Load Testing in Software Engineering

Load Testing

  • Load testing is a type of performance testing which is used to check the system’s performance under various load conditions (normal or high loads). This testing is used when multiple users access the application to check the system’s behavior or its performance.
  • Load testing is also known by names volume testing and endurance testing.
  • It is a non-functional testing in software engineering and generally used for client/server web-based applications.
  • This testing is performed when a developed project nears to completion.
  • Load testing checks the peak performance, server quantity or bottlenecks and response time of the system.
  • The example of load testing : Downloading a series of large files from the Internet.

Need of Load Testing :

  • To determine the maximum operating capacity of an application.
  • To find the errors which are not possible with any other testing method such as memory management memory leaks etc.
  • To check out that the current infrastructure is sufficient to run the application or not.
  • Number of concurrent users that an application can support, and scalability to allow more users to access the application.
  • Load Testing is used to discover the system bottlenecks under the high user stress scenarios.
  • To make sure that the application able to achieve the performance point recognized during performance testing.
Load testing

Load Testing Tools:

  • LoadNinja
  • NeoLoad
  • Load Runner
  • LoadView
  • LoadUI NG Pr
  • Apache Jmeter
  • Webload

Advantages of Load Testing : 

  • Bottlenecks and any issue related to system performance could be identified before software deployment.
  • Minimization of the risk related to system downtime
  • Costs of failure is reduced.
  • Increase customer satisfaction.
  • Load testing gives confidence in the system and its reliability and performance.
  • The system’s scalability is improved in terms of database, software, network etc.
  • Load testing saves money.

Disadvantages of Load Testing : 

  • Software testers need programming knowledge to use load testing tools.
  • Testing Tools may be costly as pricing depends on the number of virtual users supported.
  • Testers need knowledge of tools to perform load testing.
  • Additional resources with special knowledge of the testing tools may be required