Couples Crossing the River Puzzle

Puzzle on Couples to Cross a River

Three couples are on vacation together. To get to their hotel, crossing the river is the only method.

Premise – Three couples have gone on a vacation together.

Rules – The following are the three rules:-

  1. First and foremost, the boat can only transport two persons at a time. If a third person attempts to board the boat, the vessel will sink.
  2. Husbands are so envious of their wives that they will not allow her to be with another man without their presence.
  3. The boat must not be able to run on its own. To get from one side to the other, at least one person needed to be on the boat.

Objective – How many trips will it take them to cross the river altogether?

Couples Crossing the River Puzzle

Solution for Couples Crossing the River Puzzle

Let the 3 couples wear green, red and blue dresses. Green wives and green husbands, red wives and red husbands, and blue wives and blue husbands should all exist.

Step 1: The green couple will proceed to the hotel side, while the green husband returns with the boat.

(2 steps)

Step 2: The red and blue wives will now proceed to the hotel side, with the red wife returning with the boat.

(2 steps)

Step 3: The blue couple will return with the boat, while the green husband and blue husband will move to the hotel side.

(2 steps)

Step 4: The red and blue husbands will proceed to the hotel side, while the green wife returns with the boat.

(2 steps)

Step 5: The red and blue wives will proceed to the hotel side, with the blue wife returning with the boat.
(2 steps)

Step 6: Lastly, blue and red wives will proceed to the hotel side.
(1 step)

As a result, there will be 11 phases in all.

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