PayPal Interview Questions for Freshers
PayPal Interview Questions for 2022
This page contains latest PayPal Interview Questions and Answers. This includes technical interview questions for students for CS/IT as well as Non-IT (EEE, ECE, etc.,)
Page Highlights:
- PayPal Technical Interview Questions
- PayPal HR Interview Questions

Table of Contents
PayPal Technical Interview Questions
Question 1:- How does quicksort work?
Quick Sort is a regularly used sorting algorithm in computer science. A divide and conquer algorithm is Quicksort. It makes two empty arrays to contain elements less than the pivot value and elements more than the pivot value, then sorts the sub-arrays recursively. The method consists of two fundamental operations: swapping items in place and splitting a segment of the array. Quicksort employs a divide-and-conquer strategy. Using ‘pivot,’ it splits the list into smaller parts. The values that are less than the pivot are in the left partition, while the values that are bigger are in the right partition. Quicksort is used to recursively sort each division.
Question 2:- Write a program for finding all possible palindromic partitions of given string.
Question 3:- Write a code for doubly liked list.
Question 4:- How can AVL Tree be useful in all the operations as compared to Binary search tree?
The AVL tree regulates the height of the binary search tree by preventing it from becoming skewed. All operations in a binary search tree of height h require O time (h). However, if the BST gets skewed, it can be extended to O(n) (i.e. worst case). The AVL tree imposes an upper limitation on each operation of O(log n), where n is the number of nodes, by restricting its height to log n.
Question 5:- What is thrashing?
When a computer’s performance deteriorates or crashes, it thrashes. Thrashing occurs when a system spends more time handling page errors than completing transactions. While handling page faults is needed to obtain the benefits of virtual memory, thrashing is harmful to the system. The paging device must handle more transactions as the number of page faults increases. The backlog on the paging device builds, increasing the time it takes to resolve a page problem.
Question 6:- Explain insertion at nth position in Circular Linked List with help of a code.
Question 7:- What is an event loop?
In JavaScript, the event loop is essential for asynchronous programming. Although JS performs all actions on a single thread, it gives the impression of multi-threading by employing a few ingenious data structures. The call stack is in responsible of keeping track of all the activities that need to be done in the queue. A function gets removed from the stack after it completes. The event queue is in responsible of sending new functions to the track for processing. Using the queue data structure, it maintains the correct sequence in which all operations should be transmitted for execution.
Question 8:- Write a code for infix to postfix convertion.
Question 9:- What is RDBMS?
Relational database management systems are database management systems that keep data records and indexes in tables (RDBMS). Relationships may be built and maintained between and among data and tables. Tables are used in relational databases to represent connections between data items. Interdependencies between these tables are defined using data values rather than pointers. This provides you with a great deal of data independence. An RDBMS may aggregate data from several files, providing it with strong data-handling capabilities.
Question 10:- What is Node.js? Where can you use it?
Based on Chrome’s JavaScript engine, Node.js is a framework for quickly constructing fast and scalable network applications. It is best suited for non-blocking, event-driven servers due to its single-threaded nature.
Question 11:- What is the use of the debugger keywords in JavaScript?
The debugger keyword in JavaScript inserts a breakpoint into the code. The debugger stops the program’s execution where it is applied. We may now start the execution flow manually. If an exception occurs, the execution will be halted on that line.
Question 12:- Write a program for searching a node in binary search tree.
Question 13:- Give an example of shuffle() method?
The text or array that is sent to this function is shuffled. It shuffles the contents of the array. This technique is found in the random module. As a result, before executing the method, we must first import it. When the function is invoked, the items are shuffled and various outcomes are produced.
Question 14:- What is the purpose of static methods and variables?
The static methods or variables of the class are shared by all of the class’s objects. The static property is the property of the class, not the object. Because the static variables are kept in the class area, we don’t need to create the object to access them. As a result, when we need to define variables or methods that are shared by all of the class’s instances, we use static.
Question 15:- Write a code for finding lowest common ancestor in Binary Tree.
Question 16:- Write a code for finding lowest common ancestor in Binary Tree.
Question 17:- Write a code for checking the balance of parenthesis.
Question 18:- Write a code for checking the balance of parenthesis.
Question 20:- Write a code for deleting alternate nodes of a linked list.
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PayPal HR Interview Questions
Question 1:- What do you want to improve in yourself?
My most serious defect or failure is that I am easily distracted from my objectives. I am aware of this in myself, and I have made a conscious effort to plan my day and stay on track as much as possible.
Read more: What do you want to improve in yourself?
Question 2:- Do you have any Questions for me?
Inquiring about a typical workday shows that you are interested in the company and want to know how the staff spend their time. This is an excellent question for freshmen or those migrating to a new profile since it provides information about the role.
Read more at: Do you have any Questions for me?
Question 3:- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
At times, my opinions have been labelled as caustic or critical. Constructive feedback can help someone improve their skills or performance. Such, in recent months, I’ve attempted to filter my critique so that it is encouraging and useful rather than harsh or judgmental. This method has really aided me in gaining trust, respect, and fortifying professional connections.
Read more at: What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Question 4:- What are you expecting from this job?
I’d like to work on a range of projects with various teams in an environment that encourages me to grow beyond my current responsibilities. I’m searching for a career that will allow me to use my skills and experience while also allowing me to progress professionally and personally inside the organisation.
Read more: What are you expecting from this job?
Question 5:- How do you adapt to change?
As people, we must be able to adapt and operate in response to changing circumstances. My prior employer wanted me to migrate from manual data input to computer software that would do the work for me. As a non-technical person, I found it difficult to get used to the programme. I had one of my staff assist me in understanding the project, and I also conducted my own study on the technology in order to work with it and provide outstanding results.
Read more at: How do you adapt to change?
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