TCS Coding Questions with Answers

TCS Programming Questions with Answers for Freshers​​

TCS Programming Test 2025 Questions  are not like a general Coding Round Questions with Solutions it is all together different from C programming. We have analyzed over 100+ TCS Programming Questions. Below you will find Similar pattern based TCS Coding Questions, these most common TCS Coding Questions that are asked constantly in TCS Placement test. You must prepare coding section to score well in TCS NQT test. The languages that you can use in the test are –

  • C
  • C++
  • Java
  • Python

TCS Coding Questions

TCS Coding questions asked in the Round 2(Advanced) of TCS Exam. This coding round includes 3-4 questions and time will be given 90 mins. This round tests student’s coding skills and this round contains moderate to high level DSA Questions. Students can check different levels of questions asked in TCS Exam in the below section of the page.

DetailsCoding Round
Number of Questions3-4 questions
Time Limit90 mins
Difficulty LevelHard


  1. There will be no negative marking.
  2. TCS NQT is non- adaptive this year though the TCS Coding Question round is different from this.
  3. You will not get any extra rough paper in the exam as a calculator and Rough Paper will be available on your Desktop Screen. You are not allowed to move your eyes down while giving the examination.

TCS Coding Questions

Here are details regarding the Coding Question that will be asked in the latest TCS NQT Round for 2025. TCS has changed the name of this questions to “Advanced Coding” but these are the same old TCS Coding Questions.

Details Coding Round
Number of Questions 3-4 questions
Time Limit 90 mins
Difficulty Level Hard

TCS NQT Coding Question 2023 – September Day 1 – Slot 1

Problem Statement – An automobile company manufactures both a two wheeler (TW) and a four wheeler (FW). A company manager wants to make the production of both types of vehicle according to the given data below:

  • 1st data, Total number of vehicle (two-wheeler + four-wheeler)=v
  • 2nd data, Total number of wheels = W

The task is to find how many two-wheelers as well as four-wheelers need to manufacture as per the given data.
Example :

Input :
200  -> Value of V
540   -> Value of W

Output :
TW =130 FW=70

130+70 = 200 vehicles
(70*4)+(130*2)= 540 wheels

Constraints :

  • 2<=W
  • W%2=0
  • V<W

Print “INVALID INPUT” , if inputs did not meet the constraints.

The input format for testing 
The candidate has to write the code to accept two positive numbers separated by a new line.

  • First Input line – Accept value of V.
  • Second Input line- Accept value for W.

The output format for testing 

  • Written program code should generate two outputs, each separated by a single space character(see the example)
  • Additional messages in the output will result in the failure of test case

TCS NQT Coding Question 2023 – September Day 1 – Slot 1

Problem Statement – Given a string S(input consisting) of ‘*’ and ‘#’. The length of the string is variable. The task is to find the minimum number of ‘*’ or ‘#’ to make it a valid string. The string is considered valid if the number of ‘*’ and ‘#’ are equal. The ‘*’ and ‘#’ can be at any position in the string.
Note : The output will be a positive or negative integer based on number of ‘*’ and ‘#’ in the input string.

  • (*>#): positive integer
  • (#>*): negative integer
  • (#=*): 0

Example 1:
Input 1:

  • ###***   -> Value of S

Output :

  • 0   → number of * and # are equal

TCS Coding Question Day 1 Slot 2 – Question 1

Given an integer array Arr of size N the task is to find the count of elements whose value is greater than all of its prior elements.

Note : 1st element of the array should be considered in the count of the result.

For example,
As 7 is the first element, it will consider in the result.
8 and 9 are also the elements that are greater than all of its previous elements.
Since total of  3 elements is present in the array that meets the condition.
Hence the output = 3.
Example 1:

5 -> Value of N, represents size of Arr
7-> Value of Arr[0]
4 -> Value of Arr[1]
8-> Value of Arr[2]
2-> Value of Arr[3]
9-> Value of Arr[4]

Output :

Example 2:
5   -> Value of N, represents size of Arr
3  -> Value of Arr[0]
4 -> Value of Arr[1]
5 -> Value of Arr[2]
8 -> Value of Arr[3]
9 -> Value of Arr[4]

Output : 


  • 1<=N<=20
  • 1<=Arr[i]<=10000

TCS Coding Question Day 1 Slot 2 – Question 2

A parking lot in a mall has RxC number of parking spaces. Each parking space will either be  empty(0) or full(1). The status (0/1) of a parking space is represented as the element of the matrix. The task is to find index of the prpeinzta row(R) in the parking lot that has the most of the parking spaces full(1).

Note :
RxC- Size of the matrix
Elements of the matrix M should be only 0 or 1.

Example 1:
Input :
3   -> Value of R(row)
3    -> value of C(column)
[0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1] -> Elements of the array M[R][C] where each element is separated by new line.
Output :
3  -> Row 3 has maximum number of 1’s

Example 2:
input :
4 -> Value of R(row)
3 -> Value of C(column)
[0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1] -> Elements of the array M[R][C]
Output :
4  -> Row 4 has maximum number of 1’s

TCS Coding Question Day 2 Slot 1 – Question 1

A party has been organised on cruise. The party is organised for a limited time(T). The number of guests entering (E[i]) and leaving (L[i]) the party at every hour is represented as elements of the array. The task is to find the maximum number of guests present on the cruise at any given instance within T hours.

Example 1:
Input :

  • 5    -> Value of T
  • [7,0,5,1,3]  -> E[], Element of E[0] to E[N-1], where input each element is separated by new line 
  • [1,2,1,3,4]   -> L[], Element of L[0] to L[N-1], while input each element is separate by new line.

Output :
8     -> Maximum number of guests on cruise at an instance.


1st hour:
Entry : 7 Exit: 1
No. of guests on ship : 6

2nd hour :
Entry : 0 Exit : 2
No. of guests on ship : 6-2=4

Hour 3:
Entry: 5 Exit: 1
No. of guests on ship : 4+5-1=8

Hour 4:
Entry : 1 Exit : 3
No. of guests on ship : 8+1-3=6

Hour 5:
Entry : 3 Exit: 4
No. of guests on ship: 6+3-4=5
Hence, the maximum number of guests within 5 hours is 8.

Example 2:
4  -> Value of T
[3,5,2,0]   -> E[], Element of E[0] to E[N-1], where input each element is separated by new line.
[0,2,4,4]    -> L[], Element of L[0] to L[N-1], while input each element in separated by new line


Hour 1:
Entry: 3 Exit: 0
No. of guests on ship: 3

Hour 2:
Entry : 5 Exit : 2
No. of guest on ship: 3+5-2=6

Hour 3:
Entry : 2 Exit: 4
No. of guests on ship: 6+2-4= 4

Hour 4:
Entry: 0  Exit : 4
No. of guests on ship : 4+0-4=0

Hence, the maximum number of guests within 5 hours is 6.
The input format for testing
The candidate has to write the code to accept 3 input.
First input- Accept  value for number of T(Positive integer number)
Second input- Accept T number of values, where each value is separated by a new line.
Third input- Accept T number of values, where each value is separated by a new line.
The output format for testing
The output should be a positive integer number or a message as given in the problem statement(Check the output in Example 1 and Example 2)


  • 1<=T<=25
  • 0<= E[i] <=500
  • 0<= L[i] <=500

TCS Coding Question Day 2 Slot 1 – Question 2

At a fun fair, a street vendor is selling different colours of balloons. He sells N number of different colours of balloons (B[]). The task is to find the colour (odd) of the balloon which is present odd number of times in the bunch of balloons.

Note: If there is more than one colour which is odd in number, then the first colour in the array which is present odd number of times is displayed. The colours of the balloons can all be either upper case or lower case in the array. If all the inputs are even in number, display the message “All are even”.

Example 1:

  • 7  -> Value of N
  • [r,g,b,b,g,y,y]  -> B[] Elements B[0] to B[N-1], where each input element is sepārated by ṉew line.

Output :

  • r -> [r,g,b,b,g,y,y]  -> “r” colour balloon is present odd number of times in the bunch.

From the input array above:

  • r: 1 balloon 
  • g: 2 balloons
  • b:  2 balloons
  • y : 2 balloons
    Hence , r is only the balloon which is odd in number.

Example 2:

  • 10 -> Value of N
  • [a,b,b,b,c,c,c,a,f,c] -> B[], elements B[0] to B[N-1] where input each element is separated by new line.

Output :
b-> ‘b’ colour balloon is present odd number of times in the bunch.

From the input array above:

  • a: 2 balloons
  • b: 3 balloons 
  • c: 4 balloons 
  • f: 1 balloons 

Here, both ‘b’ and ‘f’ have odd number of balloons. But ‘b’ colour balloon occurs first.
Hence , b is the output.

Input Format for testing
The candidate has to write the code to accept: 2 input 

  • First input: Accept value for number of N(Positive integer number).
  • Second Input : Accept N number of character values (B[]), where each value is separated by a new line.

Output format for testing
The output should be a single literal (Check the output in example 1 and example 2)


  • 3<=N<=50
  • B[i]={{a-z} or {A-Z}}

Question 1

There is a JAR full of candies for sale at a mall counter. JAR has the capacity N, that is JAR can contain maximum N candies when JAR is full. At any point of time. JAR can have M number of Candies where M<=N. Candies are served to the customers. JAR is never remain empty as when last k candies are left. JAR if refilled with new candies in such a way that JAR get full.
Write a code to implement above scenario. Display JAR at counter with available number of candies. Input should be the number of candies one customer can order at point of time. Update the JAR after each purchase and display JAR at Counter.

Output should give number of Candies sold and updated number of Candies in JAR.

If Input is more than candies in JAR, return: “INVALID INPUT”
K =< 5, where k is number of minimum candies that must be inside JAR ever.
Example 1:(N = 10, k =< 5)

Input Value
Output Value

Example : (N=10, k<=5)

Input Value
Output Value

Question 2

Selection of MPCS exams include a fitness test which is conducted on ground. There will be a batch of 3 trainees, appearing for running test in track for 3 rounds. You need to record their oxygen level after every round. After trainee are finished with all rounds, calculate for each trainee his average oxygen level over the 3 rounds and select one with highest oxygen level as the most fit trainee. If more than one trainee attains the same highest average level, they all need to be selected.

Display the most fit trainee (or trainees) and the highest average oxygen level.


  • The oxygen value entered should not be accepted if it is not in the range between 1 and 100.
  • If the calculated maximum average oxygen value of trainees is below 70 then declare the trainees as unfit with meaningful message as “All trainees are unfit.
  • Average Oxygen Values should be rounded.

Example 1:

Trainee Number : 1
Trainee Number : 3

Input should be 9 integer values representing oxygen levels entered in order as

Round 1

  • Oxygen value of trainee 1
  • Oxygen value of trainee 2
  • Oxygen value of trainee 3

Round 2

  • Oxygen value of trainee 1
  • Oxygen value of trainee 2
  • Oxygen value of trainee 3

Round 3

  • Oxygen value of trainee 1
  • Oxygen value of trainee 2
  • Oxygen value of trainee 3

Output must be in given format as in above example. For any wrong input final output should display “INVALID INPUT”

Question 3

Problem Statement

A washing machine works on the principle of Fuzzy System, the weight of clothes put inside it for washing is uncertain But based on weight measured by sensors, it decides time and water level which can be changed by menus given on the machine control area.  

For low level water, the time estimate is 25 minutes, where approximately weight is between 2000 grams or any nonzero positive number below that.

For medium level water, the time estimate is 35 minutes, where approximately weight is between 2001 grams and 4000 grams.

For high level water, the time estimate is 45 minutes, where approximately weight is above 4000 grams.

Assume the capacity of machine is maximum 7000 grams

Where approximately weight is zero, time estimate is 0 minutes.

Write a function which takes a numeric weight in the range [0,7000] as input and produces estimated time as output is: “OVERLOADED”, and for all other inputs, the output statement is


Input should be in the form of integer value –

Output must have the following format –

Time Estimated: Minutes

Input value

Output value
Time Estimated: 25 minutes


Question 4


Problem Statement

The Caesar cipher is a type of substitution cipher in which each alphabet in the plaintext or messages is shifted by a number of places down the alphabet.
For example,with a shift of 1, P would be replaced by Q, Q would become R, and so on.
To pass an encrypted message from one person to another, it is first necessary that both parties have the ‘Key’ for the cipher, so that the sender may encrypt and the receiver may decrypt it.
Key is the number of OFFSET to shift the cipher alphabet. Key can have basic shifts from 1 to 25 positions as there are 26 total alphabets.
As we are designing custom Caesar Cipher, in addition to alphabets, we are considering numeric digits from 0 to 9. Digits can also be shifted by key places.
For Example, if a given plain text contains any digit with values 5 and keyy =2, then 5 will be replaced by 7, “-”(minus sign) will remain as it is. Key value less than 0 should result into “INVALID INPUT”

Example 1:
Enter your PlainText: All the best
Enter the Key: 1

The encrypted Text is: Bmm uif Cftu

Write a function CustomCaesarCipher(int key, String message) which will accept plaintext and key as input parameters and returns its cipher text as output.

Question 5

Problem Statement

We want to estimate the cost of painting a property. Interior wall painting cost is Rs.18 per sq.ft. and exterior wall painting cost is Rs.12 per sq.ft.

Take input as
1. Number of Interior walls
2. Number of Exterior walls
3. Surface Area of each Interior 4. Wall in units of square feet
Surface Area of each Exterior Wall in units of square feet

If a user enters zero  as the number of walls then skip Surface area values as User may don’t  want to paint that wall.

Calculate and display the total cost of painting the property
Example 1:
Total estimated Cost : 1847.4 INR
Note: Follow in input and output format as given in above example

Question 6

Problem Statement

A City Bus is a Ring Route Bus which runs in circular fashion.That is, Bus once starts at the Source Bus Stop, halts at each Bus Stop in its Route and at the end it reaches the Source Bus Stop again.
If there are n  number of Stops and if the bus starts at Bus Stop 1, then after nth Bus Stop, the next stop in the Route will be Bus Stop number 1 always.
If there are n stops, there will be n paths.One path connects two stops. Distances (in meters) for all paths in Ring Route is given in array Path[] as given below:
Path = [800, 600, 750, 900, 1400, 1200, 1100, 1500]
Fare is determined based on the distance covered from source to destination stop as  Distance between Input Source and Destination Stops can be measured by looking at values in array Path[] and fare can be calculated as per following criteria:

  • If d =1000 metres, then fare=5 INR
  • (When calculating fare for others, the calculated fare containing any fraction value should be ceiled. For example, for distance 900n when fare initially calculated is 4.5 which must be ceiled to 5)

Path is circular in function. Value at each index indicates distance till current stop from the previous one. And each index position can be mapped with values at same index in BusStops [] array, which is a string array holding abbreviation of names for all stops as-

Given, n=8, where n is number of total BusStops.
BusStops = [ “TH”, ”GA”, ”IC”, ”HA”, ”TE”, ”LU”, ”NI”,”CA” ]

Write a code with function getFare(String Source, String Destination) which take Input as source and destination stops(in the format containing first two characters of the Name of the Bus Stop) and calculate and return travel fare.

Example 1:
Input Values
Output Values

Example 2:
Input Values
Output Values
23.0 INR
Note: Input and Output should be in format given in example.
Input should not be case sensitive and output should be in the format   INR

Question 7

Problem Statement

There are total n number of Monkeys sitting on the branches of a huge Tree. As travelers offer Bananas and Peanuts, the Monkeys jump down the Tree. If every Monkey can eat k Bananas and j Peanuts. If total m number of Bananas and p number of Peanuts are offered by travelers, calculate how many Monkeys remain on the Tree after some of them jumped down to eat.
At a time one Monkeys gets down and finishes eating and go to the other side of the road. The Monkey who climbed down does not climb up again after eating until the other Monkeys finish eating.
Monkey can either eat k Bananas or j Peanuts. If for last Monkey there are less than k Bananas left on the ground or less than j Peanuts left on the ground, only that Monkey can eat Bananas(<k) along with the Peanuts(<j).
Write code to take inputs as n, m, p, k, j and return  the number of Monkeys left on the Tree.
    Where, n= Total no of Monkeys
        k= Number of eatable Bananas by Single Monkey (Monkey that jumped down last may get less than k Bananas)
        j = Number of eatable Peanuts by single Monkey(Monkey that jumped down last may get less than j Peanuts)
        m = Total number of Bananas
        p  = Total number of Peanuts
Remember that the Monkeys always eat Bananas and Peanuts, so there is no possibility of k and j having a value zero

Example 1:
Input Values    

Output Values
Number of  Monkeys left on the tree:10
Note: Kindly follow  the order of inputs as n,k,j,m,p as given in the above example. And output must include  the same format  as in above example(Number of Monkeys left on the Tree:)
For any wrong input display INVALID INPUT

Question 8

Problem Statement

Chain Marketing Organization has has a scheme for income generation, through which its members generate income for themselves. The scheme is such that suppose A joins the scheme and makes R and V to join this scheme  then A is Parent Member of R and V who are child Members. When any member joins the scheme then the parent gets total commission of 10% from each of its child members.
Child members receive commission of 5% respectively. If a Parent member does not have any member joined under him, then he gets commission of 5%.
Take name of the members joining the scheme as input.
Display how many members joined the scheme including parent member.Calculate the Total commission gained by each members in the scheme. The fixed amount for joining the scheme is Rs.5000 on which commission will be generated
SchemeAmount = 5000

Example 1: When there are more than one child members 
Input : (Do not give input prompts.Accept values as follows. )
Amit                     //Enter parent Member as this
Y                           //Enter Y if  Parent member has child members otherwise enter N
Rajesh,Virat        //Enter names of child members of Amit in comma separated
Output:(Final Output must be in format given below.)
Amit: 1000 INR
Rajesh :250 INR
Virat: 250 INR

Example 2: When there is only one child member in the hierarchy
Input :
Total Members: 2 
Comission Details
Amit: 500 INR
Rajesh: 250 INR

Question 9

Problem Statement

FULLY AUTOMATIC VENDING MACHINE – dispenses your cuppa on just press of button. A vending machine can serve range of products as follows:


  1. Espresso Coffee
  2. Cappuccino Coffee
  3. Latte Coffee


  1. Plain Tea
  2. Assam Tea
  3. Ginger Tea
  4. Cardamom Tea
  5. Masala Tea
  6. Lemon Tea
  7. Green Tea
  8. Organic Darjeeling Tea


  1. Hot and Sour Soup
  2. Veg Corn Soup
  3. Tomato Soup
  4. Spicy Tomato Soup


  1. Hot Chocolate Drink
  2. Badam Drink
  3. Badam-Pista Drink

Write a program to take input for main menu & sub menu and display the name of sub menu selected in the following format (enter the first letter to select main menu):

Welcome to CCD 
Enjoy your
Example 1:

Welcome to CCD!
Enjoy your Espresso Coffee!

Example 2:

Question 10

Problem Statement
A doctor has a clinic where he serves his patients. The doctor’s consultation fees are different for different groups of patients depending on their age. If the patient’s age is below 17, fees is 200 INR. If the patient’s age is between 17 and 40, fees is 400 INR. If patient’s age is above 40, fees is 300 INR. Write a code to calculate earnings in a day for which one array/List of values representing age of patients visited on that day is passed as input.

  • Age should not be zero or less than zero or above 120
  • Doctor consults a maximum of 20 patients a day
  • Enter age value (press Enter without a value to stop):

Example 1:
Total Income 2000 INR
Note: Input and Output Format should be same as given in the above example.
For any wrong input display INVALID INPUT
Output Format
Total Income 2000 INR

Checking if a given year is leap year or not

To check whether a year is leap or not
Step 1:

  • We first divide the year by 4.
  • If it is not divisible by 4 then it is not a leap year.
  • If it is divisible by 4 leaving remainder 0 

Step 2:

  • We divide the year by 100
  • If it is not divisible by 100 then it is a leap year.
  • If it is divisible by 100 leaving remainder 0

Step 3:

  • We divide the year by 400
  • If it is not divisible by 400 then it is a leap year.
  • If it is divisible by 400 leaving remainder 0 

Then it is a leap year 

Prime Numbers with a Twist

Ques. Write a code to check whether no is prime or not. Condition use function check() to find whether entered no is positive or negative ,if negative then enter the no, And if yes pas no as a parameter to prime() and check whether no is prime or not?

  • Whether the number is positive or not, if it is negative then print the message “please enter the positive number”
  • It is positive then call the function prime and check whether the take positive number is prime or not. 

Number Series with a Twist – 1

Find the 15th term of the series?
0,0,7,6,14,12,21,18, 28
Explanation :
In this series the odd term is increment of 7 {0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 – – – – – – }
And even term is a increment of 6 {0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 – – – – – – } 

Number Series with a Twist 2

Link to this Question
Consider the following series: 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 8, 27, 16, 81, 32, 243, 64, 729, 128, 2187 …

This series is a mixture of 2 series – all the odd terms in this series form a geometric series and all the even terms form yet another geometric series. Write a program to find the Nth term in the series.

The value N in a positive integer that should be read from STDIN. The Nth term that is calculated by the program should be written to STDOUT. Other than value of n th term,no other character / string or message should be written to STDOUT. For example , if N=16, the 16th term in the series is 2187, so only value 2187 should be printed to STDOUT.

You can assume that N will not exceed 30. 

Number Series with a Twist 3

Question –
Consider the below series :

0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 2, 6, 3, 8, 4, 10, 5, 12, 6, 14, 7, 16, 8

This series is a mixture of 2 series all the odd terms in this series form even numbers in ascending order and every even terms is derived from the previous  term using the formula (x/2)
Write a program to find the nth term in this series.
The value n in a positive integer that should be read from STDIN the nth term that is calculated by the program should be written to STDOUT. Other than the value of the nth term no other characters /strings or message should be written to STDOUT.

For example if n=10,the 10 th term in the series is to be derived from the 9th term in the series. The 9th term is 8 so the 10th term is (8/2)=4. Only the value 4 should be printed to STDOUT.

You can assume that the n will not exceed 20,000. 

String with a Twist

The program will recieve 3 English words inputs from STDIN

  1. These three words will be read one at a time, in three separate line
  2. The first word should be changed like all vowels should be replaced by %
  3. The second word should be changed like all consonants should be replaced by #
  4. The third word should be changed like all char should be converted to upper case
  5. Then concatenate the three words and print them

Other than these concatenated word, no other characters/string should or message should be written to STDOUT

For example if you print how are you then output should be h%wa#eYOU.

You can assume that input of each word will not exceed more than 5 chars 

Addition of two numbers a Twist
Using a method, pass two variables and find the sum of two numbers.
Test case:
Number 1 – 20
Number 2 – 20.38
Sum = 40.38

There were a total of 4 test cases. Once you compile 3 of them will be shown to you and 1 will be a hidden one. You have to display error message if numbers are not numeric. 

Consider the below series :

0, 0, 2, 1, 4, 2, 6, 3, 8, 4, 10, 5, 12, 6, 14, 7, 16, 8

This series is a mixture of 2 series all the odd terms in this series form even numbers in ascending order and every even terms is derived from the previous  term using the formula (x/2)
Write a program to find the nth term in this series.
The value n in a positive integer that should be read from STDIN the nth term that is calculated by the program should be written to STDOUT. Other than the value of the nth term no other characters /strings or message should be written to STDOUT.
For example if n=10,the 10 th term in the series is to be derived from the 9th term in the series. The 9th term is 8 so the 10th term is (8/2)=4. Only the value 4 should be printed to STDOUT.

You can assume that the n will not exceed 20,000.

Free Materials

We have a lots of free materials don’t worry. Check them out below.

Prime MOCK: Study Your TCS Coding Latest Prime MOCK Here

TCS Coding Round  2022 Questions in Test Pattern and Syllabus

  • Number of Questions – 2
  • Total time to Solve – 45 mins
  • Difficulty Level – 1 Easy Questions, 1 medium to difficult level question
  • Cut-off – Solve 1 question completely or partial output

Though command Line Programming is not there you should study it for C MCQ section as 1-2 MCQ would be there for command Line program.

TCS C Command Line Programming Basics

  • Keywords like getc, scanf, getch, getchar etc can not be used.
  • Instead we use command line arguments to fetch values.

Before reading further for TCS Coding Round Questions, I will suggest not to freak out if you don’t understand in first go. Read everything once and then when you read again things will start to make sense. It is the best resource on the internet to know about TCS command line Argument Type Questions and TCS C Programming Questions and Answers.

TCS Programming Test Facts and Questions

TCS coding test based facts and tricks, TCS Programming Questions, TCS Programming Test –

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TCS Coding Questions with Answers

Let us consider this, if you wanted to write a basic C program then you would’ve written a main function that would’ve looked like in compiler for TCS Coding Round Questions – 

int Main(){

// some code


However in command line arguments we write like this – 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

  • argc – It is known as Argument Count and as clear from the name it stores the Count of number of Arguments.
  • argv[] – Pointer, contains location of all the values(arguments).
  • *argv[] – Array of values of all the arguments.
  • They are parameters/arguments supplied to the program when it is invoked.

Thus, now we have two things

  1. Total Count of number of Arguments.
  2. All the values/pointer location of arguments stored in an array.

Now, you will need one more thing i.e. atoi();

  • atoi(); – Converts string into int and atoi(argv[i]); will give the value of argument at ith location in int type format.

Now you can use an int val = atoi(argv[i]); to store the value and then print it with printf(); function.

Check out this video Below to learn how to Solve Command Line Programming.

Quick Facts

argv[0] contains the name, not the value so –

  • All for loops must start from i=1.
  • You must use the following condition

if(argc == 1){

// do nothing since, there are no arguments, maybe ask for arguments?


// code to apply logic and print values in TCS Coding Round Questions.


  • provided+1 +1 for file.exe
  • argv[argc] is a NULL pointer.
  • argv[0] holds the name of the program.
  • argv[1] points to the first command line argument and argv[n] points last argument.

TCS Coding Questions FAQ's

What is the level of difficulty of the question asked in TCS programming round?

Ans. They are easy but you need to have good grip over basic C/C++ input/output or pattern based programs.

Logics like Recursion, For loops, If loops etc

What languages can we use in TCS Coding Round Questions?

Ans. In TCS Coding Round Questions currently you can only use C/C++ and Java for coding in TCS based Compiler that is mostly GCC type of compiler.

Is PrepInsta enough to prepare for TCS Coding Round and Questions asked in the exams?

Ans. Yes, it is the best resource out there in the internet to prepare for TCS Coding section paper.

Rules for TCS Coding Round Questions Section:

  • There is only one question for 20 minutes.
  • It has 10 attempts(We can compile only 10 times).
  • We must start our code from the scratch.
  • The coding platform is divided into two, one for writing the code and other for output. We should write the whole
  • We must only print exact output.
  • Output must not be re-framed by extra words.
  • If there is any error, the error will be shown in the output dialog box.
  • The errors are clearly mentioned.
  • If there are no errors, a message like “compiled successfully” will be printed.
  • Along with that they will mention four test cases are ‘passed’ or ‘failed’. They are indicated like private and public test cases. They have not mentioned what is the test case, which is difficult to understand.

Don’t Compile again and again since compiler takes 25 seconds and each time you compile 25 seconds will become lesser in the time you have to code in TCS Placement Papers Programming.


How to clear the TCS coding round?

Ans. First you must learn command line programming from our coding dashboard and then try sample questions given on the dashboard to know how to clear the tcs coding round  and TCS C Programming Questions and Answers

What are some other websites where we can find more questions?

Ans. You can find more questions on MyGeekMonkey website.

Disclaimer: The Words Like “Placement Papers” and “Previous Year Papers” are used here for Google Search Purposes only and may not be. All these questions could be freely available on the internet, we are only charging students for the PrepInsta’s Mock Test experiences and Analytics as well as preparation for the exam. Prepinsta does not guarantee any recurrence of the questions in the exam however we believe that from our practise questions the exam should atleast be similar in pattern as per syllabus or difficulty. These are only practise mock questions. PrepInsta has compiled these from various internet sources and made them as per mock experience for students ease and are offering analytics as per performance

74 comments on “TCS Coding Questions with Answers”

  • 26

    Caesar Cipher Problem

    public class Main
    public String CustomCaesarCipher (int key, String message) {
    String str = “”;
    char ch;
    if (key <= 0) {
    return "INVALID INPUT";
    for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i ++) {
    ch = message.charAt(i);
    str = str + String.valueOf(ch += key);
    str = str.replace("!", " ");
    return str;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Main obj = new Main();
    System.out.println(obj.CustomCaesarCipher(0, "Hello World"));

  • 26

    TCS Coding Question Day 1 Slot 2 – Question 2

    import java.util.*;

    public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    int [][] arr = new int [10][10];
    int row = 3, col = 3, count, i, j, prev = 0, count1=0;
    for (i = 0; i < row; i ++) {
    for (j = 0; j < col; j ++) {
    System.out.print("[ " + i + " ]" + "[ " + j + " ]" + ": ");
    arr[i][j] = sc.nextInt();
    for (i = 0; i < row; i ++) {
    count = 0;
    for (j = 0; j prev) {
    prev = count;
    count1 = i;
    System.out.printf(“Row %d has maximum number of 1’s”, count1+1);

  • Madhumitha

    TCS Coding Question Day 1 Slot 2 QUESTION 1
    int main()
    int n,i=0,count=1;
    int a[i];
