Binary Search Tree Program in Java
Binary Search Tree Program
A binary search tree is a tree in which the data in left subtree is less than the root and the data in right subtree is greater than the root. In this article , we will cover all the basics of binary search tree program in java.

Reprsentation Of BST:
- The representation of a BST is similar to that of a binary tree. The order of a BST is ‘2’. Each node can have at most two children.
- Only difference between the two is that there is a certain criteria of arrangement or insertion of the elements based on their comparisons with the root node and the sub tree segment they are added to.

Operations In A BST:
- Traversal
- Searching
- Insertion
- Deletion
Features Of A BST:
- Fast look-up.
- Efficient addition and removal of items.
- Used to implement dynamic set of items

Code For Binary Search Tree
// Binary Tree import java.util.*; /*Representing a Node of a binary tree */ class Node { int value; Node left, right; Node (int value) { this.value = value; left = null; right = null; } } class BTS { Node root; //root of a binary search tree BTS () { root = null; } public void insert (int item) { root = insertNode (root, item); //calling inserNode() method } public Node insertNode (Node root, int item) { if (root == null) //if root is null create a new Node { root = new Node (item); return root; } if (item < root.value) //if item is less than the current value then traverse left subtree root.left = insertNode (root.left, item); else if (item > root.value) //if item is greater than the cureent value then traverse the right subtree root.right = insertNode (root.right, item); return root; } public void delete (int value) { root = deleteNode (root, value); //calling deleteNode() method } public Node deleteNode (Node ptr, int value) { if (ptr == null) return ptr; if (value < ptr.value) //if value is less than current value ptr.left = deleteNode (ptr.left, value); else if (value > ptr.value) //if value if greater than current value ptr.right = deleteNode (ptr.right, value); else { //if node having max one child if (ptr.left == null) return ptr.right; else if (ptr.right == null) return ptr.left; // if node having two children then get the inorder predecessor of node ptr.value = minimumValue (ptr.left); //delete the inorder predecessor ptr.left = deleteNode (ptr.left, ptr.value); } return ptr; } //get minimum element in binary search tree public int minimumValue (Node ptr) { int min; for (min = ptr.value; ptr.right != null; ptr = ptr.right) min = ptr.right.value; return min; } public Node searchNode (Node root, int value) { if (root == null) return null; if (root.value == value) // return true if value is found in binary tree return root; else if (value < root.value) return searchNode (root.left, value); //traverse left subtree else return searchNode (root.right, value); //traverse right subtree } public void print (Node ptr) { if (ptr == null) return; print (ptr.left); System.out.print (ptr.value + " "); print (ptr.right); } } public class Main { public static void main (String[]args) { //Adding Nodes to the binary tree BTS tree = new BTS (); tree.insert (15); tree.insert (19); tree.insert (10); tree.insert (13); tree.print (tree.root); System.out.println (); tree.delete (15); tree.print (tree.root); System.out.println (); //calling search function if element is found then it will return true else return false Node node = tree.searchNode (tree.root, 13); if (node != null) System.out.println ("Element " + node.value + " is found in binary tree"); else System.out.println ("Element is not found in binary tree"); } }
Output :
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Advantages Of BST:
- Inorder Traversal gives sorted order of elements.
- Easy to implement order statistics.
- Helpful in range queries.
Disadvantages Of BST:
- The cost of operations may be high.
- Shape of tree depends on insetions and may be degenerated.
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