00What is the output of below code?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int number=0141;
return 0;
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0141 means that in the octal base, %c will print the character value.
Octal value of a is 141 so, a get printed.
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00What is the output of the following
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int m=10;
int n=m<<2;
return 0;
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Explanation : Since, m =10, and n=m<<2 => n = m*(2^2) => n=10*4 =>n =40.
As, << is the bitwise left shift operator.
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00What will be the output of the following code
Integer TruckTyres=8;
Integer trucktyres =6;
Display TruckTyres
Display trucktyres
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Explanation :As, TruckTyres=8 and trucktyres =6 so,
Display TruckTyres //Prints 8
Display trucktyres //Prints 6
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00What will be the output of the following code below
#include <iostream>
int main()
int digit=8 ;
return 0;
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Here in the code a bitwise left shift operator is used. A single left shift multiplies a binary number by 2.
Hence if we do left shift operation on a digit variable this will multiply the number by 2. And 8 * 2 =16 hence the solution is 16.
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00What will be the output of the following code below
#include <iostream>
int function1(int,int);
int main()
int a=10,b=10;
return 0;
int function1(int a , int b)
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The print function1 will be called with a=10 and b=10 this function is returning
a-(a==b) first the checking will take place whether a is equal equal to b or not. As a is equal to b that is 10 this is true so we will get 1.
Now a-1 (ie) 10-1 = 9
Hence 9 is the output.
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00What will be the output of the following code below
using namespace std;
int main()
int a=5,b=0,c=15,d=20,e=0;
return 0;
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Check the condition in the while loop it’s false in the first iteration itself hence the value of e=0 and b=0 that is initialized earlier will be printed on the console.
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00What will be the output of the following code:
using namespace std;
int main()
int num=5,i;
long int result=1;
return 0;
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Initially the value of num=5
In the for loop 5 > 0 condition is true
result=1*5 //5
Again will check condition now i=4 and 4>0
result=5*4 //20
Again will check condition now i=3 and 3>0
result = 20*3 //60
Again will check condition now i=2 and 2>0
result = 60*2 //120
Again will check condition now i=1 and 1>0
result = 120*1 //120
Now the value of i=0 and 0>0 condition is false
At this point the value of result = 120 hence the output will be 120
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00What will be the output of the following code below
Integer x,y,z
Set z=6,y=8,x=9
if(z>x && y>z)
End if
Print x+y+z
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First the condition inside the if block will be checked (Z > X)
(6>8 && 8>9) since (6 is not greater than 8)the condition is false
The control will jump to the else part of the block that is
Here the value of x= 8-6+9 = 11
Hence the solution is 11
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00What will be the output of the following code below
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
{ char *p="1st code";
return 0;
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Here the * and & will equalize and we will be remaining with *p in other words *&* can be written as *p (this is pointing to the 0th index of the string)
Hence the output is 1.
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00What will be the output of the following code below
int func(int);
int main()
int i = func(100);
printf("%d" ,++i);
return 0;
int func (int i)
return i*i;
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Ans:- value of i= func(100) this will call the func function 100 as a parameter
This func will return 10000 and now the value of i=10000
While printing there is a pre-increment of i that is ++i so here the value will be first updated and used.
Hence the value printed on console will be 10000+1 (ie) 10001
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