Doubly Linked List in Java

Doubly Linked List In Java

Doubly Linked List in Java is a mutated version of Linked List.

Similar to a Linked List Doubly Linked List also stores data elements of homogeneous data type in a linear format

doubly linked list

Structure of a Doubly Linked List in Java

The difference between a Linked List and a Doubly Linked is that singly linked list just has reference to the next node in the chain while doubly linked list has reference to both previous and next node in the chain

Components of doubly linked list are –

  • Data
  • Reference to the Next node
  • Reference to the Previous node

Doubly Linked List allows traversal in both forward and backward direction as for any node both previous and next nodes are known.

The first node is referred to as the head and the last node is referred to as the tail node.

Doubly Linked List in Java
// Node Class
class Node{
    int data;
    Node next, prev;

    Node(int x) // parameterized constructor
        data = x;
        next = null; 
        prev = null;     

Operations on a Doubly Linked List

Following operations can be performed on a doubly linked list:-

  • Insertion
    • Insertion at the beginning.
    • Insertion at the end.
    • Insertion at a specific position.
  • Deletion
    • Deletion from the beginning.
    • Deletion from the end.
    • Deletion from a specific position.

In our examples, we will focus on insertion/deletion at beginning

Code for Adding a Node in Doubly Linked List

Code for Deleting a Node in Doubly Linked List

Let us look at the code for deletion, we will for now focus on deletion from the start which is the default nature in a linked list. Which will require the following –

  • Checking if the doubly linked list is empty
    • No deletion possible
  • Checking if the doubly Linked list has a single node
    • Changing the head to null
  • Otherwise, moving the head node to next node and changing previous of new head to null

Merits of Doubly Linked List

  • A Doubly Linked List can be traversed in any given Direction Since it has pointers to both the next and the previous Node of the List.
  • It is easier to reverse a Doubly Linked List.
  • Both Deletion and Insertion and easier in a Doubly Linked List.

Demerits of Doubly Linked List

  • Every operation on a Doubly Linked List requires an extra step to perform calculations on that extra address stored with each node.
  • Every Node requires extra space in the memory to store that one extra address.

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Fun Fact

Quiz time

Doubly Linked List in Real Life can be seen implemented in back and forward buttons in a browser navigation. Also the undo and redo buttons are a great example of application of Doubly Linked List.

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