Find the Nth Term of a Fibonacci Series in Python

Nth Term of a Fibonacci Series

On this page we will learn how to Find the Nth Term of a Fibonacci Series  in Python.

Using two Different Methods

  1. Using Loop
  2. Using Recursion
  • Input : 6
  • Output : 5
  • Explanation : Fibonacci series is the sum of the previous two terms, so if we enter 6 as the input in the program, so we should get 5 as the output.
Factorial of a Number in Python

Method 1 : Using Loop


  • Start
  • If n is less then 2 return n
  • Initialize a array with value 0 & 1 respectively named fs
  • Use  a for loop to iterate between range 1 to n using variable i
  • For each iteration append the sum of current element and previous element to fs
  • Return the Nth element of fs
Python Program to find Nth Term of a Fibonacci Series

Python Code

def Fibonacci(n):
    if n < 2:
        return n
    fs = [0, 1]
    for i in range(1, n):
        fs.append(fs[i] + fs[i - 1])
    return fs[n]

n = 6
Output :


Method 2 : Using Recursion


  • Start by calling the function for n
  • If n is less then 2 return n
  • If n>0:
  • Return the sum of recursive call for same function with value  n – 1  &  n – 2

Python Code

def fib(n):
	if n < 2:
		return n
	return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

n = 6
Output :


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