TCS Ninja Placement Papers and Questions 2024
TCS Ninja 2024 Questions and Solutions PDF
Here you will find the latest pattern of TCS Ninja Placement paper. Below you will get similar pattern previous year questions, sample questions that were asked in TCS Ninja online test 2024. These TCS Ninja practice paper questions with solutions will help you in preparation for the TCS Ninja online test.
- There will be no negative marking.
- You will not get any extra rough paper in the exam as a calculator and Rough Paper will be available on your Desktop Screen. You are not allowed to move your eyes down while giving the examination.
PrepInsta has the largest question bank for TCS Ninja Placement Papers 2024.
You can check Syllabus here and check the eligibility here
Name of the Section | Number of Questions |
Traits | Not Asked |
Foundation Numerical Ability | 20 |
Foundation Verbal Ability | 25 |
Foundation Reasoning Ability | 20 |
Total Time Allotted | 75 minutes (shared) |
**Note: Traits only contains 1 image type question but this section may or may not ask in your exam, it totally depends from college to college.
Total Time
75 mins (shared)
Type of Test
Negative Marking
Around 20,000
TCS Ninja Pattern
TCS Ninja Online Exam Pattern Summary
As per the updated Exam Pattern of TCS Ninja 2024 there are four modules in the TCS Ninja Online Test which are -
- Traits
- Total Question- Not Asked
- Total Time- None
- Total Question- Not Asked
- Numerical Ability
- Total Question- 20 Questions
- Total Time- 75 mins (shared)
- Verbal Ability
- Total Question- 25 Questions
- Total Time - 75 mins (shared)
- Reasoning Ability
- Total Question- 20 Questions
- Total Time- 75 mins (shared)
Module | No. of Questions | Time Limit |
Foundation Traits | 1 | To check whether you are robot or not |
Foundation Verbal Ability | 25 | 75 mins (shared) |
Foundation Numerical Ability | 20 | 75 mins (shared) |
Foundation Reasoning Ability | 20 | 75 mins (shared) |
Important Pages to Check:
Quants Module
- Number of Questions:- 20 Questions
- Total Time Limit:-75 mins (shared)
- Difficulty Level:- Moderate
There will be a digital calculator on your screen to help you with your calculations.
Quants Curriculum:-
Number System
Arithmetic Ability
Elementary Statistics
Data Interpretation
Simplifications & Approximations
Extra Topic
You can read more about the TCS ninja Pattern here on this page.
**Note: As TCS has started hiring for Ninja Profile via TCS NQT. This Dashboard will help you in clearing the FOUNDATION SECTION of TCS NQT.
TCS Ninja Logical Reasoning Curriculum
This is a new section added in TCS Ninja Selection Process. There will be questions from various different logical topics, most of the important topics are listed below-:
- Meaningful Word Creation
- Number Series
- Missing Number Single
- Missing Number Analogy
- Blood Relations
- Coding-Decoding
- Ages
- Data Sufficiency
- Rank Based Logic
- Ages
- Seating Arrangement (Complex)
- Odd Man Out
- Numbers
- Logical
- Distance and Directions
- Statement and Conclusion
- Mathematical Operational Arrangement
- Symbols and Notations
- Reasoning
- Number of Questions:- 20 Ques
- Total Time Limit:-75 mins (shared)
- Difficulty Level:- Moderate
Important- TCS Ninja Reasoning Ability is a mandatory section for the exam, and it is the latest added section for the new Ninja exam pattern
**Note: As TCS has started hiring for Ninja Profile vis TCS NQT. This Dashboard will help you in clearing the FOUNDATION SECTION of TCS NQT.
TCS Ninja Verbal Ability Curriculum 2024:-
TCS Ninja has recently updated its Verbal English in its Syllabus, earlier there was close test which is now converted to Verbal Ability Test. Reading Comprehension is one of the most important topics in the TCS Ninja Verbal Ability Test.
English Grammar
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Selecting words
- Error Correction
- Passage Ordering
- Error Identification
- Sentence Completion
- Synonyms and Antonyms
Reading Comprehension
- Number of Questions:- 25
- Time limit:- 75 mins (shared)
- Difficulty Level:- High
- Importance:- Moderate
Important- TCS Ninja Verbal Ability is a mandatory section for the Ninja (i.e. Foundation Round) exam pattern
Preparation Section for TCS Ninja
- Number of Questions:- 20
- Time limit:- 75 mins (shared)
- Difficulty Level:- Medium
- Importance:- High
**Note: As TCS has started hiring for Ninja Profile via TCS NQT. This Dashboard will help you in clearing the FOUNDATION SECTION of TCS NQT.
**Note: As TCS has started hiring for Ninja Profile via TCS NQT. This Dashboard will help you in clearing the FOUNDATION SECTION of TCS NQT.
- Number of Questions:- 25
- Time limit:- 75 mins (shared)
- Difficulty Level:- Medium
- Importance:- High
TCS Ninja Full Mock Test 2024
Click on the Start button to solve Latest TCS Ninja Preparation Full Mocks for 2024 Recruitment Drive. The Mock will have the following sections:-
- Quantitative Aptitude
- Verbal English
- Logical Reasoning
The pattern of TCS Ninja 2024 recruitment drive has changed. The exam pattern and timing as well as the number of questions are different. You can find all the information on this page
1.You will be able to attempt the mock only ONCE, after that you won't be able to give the mock as per test timings and constraints, so make sure you are well prepared before attempting the mocks.
2. You can still practice all the questions again by clicking on "Start", but the test won't be in Mock Style
TCS Ninja Interview Dashboard
On the Internet, you will get interview preparation resources that will help you in preparation. But they provide only basic Technical and HR interview questions. There will be no coding questions.
On this page, you will find the following –
- TCS Technical Interview Questions (Theory Branch Specific)
- TCS Coding Interview Questions (Coding Programs in C/C++)
- TCS HR Interview Round Questions
- TCS Interview Puzzles Questions
If you want to prepare for TCS Ninja Interview, you can visit our TCS Ninja Interview Dashboard here.
Student Exam Experience
- Name: Karan Saxena
- College: B.M.S. College of Engineerings
- Branch: Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Type of interview: ON-campus Interview
Student Interview
TCS visited our campus for the on-campus recruitment drive. The eligibility criteria for this drive was a minimum 60% in 10th, 12th, and graduation, 1 active backlog accepted, and 2 years the academic gap was permissible. I fulfilled all these criteria, so was eligible to participate in the drive. The selection process had three rounds:
- Online Written Test
- Technical Interview Round
- HR Interview Round
Written Test
The first round was divided into four sections.
Sections | Number of Questions | Time Duration | Syllabus |
verbal Ability | 25 | 75 minutes (shared) |
Numerical Ability | 20 | 75 minutes (shared) |
Reasoning Ability | 20 | 75 minutes (shared) |
Traits | 1 | Not Asked |
Technical Interview
Those who passed the written test were selected for the second round. This round was divided into two different interviews. They were TCS Ninja and TCS Digital. First, I was sent to a room for Ninja interview. As soon as I entered the room, the interviewer asked me to sit and immediately started asking technical questions. I got nervous, but still, I tried to be calm and composed. Mainly, he was testing my confidence level. And luckily, I was able to maintain that confidence. Then he asked me to introduce myself and eventually asked some technical questions:
- Tell me something about your project?
- What is the spread spectrum?
- What are the steps involved in demodulating A signal?
- What is the concept of Oops?
I cleared the Ninja interview, and the second interview was TCS Digital interview. In the second interview, I was asked why I chose electronic and communication subject. Then I was asked some more questions on:
- Discuss event dispatcher?s
- Explain the logging framework.
- Discuss your project and design a reader-writer class?
I knew all the answers, so I answered confidently. Mainly, the interviewer was testing my fundamental knowledge and communication skills. So, my confident answers helped me to clear this round, and I was sent for the HR interview.
HR Interview
After the technical round, the HR round was a cakewalk. I was asked easy questions related to my personal life, interests, hobbies, likes, and dislikes. Some of the questions were:
- Brief introduction about yourself?
- Why do you want to join TCS?
- What is your favourite pastime?
- Do you want to pursue higher education?
- Are you comfortable in relocating?
The interview got over in 15 minutes. They said, “You will be notified of the result later.” Two days later, the result was announced, and I was selected. It was the best moment of my life.
- Name: Sayan Kole
- College: Symbiosis, Pune
- Branch: Computer Science
- Type of Interview: Off-Campus Interview
Student Interview
TCS is one of the most prominent IT Service and Consultation Company. Recently they visited our college for their ON-campus drive. Therefore, along with my classmates, I also registered myself through the link provided by our professors. Being a fresher, I was nervous and excited at the same time. I wanted to be well prepared for all the rounds. Hence, I referred through the last year Prepinsta’s TCS preparation material. Unlike other companies, this company had a specific eligibility criterion, which is detailed below:
Eligibility Criteria
The qualifications must be:
Qualification | B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech/M.Sc/MCA students |
Eligible Streams | Every Engineering Streams. |
%Criteria | 60% in X/XII/UG/Diploma/PG |
Backlogs | 1 Active Backlog. (To be cleared within the defined period) |
Gap Criteria | Overall Gap in Academic Career not to exceed two years |
The selection process:
This time TCS changed its selection criteria and introduced a new pattern for both the written test as well as the interview session.
Firstly, there was an online written test which was divided into four sections whose duration and several questions are detailed below:
Section | Duration | No. of Questions |
Verbal ability questions based on Sentence Completion. |
75 mins (shared) | 25 |
Quantitative Aptitude:
75 mins (shared) | 20 |
Programming Concepts:
75 mins (shared) | 20 |
Traits | To check you are robot or not | 1 |
The second step has begun only after clearing the written examination. TCS had made the results very narrow and tough this time and fixed the cut-off rate to 10%. Therefore, only 10% of students got the chance of 2 interviews. Thankfully, all my hard work paid off well, and I got selected for the interview sessions.
Interview- 1:
TCS Ninja conducted this interview. It was more of a mixed interview wherein I was asked questions related to Coding, Project details, oops concept and other HR based questions like my Name, Hobbies, my Father’s name, and his occupation, etc.
This round also went pretty well, and eventually, I got selected for the third round, which was the second interview.
Interview- 2:
The second interview as conducted with TCS Digital. Now, this was the most robust round of all. I was asked to provide details about the logging framework, hotfix, NTFS, and the purpose of the service pack. I somehow managed to clear both the interview sessions. And finally got selected for the last HR round.
HR Interview
The HR interview was very simple as the HR made me comfortable by first introducing himself and telling me about the company and its projects. He then asked me to introduce myself and asked about my strengths and weakness. Having experience from the previous tests and interviews, clearing this round was more like a cakewalk to me. I was selected for the job and the company emailed me the offer letter.
Paper Analysis
Total Number of Question : 65
Total Number of Question : 65
Quants 20
Verbal 25
Logical 20
Traits 1
Time Limit : 75 mins
Time Limit : 75 mins
mins 75 (shared)
mins 75 (shared)
mins 75 (shared)
mins Not Asked
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