Find the Greatest of the Two Numbers in C

Find the Greatest of the two numbers in C

Given two integer inputs num1 and num2, the objective if to write a code to Find the Greatest of the Two Numbers in C.
Input : num1 = 5 and num2 = 6
Output : 6
larger of two numbers

Find the Largest of the Two Numbers in C

Given two integer inputs num1 and num2, the objective if to write a code to Find the Greatest of the Two Numbers in C. To do so we simply check whether num1 is larger than num2 using C Language. Here are some of the Methods to solve the above mentioned Problem.

  • Method 1 : Using if – else Statements
  • Method 2 : Using Ternary Operator

We’ll discuss each of the above mentioned methods in the upcoming sections in detail. You can check C++, Java, Python codes for greatest of two numbers here

Method 1 : Using if – else Statements


Algorithm and Explanation

The algorithm and the Explanation for the above problem is mentioned below.
For two numbers num1 & num2

  • If num1 == num2
    • Print both are equal
  • Else if num1 > num2
    • Print num1 is greater
  • Else, num2 has to be the greater
    • Print num2 is greater

Let’s try and implement the algorithm in C Language.

C Code



int main ()
  int num1, num2;
if (num1 == num2) printf("both are equal"); else if (num1 > num2) printf("%d is greater", num1); else printf("%d is greater", num2); return 0; }


13 is greater

Method 2 : Using Ternary Operator

Algorithm and Explanation

In this method, we’ll use the knowledge of Ternary Operator in C . The Algorithm for the above mentioned problem is given below.
For two numbers num1 & num2

  • If num1 == num2
    • Print both are equal
  • Else, use ternary operator (temp = num1 > num2? num1: num2)
    • Print temp value is greater

Let’s try and implement the above algorithm in C Language.

C Code

#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
    int num1, num2, temp;
    if(num1 == num2)
        printf("Both are Equal\n");
        temp = num1 > num2? num1 : num2;
        printf("%d is largest",temp);

  return 0;


30 is greater

Getting Started

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