Wipro Technical Interview Questions
Wipro Technical Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers (2022)
Find Wipro Technical Interview Questions asked to freshers in the Wipro interview, on this page.
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- Wipro Technical Interview Questions
Wipro Recruitment Process
Wipro conducts two rounds in its recruitment process:-
- Online Assessment
- Aptitude Test
- Coding Test
- Interview
- Technical Interview
- HR Interview
You can find more about Wipro hiring patterns on this page:- Wipro Recruitment Process
Wipro Technical Interview Questions
Question 1:- What is the use of an IP address?
The use of IP addresses is to manage the connection between devices that are exchanging data over the internet.
Question 2:- What is the difference between primary key constraint and unique key constraint?
You can have multiple unique constraints in a table but only one primary constraint. Unique constraints allow for one null value but primary constraint does not allow any null value.
Question 3:- What Is the difference between Interface and Abstract Class?
Interface | Abstract Class |
Only abstract methods. | Both abstract and non-abstract methods. |
Cannot provide an implementation of abstract classes. | Can provide implementation of interfaces. |
Interface class can only have public members. | Abstract class an have private and protected members. |
Question 4:- What is a program counter?
A program counter is a register that contains the addresses of the instructions being executed. Every time an instruction is executed the program counter increases by one. When the system is restarted or reset the value returns to zero.
Question 5:- What is a Null object?
An object which has no referenced value is known as a Null object.
Question 6:- What is garbage collection in JAVA?
Garbage collection is an automatic process where the objects no longer in use are deleted from the heap memory.
Question 7:- What are literals in C++?
Literals are a data type in C++ used to indicate fixed values. Different types of literal:-
- Integers
- Floating Point literals
- Characters
- Escape Sequence
- String Literals
Question 8:- What is merge sort? What is its time complexity?
Merge sort is a sorting algorithm. It follows the divide and conquer approach where the array is divided into equal halves and then combined in a sorted manner. The unsorted list is divided into N sub-lists, each having one element.
Time Complexity:- Θ(n Log n)
Read More:- Merge Sort in C Programming
Question 9:- Difference between calloc and malloc.
calloc() | malloc() |
Assigns multiple blocks of memory to a single variable. | Creates a single block of memory of a specific size. |
It takes only one argument. | It takes two arguments. |
It is slower and has a low time efficiency. | It is faster and has a high time efficiency. |
Question 10:- What is the difference between RAM and ROM?
It stands for Random Access Memory. | It stands for Read Only Memory. |
Data in RAM can be altered. | Data in ROM cannot be altered. |
It is high speed memory | It is comparatively slow. |
Higher capacity. | Lower capacity. |
The data of RAM gets erased when the system is turned off. | Data on ROM is permanent. |
Question 11:- How will you sort the elements of an array in ascending or descending order?
// C program for implementation of selection sort #include void swap(int *xp, int *yp) { int temp = *xp; *xp = *yp; *yp = temp; } void selectionSort(int array[], int size) { int i, j, min_idx; // Loop to iterate on array for (i = 0; i < size-1; i++) { // Here we try to find the min element in array min_idx = i; for (j = i+1; j < size; j++) { if (array[j] < array[min_idx]) min_idx = j; } // Here we interchange the min element with first one swap(&array[min_idx], &array[i]); } } /* Display function to print values */ void display(int array[], int size) { int i; for (i=0; i < size; i++) { printf("%d ",array[i]); } printf("\n"); } // The main function to drive other functions int main() { int array[] = {50, 30, 10, 90, 80, 20, 40, 70}; int size = sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]); selectionSort(array, size); display(array, size); return 0; }
Question 12:- Write a program to check whether a number is a palindrome or not.
// Palindrome program in C #include // Palindrome is a number that is same if read forward/backward // Ex : 12321 int main () { int num, reverse = 0, rem, temp; num=11211; printf("The number is :%d\n",num); temp = num; //loop to find reverse number while(temp != 0) { rem = temp % 10; reverse = reverse * 10 + rem; temp /= 10; }; // palindrome if num and reverse are equal if (num == reverse) printf("%d is Palindrome\n", num); else printf("%d is Not Palindrome\n", num); } // Time Complexity : O(N) // Space Complexity : O(1) // Where N is number of digits in num
Method 1
//C++ Program to check whether a number is palindrome or not #include using namespace std; //main program int main () { //variables initialization int num, reverse = 0, rem, temp; num=12321; cout <<"\nThe number is: "<<num; temp = num; //loop to find reverse number while(temp != 0) { rem = temp % 10; reverse = reverse * 10 + rem; temp /= 10; }; // palindrome if num and reverse are equal if (num == reverse) cout << num << " is Palindrome"; else cout << num << " is not a Palindrome"; } // Time Complexity : O(N) // Space Complexity : O(1) // where N is the number of digits in num
public class Main { public static void main (String[]args) { //variables initialization int num = 12021, reverse = 0, rem, temp; temp = num; //loop to find reverse number while (temp != 0) { rem = temp % 10; reverse = reverse * 10 + rem; temp /= 10; }; // palindrome if num and reverse are equal if (num == reverse) System.out.println (num + " is Palindrome"); else System.out.println (num + " is not Palindrome"); } }
num = 1221 temp = num reverse = 0 while temp > 0: remainder = temp % 10 reverse = (reverse * 10) + remainder temp = temp // 10 if num == reverse: print('Palindrome') else: print("Not Palindrome")
Question 13:- How to remove duplicate rows in SQL?
SELECT [Name],
FROM [mydata].[dbo].[Employees]
GROUP BY [Name],
Question 14:- What is stored procedure? What are its advantages?
A stored procedure in SQL stores a query such that it can be reused simply by calling it.
- It is easy to maintain as multiple queries can be stored into one stored procedure.
- The stored procedure is reusable.
Question 15:- What is a binary search tree?
A binary search tree is a data structure tree that fulfills three conditions:-
- Left subtree contains all the nodes containing the values less than the root nodes.
- Right subtree contains all the nodes containing the values more than the root nodes.
- Each of the subtrees must be a binary tree itself.
Read More:- Binary Search Tree
Question 16:- Differentiate between arrays and linked lists.
Arrays | Linked Lists |
Same type of data is grouped together. | Collection of data objects known as nodes where node has two parts:- data and address. |
Elements in an array are independent of each other. | Elements in a linked list are dependent on each other . |
It stores elements in a contiguous memory location. | It stores elements randomly. |
Question 7:- How is a pointer declared?
data_type *var_name;
int k=5;
int *a;//declaring pointer
a=&k;//initialising pointer
Question 18:- Write a program to swap two numbers without using a third variable.
a=int(input(“Enter value : “)) b=int(input(“Enter value : “)) print(“Before swapping a :”,a) print(“Before swapping b :”,b) #logic to swap without using third variable a=a+b b=a-b a=a-b print(“After swapping a becomes :”,a)
Question 19:- Write a program to reverse an array.
Question 20:- Write a program to find the circular rotation of an array by K-positions.
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