HCL Interview Questions for Freshers
HCL Interview Questions for 2023
This page contains latest HCL Interview Questions and Answers. This includes technical interview questions for students for CS/IT as well as Non-IT (EEE, ECE, etc,)
Page Highlights:
- HCL Interview Process
- HCL Technical Interview Questions
- HCL HR Interview Questions

HCL Interview Process
HCL conducts two interview rounds, these are:-
- Technical Interview
- HR Interview
HCL Technical Interview Questions for Non-IT Candidates
Question 1:- Does every class require a constructor?
Yes. The constructor’s primary purpose is to initialize an object, often known as the object initialization procedure. As a result, every class requires the presence of a constructor.
Question 2:- What is the difference between the Static and instance methods?
Static Method: Because the function of the static method is restricted within the class, it cannot be overridden. It belongs to the class and area.
Instance Method: On the other hand, the instance method is essentially linked to the object and belongs to the heap area
Question 3:- Difference between Primary key and Unique key.
Primary Key: To have a primary key, there must be at least one key in the table, and using this key helps prevent duplicates and null values.
Unique Key: In the ‘unique key’ procedure, there might be more than one key in the database, and it will prevent duplicated values and accept null values instead.
Question 4:- Write a code for the perfect number.
Question 5:- What is DBMS?
DBMS(DataBase Management System), is a software that captures and analyses data through interacting with users, applications, and the database itself.
Question 6:- What is polymorphism?
It has the capacity to construct many different shapes with only one usage of a function, which makes it truly unique. Because poly means many or numerous times, and morphism means forms, the term simply implies this. As a result, the major job of it in the Java language is to process many types of classes and objects through a single piece of an interface, which distinguishes it.
Question 7:- What is synchronization?
The process of synchronization allows threads to run one after the other. Synchronization regulates access to shared resources by various threads.
Question 8:- What are nested classes?
In an object-oriented programming language, nested classes implies that we may define a class within another class. A nested class is one that is enclosed within another. A nested class has the same access permissions as the rest of the class and functions similarly to an outer class member.
Question 9:- What are the four pillars of Java?
Inheritance: This attribute allows one item to inherit some or all of the properties of another object.
Abstraction: It is the process of picking data from a bigger pool and displaying just the features that are relevant to the item.
Encapsulation: It is achieved when each object within a class retains its own private state.
Polymorphism: Polymorphism allows you to utilize a class that is identical to its parent, avoiding type confusion.
Question 10:- Write a program for finding the power of a number.
HCL Technical Interview Questions for IT Candidates
Question 1:- Write a program for converting binary to octal number.
Question 2:- What is the major difference between structured English and Pseudo Code?
The structure of a program module is written in structured English. It is an English native speaker. It employs programming language keywords. Pseudo Code, on the other hand, is more like a programming language without the syntax of any particular language.
Question 3:- State different types of cloud computing service models.
There are four different types of cloud computing service models. They are:
- IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service)
- FaaS(Function as a Service)
- PaaS(Platform as a Service)
- SaaS(Software as a Service)
Question 4:- What are aggregate functions?
A function is a unit of code that allows a program to be reused. An SQL aggregate function computes a single value from a group of data. Some of the aggregate functions are:
- AVG()
- MAX()
- MIN()
- SUM()
Question 5:- What is the use of the finalize () method in Java?
In Java, the finalize () method is a specific method that works similarly to the main method. Before the garbage collector reclaims the object, the finalize () function is called the object’s last attempt to clean up. This entails releasing any fixed order resources, closing any open connections, and so on.
Question 6:- Write a code for finding the maximum number of handshakes.
Question 7:- What is stack unwinding?
The practice of removing function entries from the function call stack during runtime is known as stack unwinding. Stack Unwinding is frequently related to Exception Handling. When a C++ exception occurs, the function call stack is searched linearly for the exception handler, and all entries preceding the function with the exception handler are removed. Stack unwinding is necessary if the exception is not handled in the same function (where it is thrown).
Question 8:- What is a peep stack?
Peek Stack () is a stack function or, in other terms, an action. It returns the value of the stack’s top-most element without removing it from the stack.
Question 9:- What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE statements?
- The DELETE command helps to delete a row of a table.
- The rollback of data is possible after using the delete statement.
- It is a DML command.
- It is slower than a TRUNCATE statement.
- The TRUNCATE command helps to delete a row of a table.
- Rollback of data is not possible.
- It is a DDL command.
- As compared to DELETE the TRUNCATE command is faster.
Question 10:- What is AI?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broad field of computer science concerned with developing intelligent computers that can accomplish activities that would normally need human intelligence.
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HCL HR Interview Questions
Question 1:- Tell me about yourself.
I saw your job description as a recent graduate. According to my understanding, the role requires a level-headed individual who is willing to take on new tasks. I feel I am an ideal candidate for this role. I learnt programming on my own as a chemical engineering student. I’ve created projects that you can discover on my Github page, and I’m always learning new things. In my engineering class, I was an active part of the student body and served as a liaison between students and faculty members. Perhaps my greatest skill is that I never back down from a challenge and always confront an issue head-on. If given the chance. I would be a benefit to your company.
Read more at: Introduce Yourself
Question 2:- Explain how would be an asset to this organization?
I thrive on going above and above, unlike most others in comparable jobs. I am convinced that I would add many distinct features to your organisation, as well as several potential for growth. My references can attest to the fact that I increased productivity at my previous job, and I am certain that I can provide comparable results here.
Read more at: Explain how would you be an asset to this organization?
Question 3:- What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?
It is the most difficult decision I have to make when I have to select amongst the strong members of the promotion team. Despite preferring one individual over another, there have been times when I had to chose another based on their willingness to accept the duties of their new job. On many times, I’ve had to support younger staff over older employees, mostly because they had more technical knowledge and were more inclined to work extra. It’s never simple, but at the end of the day, you have to examine who will be the most vital and successful in the new location.
Read more at: What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?
Question 4:- What If We Don’t Select You?
If I’m not picked, I’ll be disappointed since this is my dream job, but it won’t be the end of the road; I’ll figure out where I went wrong and try my utmost to correct it as quickly as possible, and the next time I come, I’ll almost likely be chosen.
Read more at: What if we don’t select you?
Question 5:- What Are Your Plans For Higher Studies?
While I have no intentions to pursue a graduate degree at this time, I am interested in continuing my education, whether it is internal or external. Because technology in our profession changes so fast, I attempt to keep up with it through my own personal research. In the past, my employer has also sent me to regular business training to keep my skills current.
Read more at: What are your plans for higher studies?
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