TCS Prime package and salary breakdown

What is TCS Prime Package :

TCS Prime Package is generally depend on different parts like Basic Salary, Health insurance, location, performance and many more. In this page we discussed about the difference between in-hand salary and package for the selected candidate.

tcs prime interview questions

TCS Prime package and in-hand salary

  • TCS Prime Package :
    For UG: INR 9,00,000 per annum
    For PG: INR
    11,50,000 per annum
  • TCS Prime in-hand Salary :
    The in-hand salary of TCS Prime for both UG and PG depends on different factors like city, health allowance and many more which we discussed below. Generally TCS Prime in-hand salary per month is
    For UG: INR 61,821 per month
    For PG: INR 66,621
    per month

TCS Prime in-hand Salary :

TCS NQT Pattern 2025

TCS Prime Salary Breakdown for UG :

TCS Prime
Basic Salary61,821 7,41,852
Monthly Performance Pay 5,600 67,200
 Quarterly Variable Allowance4,000 48,000
 Health InsuranceNA7,900
Provident Fund1,80021,600
City Allowance4004,800
Total Gross74,3439,00,010

TCS Prime Salary Breakdown for PG :

TCS Prime
Basic Salary64,681 7,76,176
Monthly Performance Pay 5,600 67,200
 Quarterly Variable Allowance4,000 48,000
 Health InsuranceNA7,900
Provident Fund1,80021,600
City Allowance1,80021,600
Total Gross82,67511,50,000

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

TCS Prime salary is approx 9 LPA.

There are 2 interviews for the role of TCS Prime.

The difficulty level of coding question asked for TCS Prime role is medium to hard.

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