What Irritates you About People?
What irritates you about others?
“What irritates you about co-workers?” or “What irritates you about people?” are the questions asked to the candidates in HR interviews. On this page, we have provided you a complete guide on how to answer these questions.
Page Highlights:
- Why: “What irritates you about co-workers?” asked?
- How to answer: “What irritates you about others?”?
- Sample Answers: “What irritates you about others?”

Why: “What irritates you about co-workers?” asked?
This is a behavioral interview question. The interviewers ask this question to know about your anger management and how you deal with challenging personalities in the workplace. A clear-cut answer determines about you and helps the interviewer to determine how you might fit into a team.
How to answer: “What irritates you about others?”?
One should answer this question by taking a negative topic and turning it around with a positive one. Employers must have patience, optimism, and easygoing qualities to fit in the job.
Follow the points while answering the question.
- Be Positive:-
- try to stay positive and use your answer to show your intellect.
- Be truthful:-
- it is best to be honest here.
- do not say that you are not irritated by others, as it creates false impact.
- Give an example:-
- support your answer with a real life answer.
- Showcase your ability:-
- display your ability to understand people.
Points to avoid
- Don’t give an irrelevant example.
- Don’t end your answer with a negative note.
- Don’t give too many examples.

Sample Answers: “What irritates you about others?”
I get irritated when people don’t listen to me and tell me what to do. I don’t know how they could tell me without having any idea about the situation. Firstly, I will take a deep breath and asks for time to start explaining that situation or topic, and will tell them what I am doing to make the things done.
I get more frustrated when people don’t know what they are talking about and even don’t know the situation going on, but they still try to tell me how to do my job. I will wait until their explanation gets complete and after I will start my explanation by telling them why I am doing it and what are the outcomes for doing.
I usually don’t get angry or irritated unless and until someone disturbs my work. Since as an employee one should control his/her emotions. I will pleasingly ask him/her to give me some time to finish my work. And I will give them time after the completion of my work.
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