The C character set

character set in c

C character set

A character set in C Programming Language is set of all valid character which is used to form a words, numbers and expression’s in source program.

The character set is fundamental raw material of any language and they are used to represent information like natural language, computer language will also have well defined Character set, that is useful to build the programs.

Now, in this section we learn about the type of the Character set and discuss about all type of it in brief.

Type of C character set

There are four type of character set in C programming.

  • Alphabets 
  • Digit
  • Special Character 
  • White space


Alphabets has a two case.
  1. Upper case   A-Z
  2. Lower case   a-z.
In C programming, small letters and capital letters are distinct.





A 65 a 97
B 66 b 98
C 67 c 99
D 68 d 100
E 69 e 101
F 70 f 102
G 71 g 103
H 72 h 104
I 73 i 105
J 74 j 106
K 75 k 107
L 76 l 108
M 77 m 109
N 78 n 110
O 79 o 111
P 80 p 112
Q 81 q 113
R 82 r 114
S 83 s 115
T 84 t 116
U 85 u 117
V 86 v 118
W 87 w 119
X 88 x 120
Y 89 y 121
Z 90 z 122


C programming support 10 digit which are used to construct numerical value.
  • Digit 0-9.



0 48
1 49
2 50
3 51
4 52
5 53
6 54
7 55
8 56
9 57

Special character

C programming supports set of special symbols that include symbols to perform mathematical operation, check condition and other special symbol.
  • Special character %,&,*,etc.

Special Character


Special Character


~ 126 45
! 33 _ 95
@ 64 + 43
# 35 = 61
$ 36 { 123
% 37 } 125
& 38 | 124
* 42 \ 92
( 40 ; 58
) 41 : 59
39 / 47
34 ? 63
< 60 > 62

White space

In computer programming,  white space is a character that represent vertical space in typography.
  • White space \b,\v,\? and so on.

White Space


White Space


\b blank space \\ back slash
\t horizontal tab \’ single quote
\v vertical tab \” double quote
\r carriage return \? Question mark
\f form feed \0 null
\n new line \a alarm (bell)

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