How to Solve Analogy and Classification Recognition Quickly

How to Solve Analogy

Solve Analogy and Classification Recognition:-

In questions of Analogy we would be given any two objects that are somehow related to each other. Then we will be given a third object and shall be asked to find the fourth object which is somewhat similar to the third object from the given options. Go through this page to learn How to Solve Analogy and Classification Recognition questions quickly.

Check out the below questions to get insights about the type of questions related to analogy as well as the way to solve them.

Solve Analogy and Classification Recognition:-

Go through this page to learn How to Solve Analogy and Classification Recognition questions quickly.

Check out the below questions to get insights about the type of questions related to analogy as well as the way to solve them.

How to Solve Analogy and Classification Recognition Quickly

Analogy questions are a common component of many tests and assessments, requiring you to recognize relationships between pairs of words or concepts. Mastering the skill of solving analogies quickly can significantly enhance your performance. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you tackle analogy questions efficiently:

Step 1: Understand the Relationship
Begin by carefully reading the analogy to comprehend the relationship between the items in the first pair (A : B). This understanding is essential for identifying the corresponding relationship in the second pair (C : ?).

Step 2: Identify Key Features
Determine the key features, attributes, or characteristics that define the relationship between items A and B. These features serve as the basis for recognizing the same relationship in the second pair.

Step 3: Consider Common Analogy Types
Familiarize yourself with prevalent analogy relationships, such as part-whole, cause-effect, synonym-antonym, and category-membership. Recognizing these relationships expedites the process of deciphering the analogy.

Step 4: Process of Elimination
Quickly eliminate answer choices that do not fit the established relationship between the pairs. This strategic elimination narrows down your options and increases the likelihood of identifying the correct answer.

Step 5: Visualize or Simplify
Visualize the relationship between the items using mental images, diagrams, or associations. Simplifying complex relationships can aid in understanding and recognition.

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Solve Analogy and Classification Recognition questions Type 1 – Number Analogy

Question 1.

Identify the number pair similar to the illustrated pair of number below:


A.  120:60
B.  50:150
C.  45:50
D.  100:25

Correct Answer: A


In the illustration, 140 is a double of 70, therefore, A is the only option matching with the pattern.

Question 2.

What will follow the mentioned series of numbers: 3,6,12, __, __.

A.  16
B.  24
C.  13
D.  22

Correct Option: B


3 x 2 = 6, Similarly 12 x 2 = 24. Therefore, the correct answer is 24.

Question 3.

If  3 : 27 :: 4 : __

A.  8
B.  2
C.  81
D.  64

Correct Answer: D


The second number is the cube of the first number,

3 x 3 x 3 = 27

Similarly, 4 x 4 x 4 = 64

Therefore, the correct answer is 64.

How to Solve Analogy and and Classification Recognition questions Type 2 – Alphabet/word analogy

Question 1.

What will come next to:


A.  GHIj

Correct Answer: C


As per the relationship between MNOP and UVWX, the gap between C and M is 10, similarly, the gap between second group should also be 10. Hence, the correct answer is EFGH.

Question 2. 

Antonyms – These questions are related to opposite words. Complete the series:

Hot : Cold : : Day : : _

A.  Sun
B.  Night
C.  Light
D.  Clouds

Correct Answer: B


As hot is the opposite of cold, night is the opposite of day. Hence, “night” is the right answer.

Question 3.

Synonyms – These questions are related to similar words. Complete the series:

Polite : Courteous : : Fashion : _

A.  Expensive
B.  Personality
C.  Style
D.  Ugly

Correct Answer: C


Similar to polite is courteous, therefore, fashion is similar to style.

individual in terms of identifying similarity between two relations. In these analogy tests, words are used to find precise logical relationships that exist. At times object, images or even figures are used.

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2 comments on “How to Solve Analogy and Classification Recognition Quickly”

  • Chandra

    Identify the number pair similar to the illustrated pair of number below:


    A. 120:30
    B. 50:150
    C. 45:50
    D. 100:25

    Correct Answer: A
    In the illustration, 140 is a double of 70, therefore, A is the only option matching with the pattern.
    //option a is not matching anywhere