Count Pairs Problem (TCS Codevita)

Count Pairs Problem

Count Pairs Problem is a simple array manipulation coding problem which was asked in TCS Codevita coding competition. TCS organizes this global level coding competition in order to promote Porgramming-As-a-Sport in the search of world’s best Coder.This is an article on TCS Codevita Count Pairs Problem where we have to find the number of happy elements in an array.

Count pairs

Problem Description


Given an array of integers A, and an integer K find number of happy elements.

Element X is happy if there exists at least 1 element whose difference is less than K i.e. an element X is happy if there is another element in the range [X-K, X+K] other than X itself.


  • 1 <= N <= 10^5
  • 0 <= K <= 10^5
  • 0 <= A[i] <= 10^9


  • First line contains two integers N and K where N is size of the array and K is a number as described above.
  • Second line contains N integers separated by space.


  • Print a single integer denoting the total number of happy elements.

Example 1


6 3

5 5 7 9 15 2




Other than number 15, everyone has at least 1 element in the range [X-3, X+3]. Hence they are all happy elements. Since these five are in number, the output is 5.

Example 2


3 2

1 3 5




All numbers have at least 1 element in the range [X-2, X+2]. Hence they are all happy elements. Since these three are in number, the output is 3.

Possible Solution


3 2

1 3 5