Idioms and Phrases Questions

Idioms and Phrases Questions

English language is full of expressions and all it requires is a well-written prose. Idioms and Phrases Questions are tools which can make the sentences full of expressions. Idioms can be described as cluster of words and phrases having a sort of figurative meaning. They are mostly used for the linguistic parts in the text.

A phrase can be explained as a small group of words formed as one unit and are spoken or written as it is. These units comes under the major sentence or a clause. Phrases are not like idioms as they are in fact to the point and gives direct meaning. On this page we will learn How to solve Idioms and Phrases Questions – 

Relative Pronoun Questions

Rules For Idioms and Phrases Questions – 

  • A phrase, contradictory of a common sentence, does not take a subject or a verb with it. Therefore, phrases do not show or give a meaning of a complete sentence, they are however unit of a main sentence.
  • There are approximately eight kinds of phrases which you should know. They include – noun, prepositional, infinitive, gerund, verb, participial, appositive and absolute phrases.
  • There is a big difference between idioms and clichés. It is important to not use clichés in place of idioms.
  • Idioms require particular preposition and we cannot add synonyms or replace the preposition with other. E.g. – Hit the nail on its nail. (Here, ‘on’ cannot be replaced).

Let’s now see some examples of both the sections below:

Idioms –

For example:

  • Being comfortable in one’s skin –
    If you take the literal meaning it would be absurd to even explain. However the actual meaning here that we can extract is ‘the feeling of being comfortable with yourself’. One’s skin means own skin or to simplify ‘yourself’
  • Beat around the bush –
    With this idiom it doesn’t mean to actually take a bat and beat the bush but to talk about everything around the topic and try to ignore / avoid the main topic, the person, or a particular thing.

Phrases – 

For Example: 

  • Deep down – deeper feelings
  • Group of men and women – group of men and group of women
  • Challenge of imagination – challenging to be imaginative
  • Latin and Greek –  some strange meaning

Here are some practice questions of Idioms and Phrases –

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1. Someone unknown tipped off the police about the plan to rob the bank.




kill someone

kill someone


Given advance information

Given advance information





Tipped off means to give someone a warning or secret information about something.

2. "He had set his face against the idea"

To oppose with determination

To oppose with determination


to criticize others

to criticize others


to be very angry

to be very angry


to victimize someone

to victimize someone


strongly disapprove.

3. The foreman hit the nail on the head when he said that the machine had malfunctioned because of a faulty spark plug.

To teach someone a lesson

To teach someone a lesson


To destroy one's reputation

To destroy one's reputation


To forget about past

To forget about past


To do the right thing

To do the right thing


To hit the nail right on the head: to describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.

4. If I don't send a picture, he will smell a rat.

To suspect foul dealings

To suspect foul dealings


To see signs of plague epidemic

To see signs of plague epidemic


To get bad small of a bad dead rat

To get bad small of a bad dead rat


To get something of bad quality

To get something of bad quality


To suspect or realize that something is wrong in a particular situation.

5. You don't need to be frightened of him — he's a man of straw.

A very active person

A very active person


A worthy fellow

A worthy fellow


A lonely person

A lonely person


A man of no substance

A man of no substance


a man whose character is weak and who lacks definite beliefs.

6. Jane was angry enough to quit without giving notice, leaving her boss in the lurch

To put someone at ease

To put someone at ease


To come to compromise with someone

To come to compromise with someone


To desert someone in his difficulties

To desert someone in his difficulties


Constant source of annoyance to someone

Constant source of annoyance to someone


Abandon or desert someone in difficult straits.

7. Every time I show my brother one of my stories, he just picks holes in it without saying anything that he liked about it.

To find some reason to quarrel

To find some reason to quarrel


To cut some part of an item

To cut some part of an item


To criticize someone

To criticize someone


To destroy something

To destroy something


To make an effort to find flaws or negative aspects in something through excessive analysis or criticism.

8. The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” in which a young shepherd found it amusing to make villagers think a wolf is attacking his flock.

To turn pale

To turn pale


To keep off starvation

To keep off starvation


To give false alarm

To give false alarm


None of the above

None of the above


To cry wolf means to ask for assistance when you don't need it.

9. They thought that I would simply give up if my complaint had to go to court, but they'll soon realize that they've caught a Tartar!

To deal with a person who is more than one's match

To deal with a person who is more than one's match


To catch a dangerous person

To catch a dangerous person


To meet with disaster

To meet with disaster


none of the above

none of the above


to deal with someone or something that proves unexpectedly troublesome or powerful.

10. You'd be Oliver's right-hand woman.

An honest person

An honest person


Most efficient assistant

Most efficient assistant


a competent and hardworking person

a competent and hardworking person


a foolish person

a foolish person


Someone's right-hand man or right-hand woman is their close assistant and the person they trust to help and support them in everything they do.


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