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Capgemini Interview Questions for Freshers
Capgemini Interview Questions for Freshers 2024
Find Capgemini Interview Questions for Freshers asked in 2022.
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Capgemini Interview Process
Capgemini conducts two interview rounds, these are:-
- Technical Interview
- HR Interview
Capgemini Technical Interview Questions for Non-IT Candidates
Question 1:- What is Primary and Secondary Key?
- Primary Key:- A primary key is used to identify a unique record in a database.
- Secondary Key:- It is an alternate key or an additional key to a primary key, used for locating specific data.
Question 2:- Write a program to find the sum of N natural numbers.
Question 3:- Explain SDLC?
SDLC or Software Development Life Cycle, is the process of designing, building, maintaining and testing a software product. It is the approach towards developing a software product, in a systematic way.
Question 4:- What are the advantages of OOPS?
- code re-usability
- data redundancy
- code maintenance
Question 5:- List the different storage class specifiers in C.
The storage class specifiers in C are:-
- Auto storage class specifier
- Static storage class specifier
- Extern Storage class specifier
- Register Storage Class Specifier
Question 6:- Illustrate public static void main(String args[]) in Java.
- public: Public is an access modifier, which is used to specify who can access this method. Public means that this Method will be accessible by any Class.
- static: It is a keyword in java that identifies it as class-based. main() is made static in Java so that it can be accessed without creating the instance of a Class. In case, main is not made static then the compiler will throw an error as main() is called by the JVM before any objects are made and only static methods can be directly invoked via the class.
- void: It is the return type of the method. Void defines the method which will not return any value.
- main: It is the name of the method which is searched by JVM as a starting point for an application with a particular signature only. It is the method where the main execution occurs.
- String args[]: It is the parameter passed to the main method.
Question 7:-
Write the programming code to swap two numbers
without using the third variable.
Question 8:- What is range() in Python?
The range() function is used to generate a iterable sequence of integers between a start and stop point with a specific step. The range function generates a in-built object known as range object which can be used to iterate through. This range object is generally used with “for” loop in Python code.
Question 9:- What distinguishes an object from a class in C++?
Compared On | Class | Object |
Definition | Classes is user defined data types aimed to mimic real world entities, which are code level blueprint. | Objects are instances of these class |
Example | Student class will contain blueprint of various data values and methods. Like – Name, Roll No, calculateMarks() etc | Instances of student class can be created by declaring objects as – s1, s2 ….. sn etc |
Entity Type | Logical | Physical |
Memory | When class is defined. No memory is created | Memory is created whenever new object is instantiated. |
Creation | Class can only be declared once | We can create as many objects for any class |
Declaration | Classes are declared with the class keyword Ex – Class Student | It is created by writing class_name object name Ex – Student stdObj1 |
Usage | Classes bind data and methods together as a single unit | Objects can be viewed as variables for given class |
Class | Object |
Classes is user defined data types aimed to mimic real world entities, which are code level blueprint. | Objects are instances of these class |
Student class will contain blueprint of various data values and methods. Like – Name, Roll No, calculateMarks() etc | Instances of student class can be created by declaring objects as – s1, s2 ….. sn etc |
Logical | Physical |
When class is defined. No memory is created | Memory is created whenever new object is instantiated. |
Class can only be declared once | We can create as many objects for any class |
Classes are declared with the class keyword Ex – Class Student | It is created by writing class_name object name Ex – Student stdObj1 |
Classes bind data and methods together as a single unit | Objects can be viewed as variables for given class |
Question 10:- Why are Java Strings immutable in nature?
The range() function is used to generate an iterable sequence of integers between a start and stop point with a specific step. The range function generates an in-built object known as a range object that can be used to iterate. This range object is generally used with the Python code’s “for” loop “for” loop in Python code.
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Capgemini HR Interview Questions
Question 1:- Tell me about yourself.
I stumbled upon your job description as a college grad. As per my understanding, the role requires a calm, self-assured person who is eager to take on new challenges. I am positive that I am the best candidate for this job. I studied programming on my own as a student of Mechanical Engineering. I’ve created projects that you can find on my Github, and I’m constantly learning new skills. I was an active part of the student body in my engineering class and served as a liaison between students and instructors. Perhaps my greatest strength is that I never back down from a challenge and always confront a problem square in the face. In your organization, I would be a valuable asset.
Read More at: Introduce Yourself
Question 2:- What do you know about Capgemini?
Capgemini is a service-based company. It is a French IT MNC. The founder of Capgemini is Serge Kampf and the CEO is Aiman Ezzat.
Read More at: What do you know about our company?
Question 3:- Where do you see yourself in five years?
My top priority right now is to work for an agency like yours that will allow me to demonstrate my abilities, talent, and expertise. The first five years would be crucial for me to grow as an employee and as a person. In five years, I see myself as such a valuable asset to the company.
Read More at: Where do you see yourself in five years?
Question 4:- What are your plans for higher education?
While I have no intentions to pursue a master’s degree at this time, I am interested in continuing my education, whether it is internal or external. The trends in our industry change so quickly, that I strive to keep up with them through my own personal research. In the past, my employer has also sent me to regular business training to keep my skills up to date.
Read More at: What are your plans for higher education?
Question 5:- What are your hobbies and interests?
Having one interest is fine, but having two that complement one another and help you develop your skills is always preferable.
Nothing else has been able to create in me the highest sense of serenity and self-assurance than my hobbies of practicing Yoga and Meditation.
Our work schedules are stressful, and there is no time to relax your muscles.
We must be on our toes at all times.
So these have been beneficial, allowing me to disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with my inner self, thus bridging the gap between my mind and spirit.
Practicing Yoga and meditation daily also helps me concentrate better at work, and I don’t feel exhausted.
Read More at: What are your hobbies and interests?
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Capgemini Technical Interview Questions for CS/IT Candidates
Question 1:- What is Banker’s Algorithm?
The Banker’s Technique is a deadlock avoidance and resource allocation algorithm. It is termed as such since it is used in banking systems. As soon as P1 starts, it states the maximum number of resources it requires. The system examines them and determines whether providing those resources to P1 will keep the system secure. If it is in a safe state after allocation, the resources are allocated to process P1.
Otherwise, P1 should wait for another process to release a resource before proceeding.
Question 2:- What do you know about the #pragma directive?
#pragma directives are special directives, which are exclusive to certain features. For example, #pragma warn is used to hide the warning messages displayed during compilation.
Question 3:- What is networking?
Networking :- Connecting two or more computer such that they are able to communicate with one another are able to send and receive data.
Question 4:- Write the code for Bubble Sort.
Question 5:-
Which Data Structure should be used for implementing
LRU cache?
There are two data structures, that can be used to implement LRU Cache:-
- Queue
- A Hash
Question 6:- Write the code for merge sort
Question 7:-
How does Dynamic Memory Allocation help in managing
Dynamic memory allocation helps in storing simple structured data types. Moreover, it can combine separately allocated structured blocks for forming composite structures that contract and expand as required.
Question 8:- What is equal to (==) and Assignment Operator (=)?
In C++, equal to (==) and assignment operator (=) are two completely different operators.
The assignment operator (=) is used to assign a value to a variable. Hence, we can have a complex assignment operation inside the equality relational operator for evaluation.
Equal to (==) is an equality relational operator that evaluates two expressions to see if they are equal and returns true if they are equal and false if they are not.
Question 9:- Why do we need the Friend class and function?
It’s often necessary to grant specific class access to a class’s private or protected members. A friend class is a solution since it can access both protected and private members of the class in which it is declared as a friend. A friend feature, like the friend class, has access to private and safe class members.
- Friendship is not something you inherit.
- Friendship is not reciprocal, because if one class is a friend of another, such as NotAFriend, it does not immediately become a friend of the Friend class.
- The total number of friend classes and friend functions in a program should be restricted because too many of them will degrade the principle of encapsulation of separate classes, which is an intrinsic and desirable quality of object-oriented programming.
Question 10:- Explain the CopyOfRange() method in Java.
CopyOfRange() method is used to copy elements from one array to another array. It can be explained by an example.
Syntax : CopyOfRange(Source Array, start_index, end_index)
Class A{ public static void main(String args[]){ int[] s = {2,3,12,4,12,-2}; int[] d1 = Arrays.CopyOfRange(s,2,5); System.out. println(“d1= “+Arrays.tostring(d1)); } } Output : {12,4,12}
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