities at the beach, specifically focusing on the children’s joyful play and interactions. Sentence A introduces the atmospheric change, the sunset, which casts a warm glow over the surroundings. It provides a sensory detail that adds to the ambiance.Sentence B adds an auditory element, describing the sound of waves crashing against the shore, enhancing the reader’s sensory experience. In the end,  sentence E  concludes the paragraph by introducing the seagulls and their behavior in the context of the scene.

The arrangement follows a logical sequence, starting with the families on the beach, moving on to the children’s activities, describing the sunset and the sound of waves, and finally concluding with the presence of seagulls. This order creates a vivid picture of a beach scene, allowing the reader to imagine the various elements coming together.

Question: 4

 Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph:


  1. The patient underwent a series of medical tests to determine the cause of their symptoms.
  2. The doctor carefully examined the patient, listening to their concerns.
  3. The diagnosis was made, and a treatment plan was discussed with the patient.
  4. The prescribed medication helped alleviate the patient’s symptoms.
  5. The patient’s health improved over time, and they recovered fully.


A) b, a, c, d, e

B) a, b, c, d, e

C) c, a, b, d, e

D) d, a, c, b, e

Correct answer: A

Explanation:  Sentence B introduces the doctor’s initial examination and interaction with the patient, setting the scene for the medical process. After this sentence A as This sentence logically follows the examination, describing the next step in the diagnostic process – conducting medical tests to identify the cause of the patient’s symptoms. Sentence D describes the implementation of the treatment plan and the positive impact of the prescribed medication. Sentence E concludes the paragraph by describing the patient’s recovery process and the positive outcome of the medical intervention.



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