Difference between Double and Float in C

Double and Float:

On this page we will discuss about the difference between double and float in C programming language.

Difference between Double and Float in C



  • In programming languages, this is the most used data type for assigning values with a real or decimal-based number within, such 3.14 for pi.
  • It has two times as much precision as a float, or double precision.
  • Double type variables can be given a value that falls between the ranges of 2.3E-308 and 1.7E+308.
  • Double requires storage of 8 bytes.
  • It has a precision of 15 decimal places.
  • It features a 64-bit floating point precision, according to IEEE.


  • This is typically used for graphic-based libraries since it makes it easier for compilers to manage your programs’ processing capacity.
  • Float has single precision.
  • The storage required by Float is 4 bytes.
  • Float variables can be given a value with a range of 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38.
  • It features a 32-bit floating point precision, according to IEEE.
  • It has a precision of six decimal places.
Float requires storage of 4 bytes.Double requires storage of 8 bytes.
It features a 32-bit floating point precision, according to IEEE.It features a 64-bit floating point precision, according to IEEE.
It has a precision of 6 decimal places.It has a precision of 15 decimal places.
Float variables can be given a value with a range of 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38.Double type variables can be given a value that falls between the ranges of 2.3E-308 and 1.7E+308.
Float has single precision.Double has two times as much precision as a float, or double precision.

Example of Float and Double:

int main ()
  int a = 12, b = 25, sum;
  float c = 11.23, d = 15.23, add;
  sum = a + b;
  add = c + d;
  printf ("The sum of a and b is : %d\n", sum);
  printf ("The sum of c and d is : %d", add);
  return 0;


The sum of a and b is : 37
The sum of c and d is : -11046240

Example of Float:

int main ()
  double a, b, Result;
  printf ("Enter two numbers = ");
  scanf ("%lf %lf", &a, &b);
  Result = a * b;
  printf ("Result = %.2lf", Result);
  return 0;


Enter two numbers = 4
Result = 32.00

Example of Double:

double feetToMeter (double feetInput)
  return feetInput / 3.28;
int main ()
  double feetInput;
  double meterValue;
  printf ("Input the value in feet = ");
  scanf ("%lf", &feetInput);
  meterValue = feetToMeter (feetInput);
  printf ("The value in meter is = %lf", meterValue);
  return 0;


Input the value in feet = 6
The value in meter is = 1.829268

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