Insertion at Beginning in Doubly Linked list in C++
How to insert element at beginning in doubly linked list?
In singly linked list, we can move only in single direction because each node has the address of the next node only.But in doubly linked list there are two pointers, one of these pointers points to the next node and the other points to the previous node so we can move in both directions. A doubly linked list allow insertion at:-
- Insertion at the end of the list.
- Insertion in between the nodes.
- Insertion at the beginning.
Doubly link list definition in C++
struct Node { int Data; Struct Node* next; Struct Node* prev; };
Steps to insert element at beginning in doubly linked list in C++
1.) Allocate node.
2.)Put the data.
3.) Make next node as head and previous as null.
4.)Change previous of head node to the new node.
5.)Move the head to point the new node.
Algorithm for insertion at beginning in doubly linked list in C++
- IF ptr = NULL
- SET NEW_NODE = ptr
- SET ptr = ptr -> NEXT
- SET head -> PREV = NEW_NODE
- SET head = NEW_NODE
Program for insertion at beginning in doubly linked list in C++
#include<iostream> using namespace std; struct node { int num; struct node *preptr; struct node *nextptr; } *stnode, *ennode; void DlListcreation (int n); void DlLinsertNodeAtBeginning (int num); void displayDlList (); int main () { int n, num1; stnode = NULL; ennode = NULL; cout << "Enter the number of nodes : "; cin >> n; DlListcreation (n); displayDlList (); cout << " Input data for insertion at beginning : "; cin >> num1; DlLinsertNodeAtBeginning (num1); displayDlList (); return 0; } void DlListcreation (int n) { int i, num; struct node *fnNode; if (n >= 1) { stnode = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof (struct node)); if (stnode != NULL) { cout << " Input data for node 1 : "; // assigning data in the first node cin >> num; stnode->num = num; stnode->preptr = NULL; stnode->nextptr = NULL; ennode = stnode; for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) { fnNode = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof (struct node)); if (fnNode != NULL) { cout << " Input data for node " << i << ": "; cin >> num; fnNode->num = num; fnNode->preptr = ennode; // new node is linking with the previous node fnNode->nextptr = NULL; ennode->nextptr = fnNode; // previous node is linking with the new node ennode = fnNode; // assign new node as last node } else { cout << " Memory can not be allocated."; break; } } } else { cout << " Memory can not be allocated."; } } } void DlLinsertNodeAtBeginning (int num) { struct node *newnode; if (stnode == NULL) { cout << " No data found in the list\n"; } else { newnode = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof (struct node)); newnode->num = num; newnode->nextptr = stnode; // next address of new node is linking with starting node newnode->preptr = NULL; // set previous address field of new node is NULL stnode->preptr = newnode; // previous address of starting node is linking with new node stnode = newnode; // set the new node as starting node } } void displayDlList () { struct node *tmp; tmp = stnode; int n = 1; while (tmp != NULL) { cout << " node " << n << ": " << tmp->num << "\n"; n++; tmp = tmp->nextptr; // current pointer moves to the next node } }
Output: Enter the number of nodes : 5 Input data for node 1 : 11 Input data for node 2: 22 Input data for node 3: 33 Input data for node 4: 44 Input data for node 5: 55 Data entered in the list is : node 1: 11 node 2: 22 node 3: 33 node 4: 44 node 5: 55 Input data for insertion at beginning : 1 After insertion the new list is : node 1: 1 node 2: 11 node 3: 22 node 4: 33 node 5: 44 node 6: 55
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