Function Call Operator Overloading in C++

Function Call Operator Overloading in C++

How to overload function call operator in C++?

The operator “()” is known as function call operator. When a function call operator is overloaded it does not modify how functions are called but, it modifies how the operator is to be explained when passed through objects of a given type.

Function call operator overloading is a sub part of operator overloading in C++. On this page, we will learn more about function call operator overloading in C++. But if you want to know more about operator overloading click the button below.

Function call operator overloading in C++

  • Function call operator is overloaded by instance  of the class and it is also known as function object.
  • When we overload function call operator, we are not creating a new way to call a function. But, we are creating an operator function that can be passed a number of parameters.
  • It only modifies how the operator is to be fetched by the object.

Syntax for function call operator overloading in C++

class class_name
        void operator ()(); 

Program to overload function call operator in C++

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Length
      int kmeter;                   
      int meter;           
         kmeter = 0;
         meter = 0;
      Length(int km, int m) 
         kmeter = km;
         meter = m;
      Length operator()(int x, int y, int z)//Overload function call operator.
         Length l;
         l.kmeter = x + z + 10;
         l.meter = y + z + 100 ;
         return l;
      //Method to display length.
      void disLength() {
         cout << kmeter <<"Km " << meter << "M" << endl;

int main() 
   Length l1(1, 112), l2;

   cout << "First length: "; 

   l2 = l1(6, 7, 8); //Invoking function call operator.
   cout << "Second length:"; 

   return 0;


First length: 1Km 112M
Second length:24Km 115M

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