Java Program for Insertion in Doubly Linked List

Insertion in a Doubly Linked List in Java

Lets have a look at the Java Program to Insert in a Doubly Linked List in Java. We will explore all the methods and positions to do insertion

In a doubly Linked List insertion can be done at the following positions –

  • At the beginning
  • At the end
  • After a given node
insertion in doubly linked list

Doubly Linked List Structure

Below is how node class is defined –

// Node Class
class Node{
    int data;
    Node next, prev;

    Node(int x) // parameterized constructor
        data = x;
        next = null; 
        prev = null;     
Example for Doubly Linked List insertion in Java

For Insertion in the Beginning of the List

  • Change the address in the Head of the list to the address of the New Node.
  • The previous of the New Node will point to null since it is the first node of the list.
  • The next of the New Node will point to the previous initial node of the list.
Example for Doubly Linked List insertion in Java
public void insertBeginning(int data)
    // Creating newNode memory & assigning data value
    Node freshNode = new Node(data); = head;
    freshNode.prev = null;

    // if DLL had already >=1 nodes
    if(head !=null)
        head.prev = freshNode;

    // changing head to this
    head = freshNode;

For Insertion in the End​

  • Change the address in the Last Node of the list to the address of the New Node.
  • The previous of the New Node will point to the Previously Last Node of the list.
  • The next of the New Node will point to Null since the new node is the Last Node.
Example for Doubly Linked List insertion in Java
public void insertEnd(int data) {
    // Creating newNode memory & assigning data value
    Node freshNode = new Node(data);

    // assign data
    // since this will be the last node its next will be NULL = null;

    //if we are entering the first node
    if (head == null) {
        head = freshNode;
        freshNode.prev = null;

    Node last = head;

    // traverse to the current last node
    while ( != null)
        last =;

    // assign current last node's next to this new node
    // assign new node's previous to this last node = freshNode;
    freshNode.prev = last;
    // new_node becomes the last node now


For Insertion at the Specific Position​

  • So, here the Node is being inserted at the Nth
    position in the list.
  • Change the address in the next of the (N-1)th  node of the list to the address of the New Node.
  • The previous of the New Node will point back to the (N-1)th  node of the list.
  • The next of the New Node will point to the (N+1)th  node of the list and vice versa.
Example for Doubly Linked List insertion in Java
public void insertAfterPosition(int n, int data) {
    int len = getLength(head);

    // if insertion position is 0 means entering at start
    if (n == 0) {
    // means inserting after last item
    if (n == len) {

    // else insertion will happen somewhere in the middle

    if (n < 1 || len < n) 
        System.out.println("Invalid position");

    else {
        Node freshNode = new Node(data);

        // can remove null assignments also (constructor takes care of these)
        // added just for explanation purpose = null;
        freshNode.prev = null;

        // nthNode used to traverse the Linked List
        Node nthNode = head;

        // traverse till the nth node
        while (--n > 0) {
            nthNode =;

        Node nextNode =; // (n+1)th node

        // assigning (n+1)th node's previous to this new node
        nextNode.prev = freshNode;

        // new_node's next assigned to (n+1)th node = nextNode;
        // new_node's previous assigned to nth node
        freshNode.prev = nthNode;

        // assign nth node's next to new_node = freshNode;

// required for insertPosition() method
public int getLength(Node node) {
    int size = 0;
    // traverse to the last node each time incrementing the size
    while (node != null) {
        node =;
    return size;

Complete Code for Insertion

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Fun Fact

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Doubly Linked List in Real Life can be seen implemented in back and forward buttons in a browser navigation. Also the undo and redo buttons are a great example of application of Doubly Linked List.