TCS Array Questions Quiz-1

Question 1

Time: 00:00:00
An array is also known as ___________

Subscripted variable

Subscripted variable

Collective array

Collective array

Ordinary variable

Ordinary variable

Similar Quantities variable

Similar Quantities variable

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array contain simlar continous value


Question 2

Time: 00:00:00
Till the array elements are not given any specific value, they are supposed to contain all ____________



Garbage value

Garbage value



Combination of zero and one.

Combination of zero and one.

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Question 3

Time: 00:00:00
If array is initialized where it is declared, then mentioning __________ of array is optional.

Data type

Data type





Data type and Dimension

Data type and Dimension

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Question 4

Time: 00:00:00
What happen if we assign a value to an array element whose subscript exceeds the size of array.

The program will give error

The program will give error

No output

No output

program will crash

program will crash

none of these

none of these

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Question 5

Time: 00:00:00
What will be output of the following program int main() {    int b[4]={5,1,3,2,4};    int k,l,m;     k=++b[1];     l=b[1]++;    m=b[k++];  printf(“%d, %d, %d”,k,l,m); return 0; }

2, 3, 20

2, 3, 20

3, 2, 32

3, 2, 32

1, 2, 5

1, 2, 5

2, 3, 15

2, 3, 15

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All are wrong. 2,2,32 is correct answer

3,2,32 is correct ans.

ans is here

Here, ++b[1] means that firstly b[1] will be incremented so, b[1]=2 then assigned to k i.e. k=2. b[1]++ means firstly b[1] will be assigned to variable l i.e. l=2, Then value stored in b[1] will be incremented i.e. b[1]=3. b[k++] means first b[k] will be assigned to m i.e. m=32, then value of k will be incremented i.e. k=3.

3,2,32 is not mention


Question 6

Time: 00:00:00
What will be output of the following program where c=65474 and int=2 bytes. int main() {  int c[3][4]={2,3,1,6,4,1,6,2,2,7,1,10};        printf(“%u, %u\n”, c+1, &c+1);        return 0; }

65482, 65498

65482, 65498

65476, 65476

65476, 65476

65476, 65498

65476, 65498

No output

No output

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Here c[3][4]= { {2,3,1,6}; {4,1,6,2}; {2,7,1,10} }; c+1 means c is base address i.e. address of 1st one Dimensional array and on incrementing it by 1 means it points to 2nd one 2 Dimensional array. So, c+1=65474 + ( 4 * 2)= 65482 But, when we are writing &c, that means address of this whole array i.e. address of next new array. So, &c+1=65474 + (12 * 2)=65498

wrong output

please it\'s explanation

Garbage value and 1234

1128571040, 1128571072


Question 7

Time: 00:00:00
What will be output of the following program int main() {    int a[5],i=0;        while(i<5)         a[i]=++i;    for(i=0;i<5;i++)     printf(“%d,”,a[i]); }

garbage value,1,2,3,4

garbage value,1,2,3,4





Program crash

Program crash

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Ans will be error

wrong output

wrong output

195744,1,2,3,4, ...Program finished with exit code 0 Press ENTER to exit console. i got this

4195648,1,2,3,4, garbage value and 1234


Question 8

Time: 00:00:00
What will be output of the following program int main() {    float a[]={12.4, 2.3, 4.5, 6.7};    printf(“%d, %d”, sizeof(a), sizeof(a[0])); return 0; }

16 bytes, 4 bytes

16 bytes, 4 bytes

4 bytes, 4 bytes

4 bytes, 4 bytes

8 bytes, 4 bytes

8 bytes, 4 bytes

None of these

None of these

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please explain anyone this..


Question 9

Time: 00:00:00
Which one of this is equivalent to

int fun(int arr[])

int fun(arr)

int fun(arr)

int fun(int arr[2])

int fun(int arr[2])

int fun(int s[])

int fun(int s[])

None of these

None of these

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Question 10

Time: 00:00:00
In 2 Dimensional Array, it is necessary to mention  _______ dimension.







none of these

none of these

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