Why Have You Changed Jobs So Frequently?

How to Justify Frequent Job Changes in Interviews?

On this page, you will get the complete guide on how you can answer HR Interview Questions on Job Hopping and Job Changing including questions like “Why have you changed jobs so frequently?”

Page Highlights:

  • Why: “Why have you changed jobs so frequently.” question is asked?
  • How to answer questions on job hoping?
  • Best Possible Answers: “Why have you changed jobs so frequently?”
Why have you changed jobs so frequently answer

Why: “Why have you changed jobs so frequently.” question is asked?

Before knowing why this question is asked, let us first know exactly what does job-hopping means. Job Hopping can simply be described as switching jobs frequently within a short period of time. It is a common occurrence to see people switching jobs after working for a year or as soon as their bond period is over.  There can be many reasons why a candidate switches jobs. But the employers ask this question to be sure that the candidate will not switch jobs again, and will stay with the company for a long period of time. Loyalty to the company is very important and employers want to hire people who are willing to invest their time in the company’s growth. If a candidate has a past of leaving jobs too frequently, then it is expected that the interviewer will be asking this question.

How to answer questions on job-hopping?

There can be many reasons for switching jobs professional and personal. Some of the most common reasons for job-hopping include:-

  • Relocation:- The company was relocating to a different city or you needed to move to another city, leading to quitting the job.
  • Department-wide layoffs:- The company had to shut down the department you worked in due to low funding or other issues in the process laying off all the employees of the department including you.
  • Medical issues:- Certain medical issues can be the reason for quitting jobs. A particular physical condition made it difficult for you to carry out the job responsibilities in the previous job. Or that for a treatment you had to take leave the job.
  • Family situations:- Family issues can arise which led you to quit the jobs. Due to some personal reasons, you had to take a break from your career or leave your current job as some other issue took priority.
  • Better job offer:- Probably the most common reason for job change is better job offers. If you are getting a better job offer, which is either providing a higher pay, or has a better work culture, or maybe it is easier to commute to the newer location. 
  • Changing career paths:- A very common reason especially among freshers and recent graduates. Many times freshers are still looking for a career path that is suited for them. Therefore they often change jobs frequently to find a field that suits them the best.
Go through the points given below to frame an answer to this question.

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Best Possible Answers: “Why have you changed jobs so frequently?”

Refer the sample answers given below.

Answer 1:-

I was working in company XYZ for six months until they asked me to relocate to another city. At the time I had some personal problems and it was difficult for me to relocate. I tried to speak with my manager but we could not reach an agreement, leading me to quit. Currency I am open to relocate if needed, and can work with you without any hindrance.

Answer 2

After my graduation I got placed in XYZ company and was working there for a year, however due to low funding they had started laying off employees and I was one of them they laid off. After that I did some freelance work and focused on upskilling, and I would love to start fresh with your company.

Answer 3

As a fresher I skipped jobs too frequently since I could not find one where I felt my talents were being utilised to the fullest. However reading your job description and knowing more about the profile I feel like in this job I can maximise my potential and learn new skills.

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FAQs on Why have you changed jobs so frequently?

Question: Is it bad changing jobs frequently?


It is not necessarily a bad thing as long as you give a proper reason to the interviewer as to why you had to change jobs frequently.

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