Doubly Linked List Insertion and Deletion Program in C++

Doubly Linked List Insertion and Deletion in C++

We will explore all the different methods to do insertion and deletion in a doubly-linked list in C++ using struct, classes and class functions. Let us go!


A doubly Linked list is sometimes used over the singly Linked list in C++ since they allow traversal in both forward and backward directions. While singly linked list allowed traversal in backward direction only.


A Doubly Linked list is a data structure that contains a chain of nodes connected to one another and where each node has a data value two pointers: next and previous where the next node contains the address to the next node in the linked list and the previous node contains the address to the previous node in the chained linked list.

Doubly Linked List in C++

A doubly linked has the following –

  • Data value
  • Next Pointer
  • Previous Pointer

Each unit of the above is called a node.

The start of Linked List is denoted by a special additional pointer called head.

Some versions of doubly-linked lists may also have trail pointer that denotes the end of the linked list.

C++ Doubly Linked List structure

Structure of a Node in Doubly Linked List


We can do delete and insertion operations on the doubly linked list at various positions which are –

  • At beginning
  • At the end
  • In the middle

Let us now look at the programs for the same. First with insertion operations.

Doubly Linked List Insertion in C++

Doubly Linked List deletion in C++

Let us look at all variations of the program for the same –

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Doubly Linked List

  • Introduction to Doubly Linked list in Data Structure
    Click Here
  • Doubly Linked List in –
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  • Insertion in doubly linked list –
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  • Insertion at beginning in doubly linked list –
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  • Insertion at end in doubly linked list –
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  • Insertion at nth node in doubly linked list –
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  • Deletion in doubly linked list  –
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  • Deletion from beginning in doubly linked list :
  • Deletion from nth in doubly linked list :
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  • Deletion from end in doubly linked list :
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Doubly Linked List