Circular Queue using Array in C

Circular Queue in C

Implementation of Circular Queues using Array in C

In this post we will learn on how we can implement circular queue using array in C . Circular queues are extension of linear queues where the max size of queue is always available for insertion. Unlike linear queues which faces the problem of reduction in available size for insertion with each iterative dequeue operation that happens, we will learn more about the same in this post.

Understanding why Linear Queues are not suitable ?

Image representation of the above.

Why Linear Queues are not suitable

Circular Queues Implementation using Arrays in C

We can make our code circular by making minor adjustment and changes in the code.

For example, our code can try to enter rear item the following ways –

rear = (rear + 1)%size

In this case if the queue is full, it will go to 0th position, if 0th position is empty.

Circular Queue using Array in C

Code for Circular Queues implementation using Arrays


#define capacity 6

int queue[capacity];
int front = -1, rear = -1;

// Here we check if the Circular queue is full or not
int checkFull ()
  if ((front == rear + 1) || (front == 0 && rear == capacity - 1))
      return 1;
  return 0;

// Here we check if the Circular queue is empty or not
int checkEmpty ()
  if (front == -1)
      return 1;
  return 0;

// Addtion in the Circular Queue
void enqueue (int value)
  if (checkFull ())
    printf ("Overflow condition\n");

      if (front == -1)
	front = 0;

      rear = (rear + 1) % capacity;
      queue[rear] = value;
      printf ("%d was enqueued to circular queue\n", value);

// Removal from the Circular Queue
int dequeue ()
  int variable;
  if (checkEmpty ())
      printf ("Underflow condition\n");
      return -1;
      variable = queue[front];
      if (front == rear)
	  front = rear = -1;
	  front = (front + 1) % capacity;
      printf ("%d was dequeued from circular queue\n", variable);
      return 1;

// Display the queue
void print ()
  int i;
  if (checkEmpty ())
    printf ("Nothing to dequeue\n");
      printf ("\nThe queue looks like: \n");
      for (i = front; i != rear; i = (i + 1) % capacity)
	  printf ("%d ", queue[i]);
      printf ("%d \n\n", queue[i]);


int main ()
  // Not possible as the Circular queue is empty
  dequeue ();

  enqueue (15);
  enqueue (20);
  enqueue (25);
  enqueue (30);
  enqueue (35);

  print ();
  dequeue ();
  dequeue ();

  print ();

  enqueue (40);
  enqueue (45);
  enqueue (50);
  enqueue (55);			//Overflow condition
  print ();

  return 0;


Underflow condition
15 was enqueued to circular queue
20 was enqueued to circular queue
25 was enqueued to circular queue
30 was enqueued to circular queue
35 was enqueued to circular queue

The queue looks like: 
15 20 25 30 35 

15 was dequeued from circular queue
20 was dequeued from circular queue

The queue looks like: 
25 30 35 

40 was enqueued to circular queue
45 was enqueued to circular queue
50 was enqueued to circular queue
Overflow condition

The queue looks like: 
25 30 35 40 45 50 

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Circular Queues

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  • Application of Priority Queue
  • Priority Queue Example
  • Priority Queue Introduction – C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue Implementation using Array – C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue using Linked List – C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue Insertion and Deletion- C | C++ | Java


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  • Operations on a Stack
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  • Stack: Infix, Prefix and Postfix conversions
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  • Stack Representation in –
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  • Representation of a Stack as an Array. –
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  • Representation of a Stack as a Linked List. –
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  • Queues in Data Structures (Introduction)
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  • Queues Program in C and implementation
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  • Implementation of Queues using Arrays | C Program
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  • Types of Queues in Data Structure
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  • Application of Queue Data Structure
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  • Queues using Linked Lists –
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  • Implement Queue using Stack –
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Circular Queues

Priority Queue

  • Application of Priority Queue
  • Priority Queue Example
  • Priority Queue Introduction –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue Implementation using Array –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue using Linked List –
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  • Priority Queue Insertion and Deletion-
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