C Program to Find the Sum of First N Natural Numbers
Sum of Natural Numbers in C
In this article, we will see C Program to Find the Sum of First N Natural Numbers. A Natural number is the same as a Counting number. They are used to Count the number of real physical objects. Natural numbers start from 1 and go on infinite.
The positive numbers 1,2,3 ... are known as natural numbers. Formula for Sum of First n natural numbers is : n(n+1)/2. If you want to add first 5 Natural number then we find the Sum of 1+2+3+4+5 =15.
What we will learn
- Method 1: Iterative way
- Method 2: Direct Formula
- Method 3: Recursive Approach
Method 1
For an input n
- Create variable sum = 0
- Run a for loop in iteration (I) from 1 -> n
- Each time adding I to sum
- Print the sum value after the loop terminates
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int n; scanf("%d",&n); int sum = 0; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) // is same as writing sum = sum + i sum += i; printf("Sum is %d",sum); return 0; } // Time complexity : O(n) // Space complexity : O(1)
5 Sum is 15
Method 2
For an input n
- Create variable sum = 0
- Use formula sum = n(n+1)/2
- Print the sum value
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int n; scanf("%d",&n); int sum = n*(n+1)/2; printf("The sum is %d",sum); return 0; } // Time complexity : O(1) // Space complexity : O(1)
6 Sum is 21
Method 3
For an input n
- Create variable sum = 0
- Call function getSum(sum, n)
- Base Case, n == 0 return sum
- Others return n + getSum(sum, n-1)
- Print the sum value in main
#include <stdio.h> int getSum(int sum,int n) { if(n==0) return sum; return n+getSum(sum,n-1); } int main() { int n, sum = 0; scanf("%d",&n); printf("%d",getSum(sum, n)); return 0; } // Time complexity : O(n) // Space complexity : O(1) // Auxilary space complexity : O(N) // Due to function call stack
5 Sum is 15
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