What is the Difference between Confidence and Over confidence?

Differentiate between Confidence and Over Confidence.

Interviewers ask questions like what a candidate thinks is the difference between confidence and over confidence, This is a tricky question to answer. In this page you will find the solution for the same question.

Page Highlights:

  • Why: “What is the difference between Confidence and Over Confidence” asked.
  • How to answer: “What is the difference between Confidence and Over Confidence.”
  • Best Answers: “Differentiate between Confidence and Over Confidence.”
what do you think is the difference between confidence and over confidence

Why: “What is the difference between Confidence and Over Confidence” asked.

Hiring someone who is overconfident will be bad for the company as they won’t go along with the many company policies, and will be tough to work in teams. As overconfident people tend to have high self esteem. On the other hand if a candidate is under confident, with no trust in their own skills and needs guidance in every step, hiring those candidates will also not be beneficial.

Therefore ask this question to see whether a candidate is the right amount confident, and whether or not they know about the thin line between confidence and overconfidence.

How to answer: “What is the difference between Confidence and Over Confidence?”

Employers wants to hire candidates with a perfect level confidence. Someone who is neither overly confident nor under confident.

Difference between Confidence and Over Confidence

1. Being innovative and implementing shortcuts to get the work done1. Believing that only you can do something and that your final outcome is perfect with no scope of improvement
2. Confidence leads to an open mind having belief in oneself but also knowing that they have room to improve and doing so by accepting criticism.2. Overconfidence leads to a closed mind believing that their skills are perfect and having no room for constructive criticism.

Best Answers: "Differentiate between Confidence and Over Confidence."

Refer the answers given below and use the frame your own answer.

Answer 1:

There’s a fine line between being optimistic and being overconfident. Your trust is whether you feel you have the capacity to accomplish the mission. And if you assume that you are the only one who can comfortably accomplish the mission and that no one else can do it as well as you, you are overconfident. So, trust is helpful, but overconfidence is negative. Your job has been destroyed by your overconfidence.

Answer 2:

There is, in my experience, a subtle distinction between confidence and overconfidence. When you believe that “you can do it,” you are confident; when you believe that “only you can do it,” you are overconfident. When you get overconfident, you start to underestimate other people.

Answer 3:

Being at home in your own skin and sharing yourself without feeling uncomfortable or anxious is what confidence is all about. It happens when a person acknowledges all his or her strengths and weaknesses, and embraces both in order to evolve.
Overconfidence happens when a person ‘believes’ that he or she is always right and that the others have no choice but to gladly obey him or her.

Answer 4:

Confidence is a positive characteristic in which a person has trust on his or her course of action or behavior, and it derives from prior achievement and rational decisions. Overconfidence applies to a person’s misplaced trust about their own skills, considering the reality that their actions can often be inaccurate.

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