C program for calculating the length of the string without using strlen() function
Length of the string without using strlen() function
In this article we will be learning about how to work with strings in C programming. This is one of the basic operation on String datatype to count it’s length without using any library functions so that we may understand how does library function eventually work.

Methods discussed
- Method 1: Standard method
- Method 2: Using pointers
- Method 3: Using Recursion Bottom-up
- Method 4: Using recursion top-down
Let’s look at the algorithm for length of string in C without strlen
- Initialize a variable ‘str’ , ‘i’ , ‘length’.
- Accept the value using ‘printf’ and ‘scanf’.
- Initiate a for loop.
- Terminate the loop when null(‘\0’).
- Print length.
C code for Length of the string without using strlen() function.
Method 1
#include <stdio.h> int main() { //Initializing variable. char str[100]; int i,length=0; //Accepting input. printf("Enter a string: \n"); scanf("%s",str); //Initializing for loop. for(i=0; str[i]!='\0'; i++) { length++; //Counting the length. } printf("\nLength of input string: %d",length); return 0; }
Enter a string:
Length of input string: 9Enter a string:
The time complexity of this code is O(n) and if you are using the build in function like strlen or length the time complexity will still be same O(n)
Method 2 – (Using Pointer)
- Initialize a variable ‘str’ , ‘i’ , ‘length’.
- Accept the value using ‘printf’ and ‘scanf’.
- call the function length_of_string and pass str as a parameter store this in length.
- in the function loop over the string and Terminate the loop when null(‘\0’).
- Print length.
#include <stdio.h> int length_of_string(char* p) { int count = 0; while (*p != '\0') { count++; p++; } return count; } int main() { char str[100]; int length; printf("Enter any string : "); gets(str); length = length_of_string(str); printf("The length of the given string : %d", length); return 0; }
Enter any string : Prepinsta The length of the given string : 9
Method 3 – (Using Recursion, bottom-up)
This method uses recursion in C.
We will discuss the method in two ways –
- Method 1: Using pointers
- Method 2: Sending the next array index location
Method 1
Method 2
Method 1
// this method uses top down recursion #include <stdio.h> int getLen(char* str, int len) { // if we reach at the end of the string if (*str == '\0') return len; // add 1 for current character // get the length for rest of the string after current character return getLen(str + 1, len + 1); } int main() { char str[] = "PrepInsta"; int i, length = 0; printf("Len: %d",getLen(str, 0)); return 0; }
Len: 9
Method 2
// this method uses top down recursion #include <stdio.h> int getLen(char str[], int len) { // when we reach end of the string if(str[0] == '\0') return len; // add 1 for current character // get the length for rest of the string after current character return getLen(str + 1, len + 1); } int main() { char str[] = "PrepInsta"; int i, length = 0; printf("Len: %d",getLen(str, 0)); return 0; }
Len: 9
Method 4 – (Using Recursion, top-down)
This method uses recursion in C.
We will discuss the method in two ways –
- Method 1: Using pointers
- Method 2: Sending the next array index location
Method 1
Method 2
Method 1
// This uses bottom up recursive approach #include <stdio.h> int getLen(char str[]) { // if we reach at the end of the string if (str[0] == '\0') return 0; // add 1 for current character // get the length for rest of the string after current character return 1 + getLen(str + 1); } int main() { char str[] = "PrepInsta"; int i, length = 0; printf("Len: %d",getLen(str)); return 0; }
Len: 9
Method 2
// This uses bottom up recursive approach #include <stdio.h> int getLen(char str[]) { // when we reach end of the string if(str[0] == '\0') return 0; // add 1 for current character // get the length for rest of the string after current character return 1 + getLen(str + 1); } int main() { char str[] = "PrepInsta"; int i, length = 0; printf("Len: %d",getLen(str)); return 0; }
Len: 9
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