C++ Program to find sum of minimum absolute difference of the given array

Sum of minimum absolute difference in C++

Here, in this page we will discuss sum with minimum absolute difference in C++. We will discuss the two different ways to solve the given problem and compare there time and space complexities.

sum of minimum absolute difference in C++
Here, we will discuss the following two different methods to solve this problem.
  • Method 1 : Naive Way
  • Method 2 : Efficient way

Method 1 :

  • Take a variable say result = INT_MAX, to hold the required minimum sum.
  • Run an outer loop from index 0 to n,
  • Create a variable say sum = 0,
  • Run an inner loop from index 0 to n,
  • Set, sum += abs(arr[i]-arr[j])
  • After complete iteration of inner loop set,
  • result = min(result, sum).
  • Print result.

Time and Space Complexity :

  • Time Complexity : O(n2)
  • Space Complexity : O(1)

Method 1 : Code in C++

//Write a program to find sum of minimum absolute difference of the given array in C++
using namespace std;

int main()
    int arr[]={2, 4, 5, 3};
    int result = INT_MAX;

    int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

    for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
        int sum =0 ; // variable to hold the sum
        for(int j=0; j<n; j++){
            int x=arr[i]-arr[j];
                sum += -x;

            else sum += x;
            result = sum;
    cout<<"Minimum Absolute Difference Sum is "<<result;
    return 0;


Minimum Absolute Difference Sum is 4

Method 2 :

  • Sort the array using inbuilt sort function.
  • Create a variable say median that store the median of the array in it.
  • If the size of array is even then median= (a[n/2]+a[n/2+1])/2, otherwise median = a[n/2], here a [] is the array and n is the size of the array.
  • Create a variable say sum that holds the sum in it and initialize it with 0.
  • Iterate over the array and add the absolute difference in the sum.
  • Print the sum.

Time and Space Complexity :

  • Time Complexity : O(nlogn)
  • Space Complexity : O(1)

Method 2 : Code in C++

//Write a program to find sum of minimum absolute difference of the given array in C++
using namespace std;

int main()
    int arr[]={2, 4, 5, 3};

    int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);

    sort(arr, arr+n);  //sort array

    int median ; //variable to store the median

    median = ((arr[n/2]+arr[n/2+1])/2);

    else median = arr[n/2];

    int sum =0 ; // variable to hold the sum

    for(int i=0; i<n; i++){

        int x=arr[i]-median;
            sum += -x;

        else sum += x;
    cout<<"Minimum Absolute Difference Sum is "<<sum;
    return 0;


Minimum Absolute Difference Sum is 4

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One comment on “C++ Program to find sum of minimum absolute difference of the given array”

  • amanbajpai5734

    c++ code:

    using namespace std;

    int mins(int a, int b)
    return a;
    return b;

    int main()
    int temp=0;
    int sum=0;
    int arr[9] = {12, 10, 15, 22, 21, 20, 1, 8, 9};
    for(int i=0;i<9;i++){
    temp = arr[i+1]-arr[i];
    else if(i==8)
    temp = arr[i]-arr[i-1];
    temp = mins(arr[i+1]-arr[i],arr[i]-arr[i-1]);
    return 0;