Hexaware PGET Interview Questions 2024

Hexaware PGET Interview Questions and Answers 2024

Hexaware PGET Interview Questions 2024 page will help you to prepare for both HR and Technical Interview for job profile of PGET in Hexaware Company.

Hera are some Page Highlights:-

Hexaware PGET Technical Interview Questions for CS/IT

Question 1:- What are interconnected nodes In computer network?


The amount of links that a node is connected to determines its degree. Processors, memory modules, or servers could all function as nodes in an interconnection network. A node’s hardware that connects it to the network is known as its network interface.

Two basic network types are:

  • Local-area networks (LANs)
  • Wide-area networks (WANs)

Question 2:- What is a database schema?


The database schema is a formal language provided by the database management system that describes the structure of a database. The word “schema” describes how data is arranged as a blueprint for building a database.

Question 3:- What is network topology?


The configuration of a communication network’s elements is known as its topology.

Question 4:- What are the types of user defined functions in sql? Explain Inline Table valued functions.


  • Scalar Function
  • Inline Table valued function.
  • Multi statement valued function.

Inline Table valued function

A user-defined function that returns a table data type and can receive parameters is known as a table-valued function, or TVF. TVFs can be used in SELECT statements after the FROM clause so that we can utilise them in queries exactly like a table.

Question 5:- What is operator overloading?


An operator may be given a special meaning by a process called operator overloading.

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Question 6:- Write a program to check whether a number is a strongnumber or not.

using namespace std;
// function to calculate factorial
int facto(int n){
int fact = 1;

for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
fact = fact * i;

return fact;

int detectStrong(int num){

int digit, sum = 0;
int temp = num;

// calculate 1! + 4! + 5!
digit = temp % 10;

sum = sum + facto(digit);
temp /= 10;

// returns 1 if both equal else 0
return sum == num;

int main ()
int num = 145;

cout << num << " is Strong Number";
cout << num << " is Not Strong Number";


Question 7:- Write a code to check whether a number is positive or negative.

using namespace std;
int main()
int num = 96;

//Conditions to check if the number is negative or positive
if (num > 0)
cout << "The number is positive";
else if (num < 0)
cout << "The number is negative";
cout << "Zero";

return 0;

Question 8:- What is data structure?


A data structure is a specialized format for organizing, processing, retrieving and storing data.

Question 9:- Write a program to check the sum of digits of a number using Java

public class Main
   public static void main (String[]args)

     int num = 12345, sum = 0;

     //loop to find sum of digits
         sum += num % 10;
         num = num / 10;

       System.out.println ("Sum of digits : " + sum);


Question 10:- What does STL mean? Mention any 3 components.


Standard Template Library is a collection of template libraries for containers that provide universal classes and operations.

STL components are:

  • Containers
  • Algorithms
  • Function objects

Hexaware PGET HR Interview Questions

Question 1:- Tell me about yourself.


One of the most popular interview questions. While responding to this question, you must include any relevant information such as your educational background, achievements, projects, workshops, hobbies, and interests.

Read more at: Tell me about yourself.

Question 2:- What do you know about Hexaware?


In order to respond to these questions, conduct extensive research on the company to determine its objective and inception date. 

Question 3:- Are you comfortable working night shifts?


Yes, Sir, if a company need my help working the night shift and on weekends, I will do so. Because my goal as a fresher is to learn and experience new things. Working extra hours/days allows me to learn and develop my expertise. As a result, whenever a company requires my presence, I always assist my organization.

Read more at: Are you comfortable working night shifts?

Question 4:- When was Hexaware founded?


Hexaware was founded on 1990.

Question 5:- Who is the founder of Hexaware?


Atul K. Nishar is the founder of Hexaware.

Question 6:- Who are the competitors of Hexaware?


Following are the list of competitors of Hexaware:

  • Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
  • Cognizant.
  • Accenture.
  • Infosys.

Question 7:- Who is the current CEO of Hexaware?


R Srikrishna is the current CEO of Hexaware.

Question 8:- Are you ready to relocate?


Always tell that you are ready to relocate.

Read more at: Are you ready to relocate?

Question 9:- How would you rate me as an interviewer on a scale of 0-10?


Sorry Sir, I don’t think I’m in a position to rate you. You are more knowledgeable and experienced than I am. As a result, I give you a 10 out of 10.

Read more at: How would you rate me as an interviewer on a scale of 0-10?

Question 10:- Do you have any questions for us?


Always have some questions ready to ask the interviewer at the end of the interview. Make sure that the questions are relevant to the job description and the company’s working environment.

Read more at: Do you have any questions for us?

Hexaware PGET Technical Interview Questions for Non-CS/IT

Question 1:- What is data encapsulation?


In Object-Oriented Programming, the idea of data encapsulation refers to the hiding of data properties and associated behaviours within a single unit.

Question 2:- Explain garbage collection in java.


The primary goal of this operation is to remove those unreachable objects from memory, which were being used by unwanted and unneeded objects while the Java application was being executed.

While this makes sure that the memory resource is used effectively, there is no assurance that there will be enough memory for the program to run.

Question 3:- What are Python namespaces?


Python’s namespace feature guarantees that object names are distinct and may be used without colliding. These namespaces are implemented by Python as dictionaries, where each “name as key” is translated to a corresponding “object as value.” This makes it possible for various namespaces to map the same name to different objects while still using it.

Question 4:- What are the uses of collections?


Collections are used to perform the following operations:

  • Searching
  • Sorting
  • Manipulation
  • Insertion
  • Delete

Question 5:- Where is the data stored in Power BI? How are they stored?


Power BI mostly uses two sources to store data:

  • When users upload data, it is saved in Azure Blob Storage.
  • All of the system artifacts and metadata are kept in the Azure SQL Database.

Either fact tables or dimensional tables are used to store them.

Question 6:- Write a program to find Fibonacci series up to n using Java.

public class Main
   public static void main (String[]args)

     int num = 15;
     int a = 0, b = 1;

     // Here we are printing 0th and 1st terms
       System.out.print (a + " , " + b + " , ");

     int nextTerm;

     // printing the rest of the terms here
     for (int i = 2; i < num; i++)
      nextTerm = a + b;
      a = b;
          b = nextTerm;
          System.out.print (nextTerm + " , ");


Question 7:- Define Cloud computing.


Anything that includes providing hosted services through the internet is referred to as “cloud computing”. The three primary types of cloud computing are:

  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a service (PaaS)
  • Software as a service (SaaS).

Question 8:- What are the main features of C programming language?


The primary characteristics of the C programming language include low-level memory access, a simplified set of keywords, and a simple style. These characteristics make C language appropriate for system programmings.

Question 9:- Why JAVA is not completely an Object Oriented Programming language?


Java does not support all object-oriented concepts because primitive data types like it, byte, long, etc. are supported. Because OOP is the reverse of JAVA, which uses data types like int, float, and double that are not object-oriented. Because of this, Java is not entirely object-oriented.

Question 10:- Write a code to swap two variables without using third variable in Python.

a=int(input(“Enter value : “))
b=int(input(“Enter value : “))

print(“Before swapping a :”,a)
print(“Before swapping b :”,b)
#logic to swap without using third variable 

print(“After swapping a becomes :”,a)
print(“After swapping b becomes :”,b) 

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