Binary Operator Overloading in C++ (With Example Programs)

Binary operator overloading

Operator overloading is a compile polymorphic technique where a single operator can perform multiple functionalities. As a result, the operator that is overloaded is capable to provide special meaning to the user-defined data types as well. We can overload binary operators like +,*/, – etc to directly manipulate the object of a class.


Generally asked as –

Construct a program to illustrate binary operator overloading and explain in detail.


return_type::operator binary_operator_symbol(parameters){
    // function definition

Here the operator is a keyword and binary operator symbol is the operator to be overloaded.

Binary Operator Overloading in C++

Example 1

Objective: C++ Program to Add and subtract two complex numbers using Binary Operator Overloading

Here we will try to write a program and demonstrate how Binary Operator Overloading works –

In the below program we add/subtract two complex numbers

  • Complex Number 1(obj1): 7 + 5i
  • Complex Number 2(obj2): 3 + 4i

Operations done –

  • Operation 1: Obj1 + Obj2
  • Operation 1: Obj1 – Obj2
// Write a program to demonstrate binary operator overloading
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class complex 
    int a, b;

    void get_data(){
        cout << "Enter the value of Complex Numbers a, b: "; cin >> a >> b;
    complex operator+(complex ob)// overaloded operator function +
        complex t;
        t.a = a + ob.a;
        t.b = b + ob.b;
        return (t);
    complex operator-(complex ob)// overaloded operator function -
        complex t;
        t.a = a - ob.a;
        t.b = b - ob.b;
        return (t);
    void display(){
        cout << a << "+" << b << "i" << "\n";

int main() 
    complex obj1, obj2, result, result1;
    result = obj1 + obj2;
    result1 = obj1 - obj2;
    cout << "\n\nInput Values:\n";

    cout << "\nResult:";
    return 0;


Enter the value of Complex Numbers a, b: 7 5
Enter the value of Complex Numbers a, b: 3 4

Input Values:


Example 2

We will perform all mathematical operations on two objects obj1 and obj2

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
// C++ Program to perform mathemtical operations on two objects
// using Binary Operator Overloading
#include <iostream>   
using namespace std;

class Math  
    int num;  
    // setter to set value 
    void setValue(int val){
        num = val;
    // overloading + operator to add values in two objects
    Math operator + (Math &obj){  
        Math temp;  
        temp.num = num + obj.num;  
        return (temp);  
    // overloading - operator to subtract values in two objects
    Math operator - (Math &obj){  
        Math temp;  
        temp.num = num - obj.num;  
        return (temp);  
    // overloading * operator to multiply values in two objects
    Math operator * (Math &obj){  
        Math temp;  
        temp.num = num * obj.num;  
        return (temp);  
    // overloading / operator to divide values in two objects
    Math operator / (Math &obj){  
        Math temp;  
        temp.num = num / obj.num;  
        return (temp);  
    // display result value getter
    void getValue(){  
        cout << num;  
int main ()  
    // created objects obj1 and obj2 to perform mathematical operations on
    // created resObj to store results
    Math obj1, obj2, resObj;
    // accepting the values  
    cout << "Obj 1: ";
    cout << "\nObj 2: ";
    // assign result of obj1 and obj2 to resObj
    // addition
    resObj = obj1 + obj2;  
    cout << "\n\nObj1 + Obj2 : " ;  

    // subtraction
    resObj = obj1 - obj2;
    cout << "\nObj1 - Obj2 : " ;  

    // multiplication
    resObj = obj1 * obj2;  
    cout << "\nObj1 * Obj2 : " ;  
    // division  
    resObj = obj1 / obj2;  
    cout << "\nObj1 / Obj2 : " ;  
    return 0;     


Obj 1: 20
Obj 2: 10

Obj1 + Obj2 : 30
Obj1 - Obj2 : 10
Obj1 * Obj2 : 200
Obj1 / Obj2 : 2

Example 3

Adding the dimension of two Cube objects and printing the results for volume for the resultant cube

Cube 3 = Cube1 + Cube2

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Cube {
   double length;      // Length of a Cube
   double breadth;     // Breadth of a Cube
   double height;      // Height of a Cube
   double getVolume(void) {
      return length * breadth * height;
   void setDimensions(double len, double h, double b) {
      length = len;
      breadth = b;
      height = h;
   // Overload + operator to add two Cube objects
   Cube operator+(const Cube& c) {
      Cube temp;
      temp.length = this->length + c.length;
      temp.breadth = this->breadth + c.breadth;
      temp.height = this->height + c.height;
      return temp;

// Main function for the program
int main() {
    Cube cube1, cube2, cube3; // Declare 3 cube objects
    // setters for cube
    cube1.setDimensions(3.0, 3.0, 3.0); 
    cube2.setDimensions(5.0, 5.0, 5.0); 
    // print values of cube1 and cube2
    cout << "Volume of cube1 : " << cube1.getVolume() << endl;
    cout << "Volume of cube2 : " << cube2.getVolume() << endl;
    // Lets add two objects using binary overloading + operator
    cube3 = cube1 + cube2;
    // result
    cout << "Volume of cube3 : " << cube3.getVolume() << endl;
    return 0;


Volume of cube1 : 27
Volume of cube2 : 125
Volume of cube3 : 512

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