Find kth node from end of the linked list in JAVA

JAVA Program to find kth node from the end

In this page of Data Structures we’ll take a look at the solution of a problem where it has been asked to find the kth node from the end of the Linked List in JAVA. Here we’ve used a rather simpler solution of finding out the index of the element by basic mathematics implementation using the length of the Linked List.

Finding the kth Node from the end in liked list

Implementation to find Kth node from end of the Linked List in JAVA

We know that,in singly linked list traversal is done through front only. so we will count the element from front to end of the linked list.

Then we’ll find out the index of that kth node from the beginning of the list by subtracting its position, from the end, from the length of the linked list.

We can solve this problem in one traversal only. The idea is to start from the head node to move a pointer K nodes ahead  in given list.

find kth node from the end in A Singly Linked List


  • printk(k)
  • Node temp = head
  • FOR int i=0; i++ Until temp!=0
  • temp = temp->next;
  • length++
  • temp = head
  • WHILE i = 1 to i < length – k + 1
  • temp = temp->next
  • PRINT temp->data

Code in JAVA Programming Language 

import java.lang.*;

class LinkedList
  Node head;
  // not using parameterized constructor would by default
  // force head instance to become null
  // Node head = null;  // can also do this, but not required

  // Node Class
  class Node
    int data;
    Node next;

      Node (int x)		// parameterized constructor
      data = x;
      next = null;
  public Node insertStart (int data)
    // Creating newNode memory & assigning data value
    Node newNode = new Node (data);
    // assigning this newNode's next as current head node = head;

    // re-assigning head to this newNode
    head = newNode;

    return head;

  public void insertLast (int data)
    // Creating newNode memory & assigning data value
    Node newNode = new Node (data);

    // if Linked List was empty, entering first node
    if (head == null)
	head = newNode;

    // required to traverse the Linked List
    Node temp = head;

    // traverse till the last node in Linked List
    while ( != null)
      temp =;

    // assigning the current last node's next to this newNode
    // thus newNode becomes the last node in Linked List = newNode;


  public void insertPosition (int n, int data)
    int size = calcSize (head);

    // Can only insert after 1st position
    // Can't insert if position to insert is greater than size of Linked List
    if (n < 1 || n > size)
	System.out.println ("Can't insert\n");

	Node newNode = new Node (data);
	// required to traverse
	Node temp = head;

	// traverse to the nth node
	while (--n > 0)
	  temp =;

	// assigning this newNode's next to nth node's next =;
	// assigning the nth node's next to this newNode = newNode;
	// newNode added after nth node

  void printk (int k)
    int length = 0;
    Node temp = head;

    for (int i = 0; temp != null; i++)
	temp =;
    temp = head;

    //to get kth node from the end we can also say that we want (length-k+1) node from the beginning
    int i = 1;
    while (i < length - k + 1)
	temp =;
    System.out.println (k + "th Node from the end is " +;

  public void display ()
    Node node = head;
    //as linked list will end when Node reaches Null
    while (node != null)
	System.out.print ( + " ");
	node =;
    System.out.println ();
  // required for insertPosition() method
  public int calcSize (Node node)
    int size = 0;
    // traverse to the last node each time incrementing the size
    while (node != null)
	node =;
    return size;

public class Main
  public static void main (String args[])
    LinkedList ll = new LinkedList ();

      ll.insertStart (3);
      ll.insertStart (2);
      ll.insertStart (1);
      ll.insertLast (5);
      ll.insertLast (6);
      ll.insertLast (7);
      ll.insertLast (8);

      ll.display ();

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 
4th Node from the end is 5

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