C Program to print Power of a number

Power of a number in C

In this program, we will calculate the power of a number in C programming.

Base : 3
Exponent : 4

Since, 34 = 81
power of number in c

Method discussed

  • Using inbuilt power function
  • Without inbuilt function
  • Handling Negative exponent when not using unbuilt function
  • Solving using recursion
Power of a Number in C

Method 1 (Using Power Function)

This method uses the inbuilt power function in the math.h library.

C Program:-


// pow function is contained in math.h library

#include<math.h> int main() { double base = 2.3; double exp = 2.1; double result; // calculates the power result = pow(base, exp); // %lf used for double printf("%lf ^ %lf = %lf\n", base, exp, result); // following can be used for precision setting printf("%.1lf ^ %.1lf = %.2lf", base, exp, result); return 0; }


2.300000 ^ 2.100000 = 5.749479
2.3 ^ 2.1 = 5.75

Method 2 (Without inbuilt functions)

This method is suitable when we are not allowed to use inbuilt pow function.

C Program:-



int main() 
    double base = 2.32;
    // exp has to be positive and int value for this method
    int exp = 2;
    double result = 1.0;
    while (exp != 0) {
        result *= base;
    printf("Answer = %lf", result);
    return 0;


Answer = 5.382400

Method 3 (Without inbuilt functions)

This method solves the case of negative exponent with another while loop

C Program:-



int main() 
    double base = 2.32;
    // exp has to be int value. But, can be neg/pos both
    int exp = -2;
    double result = 1.0;
    // if exponent is positive
    while (exp > 0) {
        result *= base;
    // if exponent is negative
    while (exp < 0) {
        result /= base;
    printf("Answer = %lf", result);
    return 0;


Answer = 0.185791

Method 4 (Using Recursion)

This method solves the case of negative exponent with another while loop

C Program:-


double power(double base, int exp);
int main() 
    double base = 2.32;
    int exp = -2;
    double result = 1.0;
    result = power(base, exp);
    printf("%lf ^ %d = %lf", base, exp, result);
    return 0;

double power(double base, int exp) {
    if (exp > 0)
        return (power(base, exp - 1) * base);
    else if (exp < 0)
        return (power(base, exp + 1) / base);
        return 1;


Answer = 0.185791