Hexaware Interview Questions for Freshers
Hexaware Interview Questions for 2023
This page contains latest Hexaware Interview Questions and Answers. This includes technical interview questions for students for CS/IT as well as Non-IT (EEE, ECE, etc,)
Page Highlights:
- Hexaware Interview Process
- Hexaware Technical Interview Questions
- Hexaware HR Interview Questions

Hexaware Interview Process
Hexaware conducts two interview rounds, these are:-
- Technical Interview
- HR Interview
Hexaware Technical Interview Questions for Non-IT Candidates
Question 1:- Briefly explain the approaches to developing algorithms?
There are three major approaches to developing algorithms −
- Greedy Approach − creating a solution by choosing the next best possible option
- Divide and Conquer − diving the problem to a minimum possible sub-problem and solving them independently.
- Dynamic Programming − diving the problem to a minimum possible sub-problem and solving them combinedly.
Question 2:- Write the Stack conditions.
- Overflow Condition: top = MaxSize – 1
- Underflow Condition: top = MinSize – 1
Question 3:- Write a code for the Amstrong number.
Question 4:- How does quicksort work?
Quick Sort is a regularly used sorting algorithm in computer science. A divide and conquer algorithm is Quicksort. It makes two empty arrays to contain elements less than the pivot value and elements more than the pivot value, then sorts the sub-arrays recursively. The method consists of two fundamental operations: swapping items in place and splitting a segment of the array. Quicksort employs a divide-and-conquer strategy. Using ‘pivot,’ it splits the list into smaller parts. The values that are less than the pivot are in the left partition, while the values that are bigger are in the right partition. Quicksort is used to recursively sort each division.
Question 5:- What is an Operating System?
The operating system is a software program that allows computer hardware to connect with and execute software applications, and it serves as a user-to-computer hardware interface. It is the most crucial component of a computer system; without it, the computer would be nothing more than a box.
Question 6:- What is thrashing?
Thrashing occurs when a computer’s performance deteriorates or crashes. When a system spends more time processing page errors than completing transactions, it is said to be thrashing. While it is required to handle page faults in order to reap the benefits of virtual memory, thrashing is detrimental to the system. As the number of page faults rises, the paging device must handle more transactions. The paging device’s queue grows, lengthening the time it takes to resolve a page fault.
Question 7:- What is the Zombie process?
A zombie process is one that has finished and terminated but still has an entry in the process table. It demonstrates that the resources are controlled by the process and are not available for free.
Question 8:- Write a code for the leap year program.
Question 9:- What is a container class?
It is a class that may be constructed using a c++ class and holds a collection of elements. A header file and an implementation file are used to implement this class. This form of class connection is also referred to as a container class and a has-a relationship.
Question 10:- Is it necessary to have a main() function in a C program?
Yes, to execute the program, the main() function is important. The program won’t get executed without that function.
Hexaware Technical Interview Questions for IT Candidates
Question 1:- Why is C a Middle-level Language?
A middle-level language bridges the gap between machine-level and high-level languages. The C programming language is one example. It is used in both system programming (such as an operating system) and application development (like spreadsheet). Middle-level languages are more closely connected to both machine and human language. That is why it is referred to as a “middle-level language.”
Question 2:- Write a program for finding all possible palindromic partitions of given string.
Question 3:- How Do You Print An Address?
Using the %P specification in the printf() ( or fprintf() or sprintf() ) statement. This prints a void pointer (void*). This format might change from compiler to compiler.
If you have some other kind of pointer (not a void*) and you want to be very safe, cast the pointer to a void*: printf (“%Pn”, (void*) buffer);
Question 4:- What are Binary trees?
A binary tree is a sort of generic tree in which each node can only have two children. The root of the node, the left sub-tree, and the right binary sub-tree are the three distinct subsets of a binary tree.
Question 5:- Write a code for doubly liked list.
Question 6:- Why is java considered as dynamic?
It is intended to alter the changing environment. Java can save a large quantity of runtime information that may be used to validate and resolve object access at runtime.
Question 7:- Why can static method not override?
A static method cannot be overridden because it is bound to a class, but an instance method is bound to an object. The class region contains static methods, while the heap area contains instance methods.
Question 8:- What is singleton Class?
The Singleton Class confined the number to one while allowed for the creation of more objects if the situation changed.
Question 9:- What are the drawbacks of array implementation of Queue?
- Memory Waste: The array space used to store queue elements can never be reused to store queue elements since the elements can only be placed at the front end and the value of the front may be so large that all the space before that can never be filled.
- Array Size: There may be times when we need to extend the queue to insert additional entries. If we use an array to create the queue, it will be nearly hard to do so, therefore determining the suitable array size is always a challenge with array implementation of a queue.
Question 10:- How can AVL Tree be useful in all the operations as compared to Binary search tree?
The AVL tree regulates the height of the binary search tree by preventing it from becoming skewed. All operations in a binary search tree of height h require O time (h). However, if the BST gets skewed, it can be extended to O(n) (i.e. worst case). The AVL tree imposes an upper limitation on each operation of O(log n), where n is the number of nodes, by restricting its height to log n.
Hexaware HR Interview Questions
Question 1:- Are you willing to relocate?
Yes, I am pleased to relocate since moving to a different place would greatly help us. There are also new things that we can comprehend. We will learn about their cultures and new customs because we will be in a completely different situation. We might make new acquaintances and teammates.
Read more at: Are you willing to relocate?
Question 2:- What Are Your Hobbies and Interests?
Having one interest is fine, but having two that complement each other and help you improve your skills is always preferable. My hobbies of Yoga and Meditation have fostered in me a degree of serenity and self-assurance that nothing else has. Our working schedule in our profession is quite demanding, with little time to relax your muscles. We must always be alert and on our toes. So these hobbies of mine have been really beneficial in allowing me to take some time out for myself and connect with my inner self, thereby bridging the gap between my head and spirit. Yoga and meditation on a daily basis also help me concentrate better at work and keep me from feeling tired.
Read more at: What Are Your Hobbies and Interests?
Question 3:- What motivates you to do a good job?
My family is my main source of motivation. They are both my biggest source of strength and my most ardent supporters. When I watch my parents working, it inspires me to work as well. Their dedication to their jobs motivates me to do the same. They are self-motivated individuals. As a consequence, I want to channel their optimism into my own life. My father told me that I should never give up on a tough customer. The trick is to make an attempt to truly comprehend what the other person wishes. This inspires me to pursue new possibilities and risks without fear of failure or desertion. My mother instills in me a sense of calm confidence. I’ve seen her capacity to know when to work hard and when to take it easy.
Read more at: What motivates you to do a good job?
Question 4:- What are you expecting from this job?
I’d want to work on a range of projects with a variety of teams in order to work in an environment that pushes me to grow beyond the scope of this job description. I’m searching for a career that will allow me to use my skills and experience while also allowing me to grow professionally and personally inside the company.
Read more at: What are you expecting from this job?
Question 5:- How would you Rate me as an Interviewer?
It’s evident that every question you ask has a purpose, which shows me that you value the interview’s productivity. You’ve also asked some extremely detailed questions, which tells me that your interviews frequently result in the selection of skilled applicants with outstanding job experience, which I value as an applicant, knowing that my teammates would be competent employees.”
Read more at: How would you Rate me as an Interviewer?
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