Circular Queue in C

Circular Queue in C Programming

On this page we will discuss about Circular queue in C . Circular queues are made to overcome the problems faced by normal queues of size reduction whenever Dequeueing any element.
circular queue

Circular Queues how they work?

Circular queues have the same terminologies and function is queues. The core of the code lies in using remainder operator with size in most operations as given in the code below.

Also enqueue, dequeue, front, rear etc work as queues itself, if you’re unaware of these, we recommend check this page first.

Important to note why Circular Queues?

Once the queue becomes full, we can not insert more elements. Even though we dequeue a few of the elements. Because the following code –
if (rear == SIZE-1)
printf("Overflow condition");
  • After each enqueue, rear value is incremented & once queue is full rear value becomes equal to size – 1
void Enqueue()
    //Other part of code
    rear = rear + 1;
    //other part of code
  • So no more elements can be entered & even if dequeue happens, it only changes the front value & not rear value.
  • Thus, with dequeues effective size of queue is reduced
Circular Queues C Program

Circular Queues in C Program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SIZE 6

struct Queue
  int front, rear, currSize;
  unsigned maxSize;
  int *a;

struct Queue *createQueue (unsigned maxSize)
  struct Queue *queue = (struct Queue *) malloc (sizeof (struct Queue));
  queue->maxSize = maxSize;
  queue->front = queue->rear = -1;
  queue->a = (int *) malloc (queue->maxSize * sizeof (int));
  return queue;

// Checking for Overflow condition
int isFull (struct Queue *queue)
  if ((queue->front == queue->rear + 1) ||
      (queue->front == 0 && queue->rear == queue->maxSize - 1))
      return 1;
  return 0;

// Checking for Underflow condition
int isEmpty (struct Queue *queue)
  if (queue->front == -1)
      return 1;
  return 0;

// Function to do enqueue
void enqueue (struct Queue *queue, int value)
  if (isFull (queue))
    printf ("Can't add the queue is full \n");

      if (queue->front == -1)
	queue->front = 0;

      queue->rear = (queue->rear + 1) % queue->maxSize;
      queue->a[queue->rear] = value;
      printf ("%d was added\n", value);

// Function to do dequeue
int dequeue (struct Queue *queue)
  int item;
  if (isEmpty (queue))
      printf ("Can't add the queue is empty \n");
      return (-1);
      item = queue->a[queue->front];
      if (queue->front == queue->rear)
	  queue->front = queue->rear = -1;
	  queue->front = (queue->front + 1) % queue->maxSize;
      printf ("%d dequeued\n", item);

// Function to print the queue
void print (struct Queue *queue)
  int i;
  if (isEmpty (queue))
    printf ("Empty Queue\n");

      printf ("\nThe items in the queue are : \n");
      for (i = queue->front; i != queue->rear; i = (i + 1) % queue->maxSize)
	  printf ("%d ", queue->a[i]);
      printf ("%d \n\n", queue->a[i]);


int main ()
  struct Queue *queue = createQueue (6);
  dequeue (queue);		//Underflow condition

  enqueue (queue, 12);
  enqueue (queue, 14);
  enqueue (queue, 16);
  enqueue (queue, 18);
  enqueue (queue, 20);

  print (queue);
  dequeue (queue);
  dequeue (queue);

  print (queue);

  enqueue (queue, 22);
  enqueue (queue, 24);
  enqueue (queue, 26);
  enqueue (queue, 28);		//Overflow condition
  print (queue);

  return 0;
Output –
Can't add the queue is empty 
12 was added 
14 was added 
16 was added 
18 was added 
20 was added
The items in the queue are : 12 14 16 18 20
12 dequeued
14 dequeued

The items in the queue are : 16 18 20
22 was added
24 was added
26 was added

Can't add the queue is full

The items in the queue are : 16 18 20 22 24 26

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Circular Queues

Priority Queue

  • Application of Priority Queue
  • Priority Queue Example
  • Priority Queue Introduction – C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue Implementation using Array – C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue using Linked List – C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue Insertion and Deletion- C | C++ | Java


  • Introduction to Stack in Data Structure
    Click Here
  • Operations on a Stack
    Click Here
  • Stack: Infix, Prefix and Postfix conversions
    Click Here
  • Stack Representation in –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Representation of a Stack as an Array. –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Representation of a Stack as a Linked List. –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Infix to Postfix Conversion –
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  • Infix to prefix conversion in –
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  • Postfix to Prefix Conversion in –
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  • Queues in Data Structures (Introduction)
    Click Here
  • Queues Program in C and implementation
    Click Here
  • Implementation of Queues using Arrays | C Program
    Click Here
  • Types of Queues in Data Structure
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  • Application of Queue Data Structure
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  • Insertion in Queues Program (Enqueuing) –
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  • Deletion (Removal) in Queues Program(Dequeuing) –
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  • Reverse a Queue –
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  • Queues using Linked Lists –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Implement Queue using Stack –
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  • Implement Queue using two Stacks –
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Circular Queues

Priority Queue

  • Application of Priority Queue
  • Priority Queue Example
  • Priority Queue Introduction –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue Implementation using Array –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue using Linked List –
    C | C++ | Java
  • Priority Queue Insertion and Deletion-
    C | C++ | Java