TCS CodeVita Mock Test Coding Question 4

Coding Question 4

In this article, we will discuss about the TCS CodeVita Coding Question which is asked in the TCS placement test along with a detailed solution. This will help you excel your coding problems.

TCS Coding Question 2 Day1 slot1

TCS CodeVita Coding Question 

Problem Description:

You are given N number of coordinates and you have to create a polygon from these points such that they will make a polygon with maximum area.

Note: coordinates provided in the input may or may not be in sequential form.

1 <= N <= 10


First line contains an integer N which depicts number of co-ordinates

Next N lines consist of two space separated integer depicting coordinates of in form of xy

Print the maximum possible area possible by creating a polygon by joining the coordinates. 

If the area is in decimal form, print the absolute value as output.

Time Limit (secs):



0  0

2  0

0  2

2  2




As we can imagine that these points will make a square shape and the maximum possible area made by the polygon will be 4.

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