
TCS English Questions and Answers

 Question 1 

 An increasing growth rate of human population has led to a population …….. in countries like India. With increasing health care facilities and life expectancy, and an increasing birth rate and ………. death rate, there has been an increasing growth rate of human population. Population explosion leads to ….. pressure on the available limited resources. Population explosion has ………….. the increase in agricultural production, housing facilities and health care facilities to meet the increased demand. Increase in agricultural output has been attempted by intensive cultivation, use of large amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and developing of genetically modified crops. This has resulted in various adverse effects. The need for increasing agricultural produce has resulted in the clearing of forests and utilizing the land thus available for growing crops. Deforestation has caused …….. imbalance. Increased use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to increase crop output has also had a deleterious effect on the soil, the food chain and human health. Similarly, habitats like forests and grasslands have been cleared for creating housing facilities for people. High rise buildings are also built extensively to meet the high demand for housing. Likewise, the demand on limited resources like drinking water, fuel for heating in wintertime, and automobile fuel for transport puts a heavy strain on the resources. A large population also results in a high rate of unemployment as there may not be enough jobs to meet the high demand. A large population thus ……… a country’s social, economic and environmental health.


  1. explosion
  2. breakout
  3. excessive

Correct Option: 1


  1. decline
  2. declining
  3. reduction

Correct Option: 2


  1. greater
  2. increase
  3. excess

Correct Option: 1


  1. necessitated
  2. demanded
  3. both 1 and 2

Correct Option: 3


  1. environmental


  1. Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Option: 2


  1. affects
  2. effects
  3. Either 1 or 2

Correct Option: 1

 Question 2

The television is a technological invention. It has revolutionized the means of communication, and the ………. of dissemination of information. It allows moving images and sound to be watched simultaneously. One can watch programmes on television from around the world sitting in the comfort of one’s home. Television programs broadcast news and …….. from around the world. National and international news can be watched on television. The views and opinions of experts on various issues can also be watched. Journalists ……. for various news channels from the scene of action. Besides news there are programmes of different genres that telecast on television. Entertainment programmes like films and plays also music and dance performances are shown on television. There are also channels that are dedicated to the various sports events from around the world. Large-scale sports events such as the Olympics and the Commonwealth Games are telecast on television. Likewise, national and international cricket matches are also shown on television. The television is useful as it enables us to stay …… with the latest developments around the world. But the television is also referred to as the idiot box, and watching it …… makes one lazy and inactive. It is useful to watch the television to keep oneself abreast with the news from around the world. Excessive watching of the television should, however, be ……… .


  1. methods
  2. ways
  3. procedure

Correct Option: 1


  1. happen
  2. happening
  3. happenings

Correct Option: 3


  1. reporting
  2. report
  3. reports

Correct Option: 2


  1. abreast
  2. unaware
  3. rest

Correct Option:1


  1. excessive
  2. excessively
  3. excess

Correct Option: 2


  1. avoided
  2. neglected
  3. abandoned

Correct Option: 1

 Question 3

Floods are caused in water bodies as well as on land. When rains are very heavy or last for many days water bodies may receive more water than they can hold or more than their …….. . Water then floods the water bodies, and also ……… its banks. The flooding of the water body then causes the land that lies beyond the water body, which is otherwise dry, to get flooded. Floods are, of course, a natural phenomenon. But ………. factors are also responsible for the incidences such as floods. For example, when trees are felled, and forests are cleared indiscriminately there is ecological damage. As trees help in holding the soil, when they are cut off the top soil becomes loose and gets easily ……. away when there are rains. This leads to silting of water bodies like lakes and rivers, and subsequently to flooding. The towns and cities in the ……….. of the water bodies, also experience floods then. Floods are also an outcome of poor drainage systems in modern urban areas where there is a high density of human population. The cities’ drains get clogged by the huge amounts of domestic garbage that also includes plastic waste. As plastic is non-biodegradable it remains without getting decomposed. When there are ………… and continuous rains for some days the drains get totally choked leading to floods in the cities. Floods cause loss to life and property. Villages, towns and cities in coastal regions and near the banks of rivers are more vulnerable to floods.


  1. capacity
  2. strength
  3. withstand

Correct Option: 1


  1. overflow
  2. overflows
  3. overflowing

Correct Option: 2


  1. man – made
  2. human – made
  3. None of the above

Correct Option: 1


  1. swept
  2. wash
  3. washed

Correct Option: 3


  1. vicinity
  2. enclosure
  3. domain

Correct Option: 1


  1. less
  2. torrential
  3. copious

Correct Option: 2

 Question 4

Education sector is …….. those sectors that have benefitted immensely from the advent of computers and internet. Unlike the earlier times when the students had to take out time to visit the library and …….. through rows of books for hours and then collate the necessary information to prepare their notes, these days everything is just a click away. The time wasted in going to the library and searching and ……… important information can now be used in studying and learning the same. Distance learning has also been made easy with the help of computers. Students can now attend coaching and pursue courses via video lectures and online coaching. Computer and internet has also made it easier for the students to find out about the future …….. of various professions and choose ……… career path accordingly. Not just students, computers have also made things easier for the teachers. They also get all the information about all they require right on their computer screen. Knowledge sharing and ……… has also become much easier.


  1. among
  2. amongst
  3. None

Correct Option: 2


  1. surf


  1. surfed

Correct Option: 1


  1. collating
  2. disperse
  3. mix-up

Correct Option: 1


  1. prospecting
  2. prospect
  3. prospects

 Correct Option: 3


  1. there
  2. their
  3. Both 1 and 2

Correct Option: 2


  1. innovation
  2. innovative
  3. inventive

Correct Option: 1

 Question 5

Education must seek to establish and promote peace, security and justice, dignity and well-being of all. If education does not ensure these cherished goals, it is of no use. Education must help in the social and economic development and progress of the people. Similarly, the political rights of the people should be ensured through education. The safeguard of our culture, heritage and natural wealth also …………. on education. Peace and harmony in society too is dependent on education as it can help to generate …… scale awareness and respect of the great diversity that life on Earth is characterized by. Education is imparted formally in educational institutions. There should be no ………. and biases in the education system so that students from all social, cultural and economic backgrounds may have ………. to and benefit from education. If education is denied to the socially and economically backward, the development and growth of the nation will not be inclusive, but will remain ……… . Education helps in the all-round development of an individual. It helps in the mental and intellectual growth of a person. When education is accessible to all, society as a whole benefits greatly. The reach of education is an important indicator of a nation’s growth. Teachers …….. the backbone of the education system. Without teachers education cannot reach the children and the youth. The nation owes it to the teachers for the spread and advancement of education and knowledge. Teachers must therefore be respected and receive due appreciation.


  1. articulation
  2. articulate
  3. articulated

Correct Option: 3


  1. huge
  2. large
  3. big

Correct Option: 2


  1. prejudice
  2. prejudices
  3. None

Correct Option: 2


  1. access
  2. excess
  3. axis

Correct Option: 1


  1. skew
  2. skewing
  3. skewed

Correct Option: 3


  1. form
  2. forms
  3. formed

 Correct Option: 2





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