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Tricks And Shortcuts on Calendar
Tips,Tricks and Shortcuts on Calendar
Here, you will find out all Important Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts on Calendar Question that will help you to solve Calendar Questions easily in Competitive Exams.
Best Tips , Tricks and Shortcuts on Calendar in Aptitude.
- The calendar starts on 1st January and ends on 31st December. The year is classified into two types:
- ordinary years (365 days)
- Leap year (366 days).
- In an ordinary year, there are 365 days, which means 52 x 7 + 1, or 52 weeks and one day.
- Here, are easy tricks and tips on Calendar problems Learn tricks on calendar.
- There are 3 types of questions asked in exams
Type 1: Calendar Tips and Tricks- To find the day of given date
Question 1. What was the day on 27th May 2006?Options:
A. Monday
B. Saturday
C. Sunday
D. Friday
Solution: 27th May, 2006 = (2005 years + Period from 1.1.2006 to 27.5.2006)To calculate number of odd days till 2000, we need
Number of odd days in 1600 years = 0
Number of odd days in 400 years = 0
Now, for calculating odd days in the next five years,
5 years = (4 ordinary years +1 leap year) = (4+2)
= 6 odd days
Now to calculate number of odd days from 1st January 2006 to 27th May 2006
January (31 days) + February (28 days because 2006 is an ordinary year) + March (31 days) + (April 30 days) + May 27 days = 147 days
Total number of odd days in 147 days = ((147/7) = 21 weeks+ 0 odd days
Total number of odd days in the entire period = 0 (1600 years) + 0 (400 years) + 6 (5 years) + 0 (Period from 1.1.2006 to 27.5.2006) = 6 odd days
As per the table, on 27th May 2006 the day was Saturday.
Days | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
No. of Odd Days | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Correct option: B
Type 2: To find the day of the week for the given date when some other date or day is specified.
Question 1. It was a Saturday on 8th December 2007. What was the day on 8th Dec 2006?
A. Tuesday
B. Friday
C. Sunday
D. Saturday
Solution: 2006 was an ordinary year.
Therefore the number of odd days in 2006 was = 1
Now, 8th Dec 2007 will be 1 day beyond the day on 8th December 2006 due to one odd day.
Since 8th December 2007 was Saturday, therefore, 8th December 2006 was Friday.
Correct option: B
Type 3: Shortcuts Tips and Tricks of Calendar To -Identify the year having same calendar.
Question 1. Which year will have the same calendar as that of the year 2007?Options:
A. 2017
B. 2018
C. 2019
D. 2012
Solution: Count the number of odd days from the year 2007 onwards to get the sum equal to 0 odd day.Year | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Odd Days | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
Sum = 14 odd days = 0 odd days
Therefore, calendar of the year 2018 will have the same calendar as that of the year 2007.
Correct option: B
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