How to apply for Wipro NLTH 2021?

How to apply for Wipro NTH 2021

After a long wait finally Wipro NLTh has announced it's drive. Now, the most commonly asked question among freshers is "How to apply for Wipro NLTH". This is the very important question because a single error while filing the form can lead to disqualification. Go through the page in detailed so that you will not make any mistake during the Wipro NLTH form submission.

NOTE: Click on the button provided here to know more about Wipro NLTH Registration
Wipro Registration Process
Registrations Starts on 10th December 2020
Registration Ends on 5th January 2021
Hall Ticket 9th January 2021
Exam Date 18th January – 23rd January 2021
Interview Starts on Coming Soon

PrepInsta Prime Video

80 % of PrepInsta Prime Course students get selected in Wipro

Prime Mock Access is included with Prime Video Course

Interview and Resume Preparation included wth Prime Subscription


Prime Video

80% of PrepInsta Prime Course students get selected in Wipro

Prime Mock Access is included with Prime Video Course

Interview and Resume Preparation included wth Prime Subscription

PrepInsta Prime Mock

300+ Topic wise Mocks

All Mock based on Wipro Previous Paper

Detailed Analytics & Smart Dashboard


Prime Mock

300+ Topic wise Mocks

All Mock based on Wipro Previous Paper

Detailed Analytics & Smart Dashboard

Step 1

Open this link in button below in New tab or broswer

Note – We suggest to keep this page open to refer each and every step correctly

Imp : 15% of students each year fail to give exam as they filled the form incorrectly, so make sure that you refer this page for step by step registration process.

Step 1.1

Make sure that you have not opened last years link by searching from google, for 2020.

Note – If the link says 2020 then you’re at wrong page.

Imp : We have given the correct link above and image reference for incorrect and correct link for your year.

Wipro NLTH 2020 Registration Step 1.2
Correct Link for 2021 Students

Step 1

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on apply now. A new page will open a new tab.

Wipro NTH Registration Process 2022

Step 2

Apply here on this button to get yourself Registered for Wipro NLTH

  • After clicking on the Apply Now button you will be redirected to a new page that will have Job details, Eligibility Criteria and Test Pattern.
  • Go through them and there you will find another Apply button which will redirect you to the main form page.
Wipro NTH Step-Wise Registration Process

Step 3

  • Enter your email id on this page

Part 2: Application Form and Candidate Profile

After creating account you will be redirected on this page to fill the other details.

After Clicking on Application form you have to submit 4 section

  • Create a Login
  • Academic Details
  • Candidate’s Qusetion
  • Diversity
  • Application form Submit

This is the most confusing section of the Wipro NLTH 2021 Registration Process For Freshers. So be very attentive while filling this section.

Note: Join PrepInsta’s WhatsApp group to know more in detail about Wipro NLTH Registration Process 2021.

Step 4

This is the main form which you have to fill to get yourself Registered for Wipro NTH.

  • Upload your CV (5 MB )and your Photo with a white background.
  • After that you will have to create you Login ID and Password
Wipro NTH Registration 2021

Step 5

  • All you need to do is to fill your personal details correctly.

Step 6

The next page will look like this now you have to fill all required details here.

  • You should fill your permanent address correctly
  • Fill your DOB correctly
  • When you click on the drop down of Identity Type you will see various government documents to provide your identity. Choose anyone.
Wipro NLTH Registration Steps

Step 7

The next page will look like this now you have to fill Academic Details of your High School


  • Fill you 1oth, 12th Year of Passing and marks obtained correctly.

Step 8

The next page will look like this now you have to fill Academic Details of your Senior Secondary (12th) or Diploma

  • Here to find the correct time zone you will have to search Kolkata.
  • After that click on Submit Profile button
Wipro NTH 2021 Registration Steps

Step 9

  • Here you will have to tick the consent check box provided and then move forward by clicking on the submit button.
Wipro NTH Link

Step 10

The next page will look like this now you have to fill your race and Gender

  • In this particular step you will have tio choose your diversity and gender
  • Diversity will be Asian(Non-Hispanic or Latino)
  • After that click on the submit button.
Wipro NTH Step-wise Registration Steps

Step 11

The next page will look like this now you have to fill job related questions

  • In this step you will have to choose your backlog and year of passing.
  • And then click on the submit button.
STep-wise Wipro NTH Registration

Step 12

After this you will get a graduation detail form

  • Fill your graduation marks, year and other details correctly
  • Fill your University Registration number given on Marks sheet or Digital Result.
Wipro NTH Registration 2021

Step 13

Final Submit

  • After filling all the details and submitting the form successfully you will be redirected to a page containing your Requisition ID.
  • Save the ID for further use


Most frequent questions and answers

Ques. Who is eligible for Elite National Talent Hunt 2021?

Eligibility Criteria for Wipro Elite National Talent Hunt 2021


  1. 10th Standard: 60% or above
  2. 12th Standard: 60% or above
  3. Graduation: 60% or 6.0 CGPA as applicable by the university guidelines

Year of Passing: 2021 ONLY

Qualification: B.E./B. Tech / 5 years Integrated-M. Tech only

Branch of Study: All Streams

Other Criteria:

  1. Maximum of 3 years of education gap, if any, is allowed between 10th and graduation.
  2. Should be from Full-time Degree course recognized by the Central/State Government of India.
  3. All Arrears and backlogs need to be cleared at the time of selection process.
  4. Should have completed all exams/ viva-voice/ training and should not have any pending attendance requirement with the college.
  5. NO Part time or Correspondences or Distance learning education in either 10th or 12th or Degree allowed
  6. Candidates who have participated in any selection process held by Wipro in the last six months are not eligible.

Ques. What is reference number/ resume number/ registration number?

Reference number/ resume number/ registration number is an eight-digit registration number unique to every candidate. It will be created once you have completed the registration process and same will be sent to you via email notification. Please retain this resume number for all future communications.

Ques.Which password must I enter while logging in?

You will have to create your own password for login in make sure you create the password according to the Wipro’s Guide lines.

Ques. How do I login on the Candidate Desktop?

Please go to: careers elite page then in top right corner you will see a link for log in to the dashboard. Click on that link to go to the candidate desktop.

Ques.My candidate details already exist. What should I do?

Please check your email from for Resume number/ password and try logging in again. If you have not registered with us earlier, please make sure you key in the correct details of yourself while registering

Ques.I have registered for another event for Wipro campus hiring. How do I apply for Elite National Talent Hunt?

Please share your resume number with with the subject “Elite NTH 2021” . If eligible, you will receive an email notification to participate in the event.

Ques.I am facing account lockout/ password related issues. What should I do?

Change Password – Using this feature, the candidate can modify the password by submitting resume number, old password, new password and confirm new password.

Reset Password – When the candidate desktop is locked, candidate must submit resume number and click on ‘Reset password’. New system-generated password will be sent to the registered email address within 30 minutes Note- Please do not click on reset password multiple times, as this will not resolve the issue

Forgot Password – By clicking on this icon, the Candidate will receive an email mentioning the password details

Update Email Address – By clicking on this icon, candidate can update their email address by submitting resume number, date of birth, current email address and the new email address.

Ques. It throws an error ‘Database already exists’- I have never applied with Wipro earlier. What should I do?

Please share the resume number with with the subject “Elite NTH 2021” which prompts on the registration page while registering with us. We will check and get back to you within 3 working days.

Ques. I have updated incorrect details (gender, date of birth, score in 10th/ 12th/ graduation) while registering for Elite National Talent Hunt. How can I update the same?

Please share your resume number with with the subject “Elite NTH 2021” and with supporting documents (Adhaar/Passport/DL/Marksheets) attached. We will update the details from back-end within three working days.

Ques. I have backlogs. Am I still eligible to participate in Elite National Talent Hunt?

No, candidates must not have any backlogs at the time of selection process

Ques. I am from Mechanical engineering background. Am I still eligible to participate in Elite National Talent Event? Will there be a different test conducted?

Elite National Talent Hunt is open to Engineering Graduates from all engineering streams. Test will be common for all candidates. Please check additional eligibility criteria on

Ques..I have passed out in 2019. May I still apply for Elite National Talent Hunt?

Elite National Talent Hunt is open to Engineering candidates graduating in 2021 only.

Ques.I am pursuing MCA. Am I eligible for Elite National Talent Hunt?

ONLY Engineering Graduates passing out in the year 2021 will be eligible. Further eligibility criteria have been mentioned on

Ques.I am unable to see three options under Preferred Location section on the registration page. What should I do?

Please delete your browser cache and log in again.

Ques.I am unable to find my college name from the drop down list, what should I do?

Please write an email to with the subject “Elite NTH 2021”   with your College details along with District and State. If your college is AICTE approved, it will be added and you will be informed accordingly. If your college is not AICTE approved, we regret to inform that we will not be able to take your candidature ahead.


The parameters and procedure of selection solely depend upon Wipro’s discretion. Wipro is not liable to disclose any information at any stage of the selection process. Wipro also reserves the right to roll back any provisional offer if the provisionally selected candidate does not meet the specified conditions, which are prerequisite to being boarded. Wipro also reserves the right to hold any provisionally candidate liable if he/she is proved to be involved in any illegal activity for instance: misrepresentation, fraud, production of illegal documents etc.

Wipro shall inform the candidates the results of National Talent Hunt; either selection or non-selection through the personal email ids or another mode of communication as provided by the respective candidates.

Wipro has not empaneled any third party for conducting recruitment drive, requisite training, collecting fees or any other processes as envisaged under this program. In addition, it is to be noted that Wipro does not charge any fee at any stage of this program. Likewise, only those registrations stand valid which are made at Wipro’s official recruitment website. Any communication claimed to made on Wipro’s behalf by any third party are to be considered as misrepresentation and an attempt to defraud and therefore, the same should be ignored.

Wipro does not hold any responsibility towards such unauthorized communication made or believed by any.

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