Three way Partitioning of an Array around a Given Range in Python

Three way Partitioning of an Array around a Given Range in Python

Here, on this page, we will discuss the program for the Three way Partitioning of an Array around a Given Range in Python programming language. We are given an array and a range say [low, high], we need to partition the array in such a way,

  • All the elements less than low value, should come first.
  • Elements between the low and high value come in middle.
  • All elements greater than high should come at the last.
Python program for Three way Partitioning of an Array around a Given Range


  • Initialize 3 empty arrays to store elements smaller than the given range, elements greater than the given range, elements between the given range
  • Iterate through the array using the variable i
  • If i is greater than l append it to lm
  • else-if i is greater than h append it to hm
  • Else append it to mm
  • Return the combination of all three arrays ( lm + mm + hm )
Three way Partitioning of an Array around a Given Range in Python

Python Code

def partition(arr, l, h):
    lm = []
    mm = []
    hm = []
    for i in arr:
        if i < l:
        elif i > h:
    return lm + mm + hm

array = [1, 17, 22, 16, 13, 5, 43, 18, 3, 10]
lowVal = 14
highVal = 20
print("After Partitioning :", partition(array, lowVal, highVal))


After Partitioning : [1, 13, 5, 3, 10, 17, 16, 18, 22, 43]

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