Perfect Number in Python

Check Whether or Not the Number is a Perfect Number in Python

Given an integer input as a number, the objective is to check whether or not a number is a Perfect Number in Python Language. Therefore, we write a program to Check Whether or Not the Number is a Perfect Number in Python Language.

Input : 28
Divisors : [1, 2, 4, 7, 14]
Sum = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28
Output : It's a Perfect Number
Perfect Number in Python
Check Whether or Not the Number is a Perfect Number in Python

Check whether or not the number is Perfect Number in Python

  • Method 1: Using Simple Iteration I
  • Method 2: Using Simple Iteration II
  • Method 3: Using Simple Iteration III
  • Method 4: Using Recursion
  • Method 5: Using Factors

We’ll discuss the above-mentioned methods in detail in the upcoming sections.

Method 1: For Loop Iteration between [1, num]

For number num

  • Initialise sum = 0
  • Run an in ‘i’ iteration b/w [1, num]
  • For any i satisfying (num % i == 0)
  • If sum == num, its a perfect number
  • Add to the sum

Let’s implement the above mentioned logic in Python Language.

Python Code

n = 28
sum = 0

for i in range(1, n):
    if n % i == 0:
        sum = sum + i

if sum == n:
    print("The number is a Perfect number")
    print("The number is not a Perfect number")


The number is a Perfect number

Method 2: While Loop Iteration between [1, num]

For number num

  • Initialise sum = 0
  • Run an in ‘i’ iteration b/w [1, num]
  • For any i satisfying (num % i == 0)
  • If sum == num, its a perfect number
  • Add to the sum
num = 28
sum = 0

i = 1
while i < num:
    if num % i == 0:
        sum += i

    i += 1

if sum == num:
    print("The number is a Perfect number")
    print("The number is not a Perfect number")


The number is a Perfect number

Method 3: Iteration between [1, num/2+1]

This method uses fact that all the divisors of the number can be found in the range (1, num/2)

Example –

Divisors of 28 = {1, 2, 4, 7, 14}

num = 28
sum = 0

for i in range(1, num//2 + 1):
    if num % i == 0:
        sum = sum + i

if sum == num:
    print("The number is a Perfect number")
    print("The number is not a Perfect number")


The number is a Perfect number

Method 4: Using recursion

We use recursion to find if the number is perfect or not.

sum_n = 0

def getSumDivisors(num, i):
    global sum_n
    # since, all factors can be found will num/2
    # we will only check in this range
    if i <= num // 2:

        if num % i == 0:
            sum_n = sum_n + i

        i += 1

        # recursively call isPerfect
        getSumDivisors(num, i)

    # returns the sum
    # when i becomes > num/2
    return sum_n

num = 28

if getSumDivisors(num, 1) == num:
    print("The number is a Perfect number")
    print("The number is not a Perfect number")


The number is a Perfect number

Method 5: Factors come in pairs

This method uses observations that all factors come in pairs.

Python Code

n = 28
sump = 0

for i in range(1, int(pow(n, 0.5))):
    if n % i == 0:

        # For n : (1, n) will always be pair of divisor
        # acc to def., we must ignore adding num itself as divisor
        # when calculating for perfect number
        if i == 1:
            sump += i

        # Example For 100 (10,10)  will be one pair
        # But, we should add value to the sum just once
        elif i == n / i:
            sump += i

        # add both pairs as divisors
        # For any divisor i, n/i will also be a divisor
            sump += i + n / i

if sump == n:
    print("The number is a Perfect number")
    print("The number is not a Perfect number")

# Time complexity: O(sqrt(N))
# Space complexity: O(1)


The number is a Perfect number

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5 comments on “Perfect Number in Python”

  • mani

    i = 1
    while i < n:
    if (n % i == 0):
    i = i + 1
    if a==n:
    print("The number is a Perfect number")
    print("The number is not a Perfect number")

  • pamidi

    n=int(input(“enter a number : “))
    l=[i for i in range(1,n) if(n%i==0)]
    print(“Perfect number”)
    print(“not a perfect number”)

  • Ahamed

    n1 = int(input())
    k = 0
    for i in range(1, n1):
    if n1%i == 0:
    k = k + i
    if k == n1:
    print(‘Perfect number {}’.format(n1))
    print(‘Not perfect number{}’.format(n1))

  • L_50_Vegi.Deekshita

    for i in range(1,a):
    for i in c:
    print(“not perfect”)