Wipro NTH Technical Interview Questions

Wipro NTH Technical Interview Questions and Answers 2023

This page provides the most recently requested technical questions in the Wipro NTH Technical Interview 2023.

The following questions were gathered from PrepInsta Prime candidates recently placed at Wipro.

Wipro NTH Technical Interview questions

Top 20 Wipro NTH Technical Interview Questions

Question 1: What do you know about C++?


C++ is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language that many consider being the best for developing large-scale applications. C++ is a subset of the C programming language. Pointers in C++ enable self-memory management, which speeds up a program’s execution.

Question 2:- What is Object-Oriented Programming?


Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming model distinguished by the identification of classes of objects that are linked with the functions with which they are related. It also incorporates concepts like attribute and method inheritance.

Question 3: What exactly is NLP?


Natural language processing (NLP) is a discipline of computer science, and more specifically, a branch of artificial intelligence (AI), that is concerned with providing computers the ability to understand the content and spoken words in the same manner that humans can.

Questions 4: What are encapsulation and abstraction?


Abstraction: The technique of concealing undesired information called abstraction.

Encapsulation: Encapsulation is a technique for hiding data in a single entity or unit, as well as a technique for protecting information from the outside world.

Question 5: What are strong AI and weak AI?


Strong AI: Strong AI is a theoretical branch of artificial intelligence that holds that machines can develop human intelligence and consciousness in the same way as humans do. Strong AI is a hypothetical machine with human cognitive powers.

Weak AI: Weak AI is a type of artificial intelligence that refers to the use of advanced algorithms to perform specialised problem solving or reasoning tasks that do not contain the complete spectrum of human cognitive capacities.

Question 6: What are the name of the compilers used in Java?


Java has two compilers:

  • javac (Java programming language compiler)
  • jit (just in time compiler) 

Question 7: Swap two numbers without using the third variable using python.

a=int(input(“Enter value : “))
b=int(input(“Enter value : “))

print(“Before swapping a :”,a)
print(“Before swapping b :”,b)
#logic to swap without using third variable 

print(“After swapping a becomes :”,a)
print(“After swapping b becomes :”,b)

Question 8: What are covariant variables?


A covariant return type is the return type of an overriding method. It allows you to narrow down the return type of an overridden method without having to cast or check the return type. The covariant return type is only applicable to non-primitive return types.

Questions 9: Does Java support multiple inheritances?


No, Java doesn’t support multiple inheritances.

Question 10: Write a code to print the factorial of a number using C.

int main ()
    int num = 5, fact = 1;
    // Can't calculate factorial of a negative number
    if(num < 0)
        for(int i = 1; i <= num; i++)
            fact = fact * i;
    printf("Fact %d: %d",num, fact);
// Time complexity: O(N)
// Space complexity: O(1)

Question 11: How do you differentiate between overloading and overriding?

Compile-time polymorphism refers to method overloading.Runtime polymorphism refers to method overriding.
Overloading can occur when there are at least two methods with the same name.Overriding requires at least one method with the same name in both the parent and child classes for it to work.
The parameters for each technique must be distinct. If both methods have the same amount of parameters, they must be of a distinct type.Both methods must have the same number and kind of parameters.

Question 12: What are DDL, and DML commands?


DDL: DDL stands for Data Definition Language, and it is used to define data structures. SQL commands such as create table and alter table are examples of SQL instructions. 

DML: DML stands for Data Manipulation Language, and it is used to alter data. In SQL, for example, insert, update, and delete are all instructions.

Question 13: What is normalization?


Normalization is the process of rearranging data in a database to ensure that it satisfies two essential criteria:

  • There is no data redundancy because all data is stored in a single location.
  • Data dependencies are logical, which means that all linked data items are stored together.

Question 14: How can we dynamically allocate memory in C?


Dynamic memory is allocated from the heap in C by using standard library functions. The two most important dynamic memory methods are malloc() and free() (). 

The malloc() function only accepts one parameter: 

  • The size of the requested memory space in bytes. 
  • It returns a pointer to the RAM that was allocated.

Question 15: Name 5 different OS.


  • Apple macOS
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Google’s Android OS
  • Linux Operating System
  • Apple iOS.

Question 16: What is a Null object?


It is an object of some class whose primary purpose is to signify the absence of a true object of that class. A return result from a member function that is expected to return an object with the given properties but cannot find such an object is one common usage for a null object.

Question 17: What do you know about threading in Java?


The course or path followed when a program is being performed is referred to as a thread in Java. A minimum of one thread, referred to as the main thread, is typically present in every program and is provided by the JVM, or Java Virtual Machine, at the beginning of the program’s execution.

Question 18: Why do we need OOPs?


Object-oriented programming tries to implement real-world elements in programming such as inheritance, hiding, polymorphism, and so on. The primary goal of OOP is to connect the data and the functions that operate on it so that no other part of the code may access the data except that function.

Question 19: Explain the difference between primary key and foreign key.

Primary Key Foreign Key
A Primary Key is a term that uniquely identifies a record in a relational database table. A field in a table that serves as the main key for another table is known as a foreign key.
A table can only have one primary key. A table can have several foreign keys.
A primary key attribute cannot have duplicate values in two rows. Duplicate values can exist in a foreign key.
A primary key cannot include null values. A foreign key can include null values.
A primary key constraint can be defined implicitly on temporary tables. A foreign key constraint cannot be imposed on either local or global temporary tables.
A primary key constraint that refers to a foreign key in the child table cannot be removed from the parent table. Even if a foreign key value refers to a primary key in the parent table, the child table may nevertheless delete the item.

Question 20: Are you familiar with DBMS? If yes, what is it?


Yes, I am aware of it. DBMS, or Database Management System, is an application system whose primary goal is to manage data. This is a system that allows its users to store data, define it, retrieve it, and update data-related information within a database.