MeToo Campaign

Discuss the #MeToo Movement.

The #MeToo campaign is a global movement against sexual harassment and assault. It encourages victims to share their stories and raise awareness. This page explores the impact and significance of the #MeToo movement.

On this page, we have provided an essay on the #MeToo movement, which is a common group discussion topic.

Page Highlights:-

  • Achievements of #MeToo
  • Criticism of #MeToo
MeToo movement

Extempore Topic: Discuss the #MeToo movement.

What is #MeToo movement?

Started by Tarana Burke in 2006, #MeToo has become a social movement against sexual abuse and sexual harassment. This movement aims to empower survivors of sexual assault by showing them support, and that they are not alone. #MeToo movement also gives a visible demonstration, which shows just how many women are sexually assaulted and their abusers are most often not punished or persecuted. However, over the years the movement has garnered a huge amount of criticism as well.

Achievements of the #MeToo movement:

  • The biggest achievement of the #MeToo movement is perhaps the platform it has provided for women for sharing their stories of abuse. 
  • Women who for years had no one to share their experiences with, now have found a community where they can talk about their abuse and get support and consolidation.
  • This movement has connected women from all over the world, where they have related their experiences and also supported each other.
  • Many workplaces have taken initiatives to improve their sexual harassment policies.
  • Based on this movement, discussions about discriminatory practices against women especially in workplaces have started. 
  • The practice of gender pay gap and women not getting promoted despite their qualifications are being criticized and rectified.
  • Through this movement, many influential people, and people in positions of power have been exposed for their misconduct. Without the platform of #MeToo, it would not have been possible to persecute them.
  • #MeToo movement brought into light the misogynistic culture of many prominent companies and how they were sheltering abusers. 


Women who had no one to confide in, and relate their horrible experiences found a protective space through #MeToo. Previously unheard, this movement gave them a voice and also provided them the support of millions of other people who had a similar experience. With many famous and influential women sharing the stories of their experiences, #MeToo has shown that regardless of status women in all walks of life have experienced sexual harassment and has started a discussion on how we can better the society and eradicate this culture.

Criticism of #MeToo movement:

  • One of the biggest criticism is the credibility of the accusation. #MeToo is an online movement where people can write their stories with the hashtag and include all details about their abuser(s). However, this has led to a discussion about just how many of these stories are true.
  • There have been cases where women have falsely accused men of sexual misconduct. Due to the vast reach the movement has, people start persecuting the “accused” without even checking whether or not the story is true.
  • The lack of fact-checking has led to a lack of trust, as people are often not sure whether to believe the story or not. And genuine survivors of sexual assault are not believed anymore.
  • Originally started to empower women of minority and bring their stories to the forefront, the movement has slowly lost its purpose. Today, the movement is all about focusing on high-profile cases, ignoring the already underrepresented women.
  • There is not much space for sex workers in the #MeToo movement.
  • This movement has failed to reach out to women living in poverty, or those who belong to developing or underdeveloped countries.


A noble thought, but the #MeToo movement is losing its purpose today. It has failed in providing justice and support to those for whom the movement was originally founded. Women with no access to social media, who are not in a position to type out their stories online get no support from this movement. LGBTQ community members are also not represented in the #MeToo movement.

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