What Do You Want To Improve In Yourself?

Understanding the Interview Question: “What Do You Want to Improve in Yourself?”

Answering the question, “What do you want to improve in yourself?” gives you a chance to show that you are honest about your areas of growth and proactive about becoming better. A thoughtful response can demonstrate your ability to reflect, learn, and add value to the workplace.

Self-improvement is an important quality that employers look for in candidates because it shows adaptability and a desire to grow. Questions about personal development in interviews allow you to highlight your self-awareness and commitment to learning.

Page Highlights:

  • Why :”What do you want to improve in yourself” asked?
  • How to answer: “What do you want to improve in yourself?”
  • Sample Answers: “How do you want to improve?”
How to answer what do you want to improve in yourself

Why :”What do you want to improve in yourself” asked?

This question is similar to the strengths and weaknesses question. But rather than asking a candidate what their weaknesses are, the interviewer rather wants to check what the candidate is doing to improve said weaknesses.

Interviewer ask about self-improvement to understand a few important things:

  • Self-Awareness: Can you identify areas where you need to grow? This shows you know yourself well.
  • Willingness to Learn: Are you open to learning and adapting to new situations? This shows you can grow and succeed in different environments.
  • Problem-Solving: Can you face challenges and work on improving your weaknesses? This shows you can handle problems constructively.

This question also helps Interviewer see if your personal goals match the company’s values and the role’s requirements.

How to answer: “What do you want to improve in yourself?”

The aim of asking this question is to check how much a candidate is aware of their shortcomings and how serious they are about overcoming them. To answer this question, you can do the following:

Important Points to Remember

interview question how do you want to improve yourself


  • Mention a quality or skill that is important
  • Say how you would like to develop/alter these qualities
  • Keep your targets practical
  • Show the interviewer you have a strategy to overcome these weaknesses and are not just sating without any plan

what are the areas you want to improve in interview question


  • Mention any quality that is crucial for job role
  • Give vague or unclear explanations
  • Have a goal that is not practical
  • Say you have nothing to improve(Makes you sound overconfident and arrogant)

Sample Answer: "What do you want to Improve in Yourself?"

Refer the sample answers given below.

Answer 1: "How do you want to improve yourself?"

At some point in their lives, every person must strive to better themselves. Personally, I’d like to develop my typing skills. I spend very little time in front of the machine typing because I spend so much of my time handing out job plans and overseeing work on the boss front. My habit of typing with two fingers makes my job take longer than it should. So I’m eager to get to work on it, and I’ve already begun.

Answer 2: "What do you want to do to improve yourself?"

My worst flaw or disadvantage is that I am easily sidetracked or diverted from my goals. That is something I am aware of in myself, and I have made a deliberate attempt to schedule my day as best as possible and keep on track.

Answer 3: "What are some of the areas you want to improve in?"

For me, the biggest mistake is that I try so hard to do a few things, and I also juggle it at the same time. I work very hard and strive to finish all assignments by the end of each day. However, this is not always possible. To progress in that area, I make an effort to focus and devote time to my regular to-do lists in order to stay on top of my responsibilities and avoid rushing.

Answer 4: "Where have you improved yourself?"

I used to be someone who was overly critical of critique and reviews. However, I’ve changed the habit and am now keen to learn and listen to others, including those who have served and been in my place before me. For me, feedback now assists me in being more positive and determined in my career. It aids me in achieving success in everything I do.

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FAQs on What do you want to Improve in Yourself?

Question: Is there any quality I should avoid mentioning?


Do not mention any quality that is fundamental for the job profile. Suppose if the profile requires you to speak with clients regularly, don’t say you that you want to improve your public speaking skills.