Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion in C++

Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion in C++

What we will learn in this article is how Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion in C++ works

The following is the number system scheme of hexadecimal number format

Numbers between (0 - 9) are represented as is. 
There is special system for (10 - 15): 
A - 10
B - 11
C - 12
D - 13
E - 14
F - 16
Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion in C++

C++ Program


using namespace std;

getHexadecimal (int decimal) 
    // creating a char array to store hexadecimal equivalent
  char result[100];
    // pos keep index track & is used to place value in result[] array
  int pos = 0;
while (decimal != 0)
int rem = 0;
rem = decimal % 16;
	// Whenever rem < 10 : we will have [0 - 9] as values in place
	// Note ASCII of 0 is 48
	if (rem < 10)
result[pos] = rem + 48;
}			// else whenever remainder >= 10 we will have [A - F] 
// rem value will be > 10, adding 55 will result : A - F 
// Note: ASCII A -> 65, B -> 66 ........ F -> 70 
else {
    result[pos] = rem + 55; 
decimal = decimal / 16; 
    } // to get result we need to read the array in opposite fashion 
    cout << "Hexadecimal Value: "; 
    for (int j = pos -1; j >= 0; j--)
    cout << result[j]; 
int main() 
    int decimal; 
    cout << "Decimal Value:" ;
    cin >> decimal; 
    return 0; 


Decimal Value: 1254
Hexadecimal Value: 4E6

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