Find the Greatest of the Two Numbers in C++
Find the Greatest of the Two Numbers in C++
Given two integers as input, the objective is to check both numbers for the greatest and write a code to find the greatest of the two numbers in C++.
Methods to find the greatest of the two numbers in C++
Method 1: Using if-else Statements
For two user inputs num1 and num2.- Step 1: Check if both numbers are equal
- If true then print “Both are equal”
- Step 2: Else if num1 > num2
- If true then print num1 greater than num2
- Step 3: Else num2 has to be thee greatest
- Print num2 is greater than num1
C++ Code
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int num1, num2; num1=75,num2=85; if (num1 == num2) cout << "both are equal"; else if (num1 > num2) cout << num1 << " is greater than " << num2; else cout << num2 << " is greater than " << num1; return 0; } // Time Complexity : O(1) // Space Complexity : O(1)
85 is greater than 75
Method 2: Using Ternary Operator
This method uses knowledge of ternary operator in C++ For two user inputs num1 and num2.- Step 1: Check if both numbers are equal
- If true then print “Both are equal”
- Step 2: Use ternary operator as largest = num1 > num2? num1 : num2;
- Step 3: Print the value of variable largest
C++ Code
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main () { int num1, num2, largest; num1=32,num2=47; if(num1 == num2) cout << "Both are Equal\n"; else { largest = num1 > num2? num1 : num2; cout << largest << " is largest"; } return 0; } // Time Complexity : O(1) // Space Complexity : O(1)
47 is largest
Method 3: Using inbuilt max() Function
This method uses internal inbuilt function max(a, b) which returns the larger value. For two user inputs num1 and num2.- Step 1: Check if both numbers are equal
- If true then print “Both are equal”
- Step 2: Use inbuilt function max as max(num1, num2)
- Step 3: Print the value of returned by max function
C++ Code
#include <iostream> // function max available in here #include <math.h> using namespace std; int main () { int num1, num2; num1=45,num2=14; if (num1 == num2) cout << "both are equal"; else cout << max(num1,num2) << " is greater"; return 0; } // Time Complexity : O(1) // Space Complexity : O(1)
45 is greater
Method 4: Using Classes
This method uses classes and objects concept in C++
C++ Code
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class PrepInsta { public: int calcLargest(int, int); }; int PrepInsta::calcLargest(int a, int b) { if(a>b) return a; else return b; } int main() { PrepInsta obj; int num1, num2, largest; num1=36,num2=23; largest = obj.calcLargest(num1, num2); cout<<"Largest: "<<largest; return 0; }
Largest: 36
Getting Started
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