What is your biggest achievement?

HR Question: What is your biggest Achievement?

“What is your greatest accomplishment?” or “Tell about your biggest achievements.” or “What is your biggest achievement?” are some of the most common HR interview question asked in many big corporate companies. Interviewers ask this to see how you set and reach important goals. It gives them insight into your work ethic, problem-solving skills, and how you define success.

On this page, you can find the complete guide for answering this question.

Page Highlights:

  • Why is “What is your biggest achievement?” asked?
  • How to answer: “What is your biggest achievement?”
  • Sample answers: “What is your greatest accomplishment?”.
how to answer what is your biggest achievement

Why is "What is your biggest achievement?" asked?

There are several reasons for asking this question-“What is your biggest achievement?”. They are:

  • The interviewer wants to know whether you can improve their organization or not.
  • To know the kind of benefits their company will gain by hiring you.
  • To know the difference between you and the thousands of applicants.
  • To know the hard work, smart work, and challenges you have faced for getting the achievement.

How to answer: "What is your biggest achievement?"

Use the STAR technique for answering the question. 

  • S = Situation: In what context did your achievement occur?
  • T = Task: What are the challenges you have faced?
  • A = Action: What are the skills you have used? How did you overcome it?
  • R = Result: What was the outcome? What have you learned from it?

Important Points to remember

Do follow these points while answering your biggest achievements. They are:

  1.  Be confident and answer the question.
  2. Be honest and specific.
  3. Relate the achievement to the job profile if possible.
  4. Tell your achievements precisely to the interviewer.
  5. Tell the challenges and how you have overcome them.
  6. Choose something that is recently achieved.

Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Being Too General: Share clear details and results.
  • Picking the Wrong Example: Choose a work-related achievement that fits the job.
  • Exaggerating: Be honest and genuine.
  • Not Practicing: Prepare your answer so you can explain it clearly and confidently.

"What is your biggest achievement?" sample answers

Answer 1:

My greatest achievement was leading my project team. We(project team including me) in our 5th semester had a project and we are very much excited about it. But unfortunately, our team leader was not fine with his health. So, I took initiative and managed the work as a team leader. I have assigned the tasks for each individual in the team and with all our efforts the project was successful.

Answer 2:

My greatest accomplishment was getting a gold medal in the International Olympiad of Science. I was very passionate about these Olympiad exams. I have prepared very well for the exam but unfortunately, due to some personal reasons, I was not able to give that exam. In the next year, I have applied it again and worked hard for getting a good score. As always hard work pays off, It has paid me in getting a gold medal in the exam.

Answer 3:

My greatest accomplishment was getting an award for the presentation on “Women Empowerment” that was held on women’s day. It was a competition and we were given a couple of minutes for making a presentation. There are total of 134 members including me. I tried my level best in giving the presentation. At last, out of 134 members I got the first prize. That was my biggest achievement.

Answer 4:

My greatest achievement at my last company was when I designed and implemented “Chatbot for customers”. During the first 3 months of launch our company has meet an increase of 9% revenue and all were happy with profits. I got promotion and won the “Best Employee of the Year” award.

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